Dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz
Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz
Chapter 8: Curiosity killed the cat
Lydia and Percy learned from Hermione that Sirius was at Hogsmeade. The Griffindor, who did not want to be near Ron, joined the Nekoten to look for clues in the school in order to discover who was responsible for everything that happened in the tournament.
First they asked Ayanami Sensei, but she didn't talk much, then they went to Dumbledore, but they still didn't get much out of him, Lydia finally decided to transform herself into a mermaid and decided to talk to the newts, they informed her that the sea ropes that held the squid cage had been sabotaged, and that the squid had been fed with crustaceans that caused him to attack any female in his territory.
While at Sirius' shelter, Harry and Ron were briefed on Crouch and Karkarov.
“Anyone who practices the dark arts are evil, never forget it.”
“But Sirius, Lydia practices the dark arts and is my friend.”
“If she were your friend Harry, she wouldn't practice the dark arts.”
“Sirius, what are you saying, she was the one who helped you escape, without her we would not have succeeded.”
Sirius scratched his head and was somewhat uncomfortable.
“Sirius is right Harry, what if she was who put your name on the goblet and then put Hermione's name on it.”
“Ron, don't say that.”
“I'm sure, that's how she kills two birds with a single stone, surely the one-who-should-not-be-named told her to put your name on the goblet and also put the name of Hermione, since she is a muggleborn and is not pure blood, I'm sure that the one-who-should-not-be-named wanted to eliminate her for that reason.”
“You're unbelievable Ron, how can you believe that about Lydia?”
“Why, you ask me why? It's obvious Harry, she studies dark arts, plus look at her is strange, she's evil.”
“You shouldn't judge someone just by their appearance," said smiling Sirius, "but you're right that she can't be trusted one hundred percent.”
“She's not evil!” Harry shouted, "Lydia told me that in Japan things are different, you're not good or bad because of the magic you use, but because of the way you use it.”
“But before she went to that country she was already practicing the dark arts, didn't she, Harry? Ron said to him with an expression as if he were the wisest being on the planet and that he was absolutely right.”
Harry preferred to shut up, he did not want to argue with his friend or his godfather, since whatever he said would not convince them because they were so narrow-minded!
The days passed and the mystery remained unresolved. Just like last year, Dumbledore had to expand the clock of the Hufflepuff house scores; surely this year would also win the badgers.
Harry had nothing better to do (the champions were free to sit exams), was walking one day on the school grounds, when he saw Mr. Crouch lying on the floor and in apparent shock, he ran to the castle to get help, but Snape delayed him and when Dumbledore and Harry arrived, Crouch had disappeared.
Ron insisted that his older brother Percy had kidnapped Crouch so that he could keep his job, and bored Harry of his theory fell asleep in divination classes but dreamed of Voldemort and ran off to Dumbledore's office. There the director sent him to wait a moment until he returned, and Harry who was bored (the phoenix had not returned) snooping around the place until he found the director's pensieve and "accidentally" touched it.
Harry was very surprised to see that he was inside a memory, but his surprise was greater when he discovered that Karkarov and Snape were death eaters, and then he was surprised again when he discovered that Bagman could also be a death eater but was saved for lack of evidence. Harry also sees the trial in which Mr. Crouch condemns his own son, also known as Crouch, to azkaban. He also sees that in a hospital ward in St. Mungo, a man and a woman who are apparently insane whisper to an elderly woman.
“Harry must die, Harry must die, Harry must die...”
“The boy will die," said the woman with a severe expression, next to him was a very young child... Neville.”
“Daddy, Mommy, Harry's gonna die.” Harry almost had a heart attack.
Other memories showed events after the second trial, Dumbledore interrogated Choo! Who apparently declared that she would feed the squid something to kill Harry.
Another memory, the same office, but different interrogation, sitting in front of Dumbledore... Ginny! Choo's same plan, but with Hermione as the target.
Harry almost vomited the times he saw the last memories, but it wasn't over yet...
“Shit Charlie, you had to insist on bringing dragons, “It'll make it more interesting, maybe even the kid who lived will die",” said one man, mimicking Ron's older brother's voice.
“By the way, what's in your arm, why do you cover it, let me see...”
“Don't touch me!” the redhead shouted and left the place.
Ron's other brother, the one who worked for the goblins in the bank... looked at Harry's vault in greed. The boy couldn't take it anymore; he fell to his knees, as more memories appeared, more suspicious...
In the end he sees the memories of when he was chosen champion of Hogwarts, mad eye Moody believes that it would be the perfect opportunity to kill Harry and make it look like an accident, when they are interrupted with the news that Hermione was also selected as champion of the school, this time Harry could hear the conversation that the teachers had after they sent the students to their common rooms.
The students were going to their common rooms and he could see how an evil-looking Cat Boy smiled very satisfied with himself, he also noticed that the only adults who did not participate in the conversation of the other teachers were Bagman and Crouch. Bagman also smiled wickedly and Crouch seemed absent, a strange thing as he was responsible for the tournament with Bagman. Dumbledore turned around and asked:
“What do you think, Ayanami Sensei.”
The teacher spoke with an unnatural calm.
“Professor Moody is right about Potter," she said and kept quiet for several seconds, staring at mad eyes. Dumbledore frustrated, asked her again, this time about Hermione.
“Potter is extremely mediocre in extreme, as well as unintelligent and impulsive (Harry was angry with this), if he is alive is thanks to Granger Hermione.” She shut up again for several seconds and when Dumbledore wanted to ask her something, she continued:
“No one can touch Potter in Hogwarts and in his house he has the blood protection (Harry didn't understand this last one), the logical thing would be to kill Granger and thus Potter would run out of luck for a next attack.”
Then the teacher turned around and taking advantage of the fact that no one was looking at her, she dwarfed her pupils and said with a mad smile:
“I would do it...”
Harry shuddered and was discovered by his director. He makes some things clear to him and apparently Minister Fudge could also be involved, then Dumbledore sends Harry to sleep.
How the hell could he sleep! It was too much, he thought in his bed.
He remembered his first year at Hogwarts, thought Snape was the culprit and he wasn’t; then he entered the second year and thought Malfoy was responsible, but he was also wrong; the third year came and again a single suspect, which was Sirius, and he was wrong again.
He remembered how he swore that if the next time mysterious events happened, he would discard the main suspect and target the one who seemed most innocent. But now there were so many possible culprits that he lacked the fingers to count them, how many more Harry would have discovered if the director had not discovered him... maybe, McGonagall, Filch the janitor, maybe his parents faked their death and now they wanted to attack him! Even Mrs. Norris looked like a malevolent and murderous-minded being...
Harry laughed and held his head with both hands... he was going crazy.