Translation done with DeepL and my humble knowledge of English. Forgive any errors in grammar and punctuation, thank you.
Hello, this work is not intended to be an extensive thesis on Gothic culture. The Gothic can be understood as a very extensive sub-culture with several sub-classifications, so many that they even clash in aesthetics, musical tastes, philosophy and so on. As far as covering everything that refers to the Gothic from its origins to the present day would comprise many chapters.
Just in this place I will show the first women who appeared on the big screen and on TV, be it these real action plays or cartoons. Not all of them, only the first ones or those who drink from pre-Gothic influences such as Edgar Allan Poe's poems or other references.
Why cinema and TV? I'm sure you're wondering. It turns out that although Gothic culture has been influenced from the dawn of the fall of Rome, through the Renaissance and Gothic architecture, the novel the castle of Otranto, the Victorian era, the novels of Dracula and Frankenstein. It is with cinema and television that this culture took its most aesthetic aspects and with which it is related today, at least in the imagination of the general population.
Forgive me, but I'm going to be a purist. Gothic culture emerged as such in the United Kingdom first and almost at the same time was followed by the United States.
In the United Kingdom, the aesthetics of post-punk music would give rise to Gothic rock in the early 1980s and it was in July 1982 that the Batcave Club in London welcomed this sub-culture that was then called: batcavers.
In the United States, with only months of delay and not derived, but parallel to what was happening in the United Kingdom, the aesthetics of death-rock music would originate Gothic rock in New York, its members and fans being called: Gothic.
It is for this reason that I take the year 1982 as a reference. Anything that comes after this year would be called Gothic proper. And everything before 1982, no matter how much it influenced the Gothic culture, I will call it pre-Gothic.