Dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz
Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz
Chapter 3: The goblet of fire
After Lydia and her other companions from Nekoten got up the next morning, they came down from their assigned tower and went with Ayanami Sensei to leave their names on the goblet of fire.
The Japanese teacher watched the golden trio (Harry, Ron and Hermione) while she was in place, and the boys were uncomfortable with the penetrating gaze of the red-eyed Nekomata. They had the same feeling as when Dumbledore scanned them with his eyes to see if they were lying.
Lydia and Percy said goodbye to their friends from Hufflepuff and the golden trio once they had finished depositing their names and returned to their rooms.
“Surely Dumbledore learned that look with Nekoten's teacher," said Hermione seriously.
“You're right, I'll never get used to being scanned that way," said Harry as he rubbed his chest uncomfortably.
“They should ban that magic, it's a violation of privacy," grunted Ron.
Already in the afternoon the whole school had gathered in the great hall, waiting for the goblet of fire to make the champions of the tournament known. Blue flames dropped a piece of paper that was taken by Dumbledore.
“The champion of Beauxbatons is Miss Fleur Delacour," announced the director and sent the young lady to wait one floor lower.
Again the blue flames of the goblet threw another paper.
“The champion of Durmstrang is Mr. Victor Krum," Dumbledore announced forcefully.
They all waited for another paper to come out of the goblet and indeed the elder director announced the verdict of the goblet.
“The champion of Hogwarts... is Mr... Cedric Diggory.”
A thunderous applause rumbled in the great hall, but a school was still missing. However, the goblet took its time.
“What's wrong? Why doesn't the goblet give a name?” Harry asked.
“Surely they are so foolish that the goblet doesn't see anyone who is worth it," Ron said with sarcasm.
“Don't be stupid Ron, you may not have seen them with attention, every student looks like a leader in their own right, this time the goblet has it hard," Hermione said.
“Whom do you think the goblet will choose?” Mayu asked.
“Surely you. You are very powerful," said Sasana.
“My mother is the powerful one, I prefer to spend my time playing video games instead of studying, I'm sure it will be Himari or Kit, but Natsuki is also a dangerous rival.”
“Himary and Kit can destroy every one of them a fucking army or more, but Kyoukya has goddess blood in her," said Kitty.
“Natsuki, Sasana and I also have divine blood," Mayu said lazily, "and look at me...”
“Then it will be Melwin, she's the leader, she won't be a real killing machine, like Himari or Ballard, but she's the most reliable, remember when the principal, the vice-principal and Ayanami Sensei had to leave for an emergency, it was Melwin who was in charge of the school even though there were other teachers present," said Sylvia. In that moment the goblet threw the name of the last champion.
“And the champion... or rather the female champion of Nekoten is Miss Lydia Deetz.”
Another thunderous applause came from the pupils of Nekoten and Hufflepuff. Dumbledore and the golden trio also applauded the same as Neville.
Lydia, like the other chosen went to the lower floor where the other champions were gathered.
“Lydia, don't tell me you're a champion too! I'm glad it was you," said Cedric, happy that her former housemate has also been selected. After all, for the boy, Lydia was still a proud member of the Hufflepuff house.
“Thank you Cedric," Lydia said to him, and both of them proceeded to hug each other, then let go and shouted: "HUFFLEPUFF!”
The other champions looked at them in amazement, when Harry came in, with an expression as if he had been told that Snape was actually his biological father.
Harry was mumbling a few words when they heard loud cries and saw several teachers approaching furious arguing at the top of their lungs, only Nekoten's teacher remained with her characteristic unexpressive face which would be Snape's envy.
Harry swore and vowed that he had nothing to do with his choice as champion, but only Dumbledore believed him (well he and Lydia). The discussion grew in tone among the teachers but in the end it was accepted that Harry was the second Hogwarts champion. In that moment, several students from the different schools entered the classroom.
“What are you doing here?” Moody told them
“I'm sorry teachers but something has just happened," said a senior at Ravenclaw.
“And now what happens for love of Merlin," McGonagall exclaimed.
“The goblet of fire was deactivated...”
“We already know that the goblet was deactivated, there was no need to interrupt us for that reason," said Snape.
“Well, it turns out that it was activated again...”
All the teachers opened their eyes deeply.
“And selected a new champion," said a student of Slyterin.
“And who he is," asked Dumbledore, who seemed about to collapse.
At that moment a hand was raised in the crowd... Hermione Granger's hand.
Once again the chaos broke out and all the adults rushed upstairs, several students were pushed into the walls in the process, mainly by Snape who thought: “I will never again have a chance to do this in my life and without being reprimanded!”
“FILCH, FILCH WHAT HAPPENED!” Dumbledore roar.
The janitor did not provide more information than the students told him a minute ago.
“THREE CHAMPIONS DUMBLEDORE, THREE!” Madame Maxine shouted loudly.
Mr. Crouch looked as if he was in shock, only Bagman seemed to be enjoying the present chaos, as did Alba Roze.
The teachers kept on arguing and things got out of control when all of them (students and teachers) were beaten on each other, or at least they wanted to, since Professor Ayanami, who remained in unnatural calm the whole time, invoked a lightning bolt that pierced one of the castle walls.
“There are many people here” it was the only thing the Nekomata said and the teachers sent the students not selected by the goblet to their rooms.
The adults agreed not to argue and Crouch explained to the champions more details of the tournament, Bagman seemed to find himself in glory and finally sent the champions to sleep.
The next morning Hermione and Harry seemed to be the outcasts of the entire school, nobody at home was speaking to them and even some of the students from Ravenclaw and Slyterin (mostly from Slyterin) remembered their mothers very rudely. The boys were frightened when in one of the courtyards they were surrounded by the whole but the whole house of Hufflepuff...
“We want to hear your side of the story," Andrew Britton told them in a dry light.
“We don't intend to tell you anything," answered Harry, but Hermione begged him not to make them angry.
Harry explained what happened. They wouldn't believe them anyway....
“We believe you guys," said Tom Parkinon.
Harry and Hermione slammed their backs against the ground and then stood up and forced a smile on their faces, they said:
“What, really?”
“Of course, Lydia went to our common room and told us that she and Percy put their hands on the fire for you two lovebirds," said Suzane Clidford, winking at them.
“Emm... we are not loveb...”
“And if Lydia is willing to put her hands on fire for you.” Monica Judson interrupted them, “then we put chest wall for you, fools in love.”
“Listen... that we are not...”
“So don't worry," Cedric said to them, "we consider you our friends, don't we?, and why?”
“Because we are... HUFFLEPUFF FUUUCK!”
“Let's celebrate the three Hogwarts champions!” cried a chubby boy as he pulled off his tunic and waved it with his arm. Then the boys lifted Hermione, Harry and Cedric on their shoulders.
Hermione and Harry could not believe it; they looked very smiling and for a moment wanted to have belonged to the badgers from the beginning.
Lydia and Percy watched the scene from the top of one of the school windows, the boys' hands leaning against the cold stone of the open window, but their hands did not feel the cold, because the tail of both was intertwined with tenderness.