Capítulo 5: Tessa's runaway
The TDD-1 sailed deep in the ocean, surrounded by the ever-present darkness of the marine abysses, a darkness that was only comparable to the grief of Kalinin and Mardukas.
“I knew from the beginning that this day would come," Mardukas said sadly in his office, "but that doesn't make it any easier. Isn't there anything you can think of?”
Kalinin shook his head as he offered Mardukas a drink.
Mardukas looked at the picture of British General Montgomery. Montgomery, more a monk than a soldier, was characterized by his iron discipline and it was he who defeated the famous German general "the desert fox", in short, he was the model to be followed by Mardukas, in fact Montgomery was the same as he did not smoke or drink.
“You Russians drink too much.”
“Same as the British, let's have a drink is what you need right now.” He offered Kalinin again, but Mardukas shook his hand.
Kalinin drank his drink and relaxed more in his seat.
“With the world being held hostage by the UN Security Council, it was necessary to establish Mithril," said Mardukas as he removed his cap, "the UN Human Rights Council is made up of several countries that are the ones that most violate the human rights of their people... It is a shame.”
“The UN was inefficient as an international police force," Kalinin said as he hardened his face, "just look what happened in the former Yugoslavia or Syria.”
“I didn't think our captain's older brother was involved with the new drug warrior and the new force field mechas," Mardukas groaned.
“And that's not the worst of it," Kalinin said as he hurried his drink and filled another glass, "Leonard is being financed by the UN itself.”
In the official dining room of the ship, the hard mercenaries of Mithril, ate as they pleased, although from time to time, they gave furtive looks to the table in the background where three individuals were enjoying an aperitif and conversed in a low voice.
“There comes Utis," Lydia pointed to Tessa, making the captain blush a little.
“Even though he's "insufferable" you already get along with him, huh?” Percy said funny, and Tessa blushed more.
“All right," said Utis with a wide smile, "a meal with two beautiful women, I must be in heaven.”
“I heard that phrase on TV," Percy said, smiling back at him.
“People call me The iron, not Mister originality, Felix.”
The four guests enjoyed the meal and enjoyed a pleasant conversation, but Utis noticed something.
“Emm, why do all these guys look at me like like I'm the dinner of the day, I don't go for those tastes you know, I prefer girls, even if they're muscular like these annoying ones.”
Lydia suppressed a laugh and Percy explained the situation of Tessa's subordinates to him, as the captain sighed in frustration.
“So envy, uh, this is the first time this has happened to me. But what a bunch of cretins," Utis suddenly said, not bothering to lower his voice, so all the men looked at him frowning.
"So tell me Tessa," said Utis, "you feel isolated with these guys and their attitude, so I guess not even one of these guys is your boyfriend.”
“Well, you remember Sergeant Sousuke Sagara.”
“Yeah, he's the one who took me to TDD-1. Is he your boyfriend?”
“No, well, actually he's interested in another girl, she doesn't work for Mithril, but she's a student in Japan. They met when Sergeant Sagara had to go on a surveillance and protection mission," Tessa said with a somewhat sad look on her face.
“Did you have feelings for him?” Lydia asked worried.
“You proposed to him?” wanted to know Percy.
“Yes, I proposed to him, but as you can see, in the end I didn't achieve anything, in fact even he is intimidated by my rank... the same as the others.”
“Well," Utils said, "if he, like all the other morons on this ship, are so ashamed, it's best that you don't even think about them, believe me, they're not worth it.”
“Then I'll be alone forever.”
“Don't say that, Tessa," Lydia said worried, "you're wonderful, I'm sure you'll find someone.”
“Are you sure?”
“Lyra's right," Percy said, "you just have to find someone who isn't intimidated by your rank as captain, who isn't ashamed to say your name. Whether he's a savage or a shy one, if the guy insists on talking to you, don't let him go, stick with him like a filthy tick!”
“And when will I find someone like that?” Tessa replied with a look of frustration, and both Lydia and Percy pointed their faces at Utis, causing Tessa to be surprised.
“Why not,” said Utis, “at the end of the day I am a free agent.”
Tessa looked at him with a frown.
“And I wasn't joking," Utis said quickly, "I really think you're very pretty... the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life.”
Tessa looked at Utis in surprise, as did Lydia, Percy and everyone in the dining room who were stretching their necks so they wouldn't miss the conversation.
“Ahem, ahem," Lydia gracefully cleared her throat to tell her friends that everyone was listening to them.
The mercenaries turned their attention back to their respective food dishes, trying to hide as best they could, although it was too late.
“I can't believe how dumb they think you are," Utis frowned at Tessa. “Well, if I found a girl with the brains and the heart like you have, Tessa, I wouldn't let her go either. Yeah, I know how you care about your subordinates, you're great. So Tessa, you and listen to me, I like you.”
“…What!” shouted Tessa and all the men in the dining room.
“You'd better go somewhere more private to talk about all this," Lydia advised them, while Percy laughed his head off.
Utis without giving Tessa time to react, grabbed her by the hand and they left the place quickly.
“Thank you Lira, Felix... I'll see you later!”
Tessa still couldn't believe what was happening, watching Utis as she tried not to stumble in the fast race.
“Wait a bit, we're almost there," Utis said as he took Tessa to a somewhat more private sector of the ship.
“What is this place?” said apprehensive Tessa when Utis stopped at nothing less than Tessa's cabin.
“I thought no one in this place would eavesdrop on us or come in without warning, or would you rather go to my cabin?” Utis said with a mischievous smile.
“No, no, it's okay here," Tessa replied very quickly.
The two of them came in and sat facing each other. Utis was relaxed but with a determined look, while Tessa was very tense and grabbed her nervous skirt.
“Well Tessa, don't keep me in suspense, tell me something.”
“What could I tell you, this is all so sudden.”
“I'm sorry to bring this up, but... when you were interested in Sagara, didn't you imagine things would happen quickly?”
“...Well, yes... I guess so.”
“I know people should take things easy, but if there's one thing I've learned in my line of work, it's that you can die at any time. It's not good to put things off and more importantly, you shouldn't lie to yourself... I like you Tessa.”
“Is it so bad what you're doing?”
“Hollywood, It's brainwashed them all. To make it easier for you to understand, let's say that I do the work of Severus Snape in the Harry Potter books.”
Tessa was shocked to learn that Utis risked his life every time in secret meetings with very dangerous individuals.
“Calm down, I'm just an ordinary spy, I don't do double agent or even triple agent jobs, believe me, those who do something like that don't last long. Mine is more like someone who nobody sees or cares about, you won't believe what people say out loud without noticing that I'm right next to them.”
“But it's not all about listening, is it?”
“Well Tessa, there are times when I have to sneak into places where I'm not supposed to be, to take pictures of documents and stuff, but nothing more dangerous than that... Well, okay, I had a few dangerous situations, but that hardly ever happens. The work of a spy is very similar to that of a private detective, that is to say, very boring, you have to wait for hours for a guy to leave his office so that you can get in there or know his travel routine and then follow him to his destination and start the cycle again.”
“Good to know," said Tessa more relieved, "I love having you as a friend, but I don't know if I should hurry.”
“Donn´t worry Tessa, I'm waiting for you, I also love being your friend and I want you to know that you don't need to carry the captain's weight by yourself, if you have any questions you know where to find me.”
Having said that, Utis got up and leaned over the table and leaned over to Tessa and kissed her on the cheek, then said goodbye to her and left the cabin.
“Utis," said Tessa, red as a tomato.
In the afternoon, Kalinin and Mardukas had a secret meeting with Utis.
“Have you made up your mind?” Utis asked them.
“We'll tell her tonight," Mardukas said, "there's no point in trying to put things off, even if the blow will hurt, it has to be done.”
“Mithril can't fight against everyone," Kalinin said, "the UN wants to keep his status as an international police force, a group like ours damages his aspirations.”
“Not to mention the fact that a lot of money is involved," Utis cut him off.
“Mithril is more involved in countries where human rights are violated," said Mardukas, "countries that make up the UN Human Rights Council. All these problems could be avoided, but the five permanent members of the UN Security Council always sabotage the vote intended to help innocent civilians.”
“The United States, the United Kingdom, and France always vote against Russia and China, or vice versa," Utis said this time, "that's what happened with Libya, Syria, and other parts of the globe.”
“NATO feels pressured by Russia's domination of Europe, and now that China is powerful, things are worse in the whole global context," Kalinin said, "if we succeed in the plan to destroy Leonard's operations, NATO will become the new international police force.”
“But to do so will mean Mithril's disbanding," said Mardukas dryly, "in the end, they just want us to do their dirty work for them... then they'll get rid of us.”
“We are just a group of mercenaries with other ideals besides money," Kalinin intervened, "in the end, our captain's wishes were just a dream.”
“Is that true?” Suddenly a voice came from behind the door that was ajar, in the end it was all a silly dream, a girl's dream.
The three men rose to their feet at lightning speed but no one stepped to the door.
“Captain...” was trying to say Mardukas in a dry voice.
“Testarossa...” said Kalinin in turn.
“Tessa” Utis whispered.
“Shut up!... of all the people I hate the most... that's you Utis, you're the worst!”
The three men heard Tessa running away from the place in a hurry.
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