Fairuza Balk is the stage name of Fairuza Alejandra Feldthouse, born in the United States in 1974.
From the age of six he participated in small roles in both North America and Europe, eventually becoming the star of major productions such as the disturbing Disney sequel to the Wizard of Oz: Return to Oz; or the star of the TV series: The Worst Witch. However, her fame would come with the film: The craft, on May 3, 1996.
In the film The Craft, Fairuza Balk plays Nancy Downs, a Gothic teenager who is the leader of her group of friends, who discover that a newcomer to the school where they study is the key to their magical powers. Once the quartet of girls is formed, they begin to perform magical rituals that work, the most spectacular of which is to heal the severe burns of one of the members played by the beautiful actress Neve Campbell.
Since the original trio of friends were bullied by the rest of the school, they decide to take revenge and misuse their powers, which is censored by the newcomer.
There is a confrontation and Nancy is defeated along with her two friends, who end up losing their powers, a fate not as bad as Nancy's, who went mad and is now locked up in a psychiatric hospital.
Although the original trio of friends can be classified as Gothic, it is Nancy Downs, who stands out more for her clearly Gothic attire than her friends who wear them in a much more concealed way.
Nancy Downs' clothing leaves aside the pre-Gothic costumes worn by as many actresses as Vampira, Morticia, Lily or Elvira; it also departs from the classic Gothic dress created by Winona Ryder for her Lydia Deetz character.
Nancy Downs has a more modern look that is accompanied by make-up on her face, in short, the modern image that society has of Gothic people today.
There were probably actresses who played Gothic roles in television or movies in the eight-year period from Lydia Deetz and Elvira's films to The Craft. However, I consider Fairuza Balk to be the third first Gothic princess, since the film The Craft (art) was so successful that it definitively cemented society's concept of Gothic.
The spells that girls practice are strongly inspired by Wicca, a neo-pagan religion. In fact, in Wicca it is called knowledge and magical rituals: The Craft.
The film The Craf was so successful that it was the inspiration for the famous television series Charmed in 1998, in which the famous actress Alyssa Milano would participate.
Fairuza Balk, not only did she play a dark character with Nancy Downs. In later roles she always looked for such characters since she is Gothic in real life.
Final curious note: And so I end this work, right in chapter 13.... May you have sweet nightmares.