Capítulo 2: Kalinin´s plan
A military transport helicopter was descending on the deck of Tdd-1. Once landed, the deck enveloped the entire heliport and the giant submarine descended to the depths.
Captain Teletha Testarossa guided Lydia and her friend Percy through the submarine, who were impressed by the size of the submarine.
“Why does Tdd-1 have that cetacean shape?” wanted to know Lydia.
“In this way," Tessa replied, "you get better radar camouflage and faster travel speed.”
Lydia was surprised because the torpedo shape of the submarines guaranteed a better stealth system against enemy radars and the speed of displacement increased, while the shape of the Tdd-1 contradicted Tessa's explanation.
The three of them arrived at Tessa's office and she better explained to them the whole issue for which she needed Lydia's help.
“Lydia, do you know the warrior?" asked Tessa.
“I heard about it on the news," Lydia replied, "it's a new virtual drug that came from Russia and is said to have no addictive effects.”
“Yes, it is a drug, however, it has a delayed addiction effect.”
“Delayed addiction?” Percy said.
“Even if the drug is shown to the public as harmless, its addiction does not manifest itself until six years after its use.”
“And why don't they give this information to the authorities?” Lydia asked.
“Lydia remember that the drug is not physical like cocaine or marijuana, this is software that can only be used by a person wearing a virtual reality helmet. In addition, there are several scientists who certify that the drug will not produce any addiction.”
“Scientists who are sure to be paid by whoever distributes the drug wholesale," Lydia said, "this happened with cigarettes at the time, at first the tobacco companies paid many scientists to ensure that the cigarettes did not cause lung or trachea cancer. It is also what happens with scientists who say that there is no climate change because of global warming, that everything is global paranoia.”
“That's right, the situation with this drug is in limbo. As a drug it is not accepted by society, but since it has no immediate addictive effects, it is also accepted. In legal matters, the same thing happens, there is no political will to deal with this issue in Spain.”
“I read that it is in Spain, where the highest consumption of this virtual drug occurs," said Lydia.
“Exactly, Spain alone represents ninety-eight percent of consumers, and that's not the most serious thing," said Tessa, frowning this time, "it seems that the profit from the commercialization of this drug is used to acquire the latest generation of combat mechas.”
“And those mechas, do they have a buyer country?” wanted to know Lydia.
“I'm also worried about that, because Spain is the recipient of the mechas. However, I haven't told you the worst part yet.”
There was a pause and Tessa continued.
“I already explained to you about the force field technology that our mechas have, well, only one of our mechas actually has such technology. Before, one of our enemies also had this technology and that was the end of the matter, but now there were many mechas with this technology.”
“That's where this organization comes in, which you told me about," said Lydia, "you called it OpMithril.
“We don't know if a country or organization is behind OpMithril. We only know that it is engaged in the warrior drug trade and the acquisition of mechas with force field technology. I'm very worried, because not only is it very bad that we're outdone in technology, but also the enemy seems to know our moves ahead of time, it would seem like magic," said Tessa, looking at Lydia nervously.
Percy wanted to intervene but Lydia asked him for a moment to think.
“Do you know what the enemy's magical capacity is?” Lydia asked.
“Apparently they know where Mithril is going to attack one of his bases, aspects more complicated than that are unknown to them. There is no "magic eye" or "magic listening" that could be watching or listening to us at the moment, nor do they know the type of attack strategy we are using or the number of units, whether mechas or infantry.”
“Then," Lydia concluded, "the enemy can only "read" the intention to attack a particular geographic area.
“It looks that way.”
“There's nothing you Tessa can do?” Percy asked.
“Because the enemy was always ahead of us, it was NATO that put its good offices into this.”
“What do you mean, Tessa?” Lydia asked.
“As the enemy can "read" our movements, it was NATO that put an undercover agent into OpMithril, and we received information that this element needs to be rescued. NATO cannot intervene at the moment so our help is needed, unfortunately NATO does not know for sure where his agent is, that is where you Lydia comes in. I'm not sure what kind of magic you can use, but anything can help us with this.”
“You didn't know what powers Lydia had and yet you called her?” Percy said strangely, so Tessa looked embarrassed.
“Relax, Tessa, it is up to me to find the NATO agent," Lydia reassured her.
“Thanks God,” said Tessa, “and tell me Lydia, what kind of magical powers do you have?”
“Let me answer Lydia," asked Percy, which Lydia accepted.
“She can see people's aura and other things like trees, to see if they are good or bad; she can communicate with ghosts; she can read tarot cards perfectly; and she can summon a magical tsunami to finish off the enemy," Percy happily listed. Tessa was impressed.
“But Tessa, I can't block the enemy's magic. How will you rescue the man once I finds out where he is?”
“Kalininin came up with a plan. We'll attack an enemy base, of course it'll be a decoy. The real target will be attacked by our vacationers.”
“Vacationers?” Percy said.
“We'll put our best men in a luxury resort near the real target. NATO cannot attack, but it can transport its mechas to a nearby location. I'm sorry to deceive my men like this, but it's the only solution.”
“I understand," said Lydia, "the enemy will "read" the false attack, while the real operation will go unnoticed by them or at least until the last moment, so you can rescue the NATO agent.”
“I don't want to do this... Every mission should always give the men the respective information and strategy they will use, but for the rescue... they will go without any of that... It will be like sending them on a suicide mission," said Tessa as she clenched her fists against her thin thighs.
Lydia got up and sat down next to Tessa and hugged her next.
“Shuuu, don't worry, everything will be all right.”
Tessa was very surprised because she had never received such a show of affection in her entire life, but in the end she also hugged Lydia to calm herself.
“Do you want to see something fun?” She asked Tessa.
“What do you mean, Lydia?”
“See, Percy's no ordinary guy, he's actually a cat boy.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“A cat boy, Percy is a catboy.”
“With hair and stuff?”
“I'm no furry creature! I don't have a cat-shaped, hairy face, cat eyes, moustache or cat paw," Percy said.
Percy then pulled out her ears and cat's tail, so Tessa was very impressed.
Tessa went to caress Percy's ears, as well as his tail, making the cat boy laugh at the tickling. In the end, all of Tessa's worries were taken away from her.
“Thanks a lot Lydia, Percy, I feel much better now.”
“And tell me, Tessa, when do you want me to start?”
“That will take a week, first I have to give my subordinates mandatory leave after you discover the location of the agent.”
“And the agent who should I contact?”
Tessa went to her desk and pulled a file cabinet out of one of the drawers and handed it to Lydia.
“Utis Otonashi, is that his name?”
“That's the name they gave me Lydia.”
“Otonashi means 'nameless' in Japanese, and Utis comes from Greek mythology and means 'nobody'," Lydia said strangely as she looked at a photograph of the agent. You could say that the man was the typical 999,999 in a million, the perfect appearance to go unnoticed, something that was very important if your job is espionage.
“It says here, 'Utis, the iron,'" said Percy.
“No idea why they call him that," admitted Tessa, raising her shoulders.
“I'm hungry," Percy suddenly interrupted the two girls' conversations about Utis' title, "we're on a submarine, aren't we? I want fish and seafood!”
The two girls looked at Percy in surprise and then laughed.
“Relax, Percy," said Tessa as she wiped away a tear, "now we'll go to the dining room to get something to eat, but I'm afraid there are only typical rations for a military submarine in Tdd-1.”
Percy made a sad face but Tessa assured him that she would send for Lydia and Percy with several delicacies.
“Thank you very much Tessa," Lydia thanked her, "but could you do me a favor, don't tell anyone about Percy's catboy nature.”
“Don't worry Lydia, I won't tell anyone, in fact neither you nor Percy are on any of Mithril's records, and therefore neither does NATO know that you are here.”
“What a relief, but how will you explain our presence to your subordinates?”
“Apart from me, only Kalinin and Mardukas know the nature of your presence, we told the others that you were the daughter of a wealthy client we had in the past, we made up a whole story to justify your and Percy's presence on the ship. I only ask that you not engage in any unnecessary conversations with anyone on the ship, to safeguard your safety and that of your family, if you have any doubts do not hesitate to look for me, we have already prepared an entire space inside the TDD-1, so that you feel at ease and do not deci”de to wander around the ship.”
Thanks Tessa, I promise to keep a low profile, you do too, don't you, Percy?”
“Sure Lydia, one could never get bored in your company.”
Lydia's cheeks were red with silver.
"He even blushes differently than the others," thought Tessa. "So perfect, I wonder if she's really human."
“Don't worry," said Tessa, "the spaces I reserved for you are very spacious and you'll find everything you need to not get bored, you'll see, you won't have the slightest desire to go and explore the submarine on your own.”
“Thanks Tessa," said Lydia, "I hope that in the time we are here we will become friends... well, if that's what you want.”
“Of course I want to! I mean, I don't really have many friends as captain... it intimidates people and creates a barrier between me and them.”
“I don't have many friends either... Because of my gothic costume.”
“Well," said Percy as he put his hands behind his neck, "now you can say you have a friend and of course I'm not painted, I assure you that you can always count on me.”
The two girls smiled and Tessa took her new friends to the ship's dining room.
This crossover fanfic is for fans of Lydia Deetz (Winona Ryder), Gothic princess of the big screen and cartoons. If you didn't see the film, I recommend you to do it, which is one of the best films Tim Burton made (batman 1 and 2, a nightmare before Christmas, the bride's corpse, etc.).
Percy the Black Cat, Lydia's pet, belongs to the American-Canadian cartoons of the Ellipse and Nelvana companies, but Percy, the CAT CHILD, is a work that comes from my two previous fanfics: Lydia Deetz and the house's ghost, and Lydia Deetz and the hawaiian ghost. They are re-tellings of the movie Beetlejuice and the script of what should have been the sequel that was never made.