Chapter 11: A visit to Hogsmeade, a duel of swords and unexpected decisions
Sakura was depressed by Syaoran´s behavior and did not feel like eating anything.
“It's been two weeks and he is still annoying," explained Sakura to her friends.
“I never thought Li was that kind of person," Tomoyo said.
“Since he is the only son of the Li family, I suppose he is a bit spoiled," Meiling said.
“And how's your relationship with Cedric, Meiling?” Ginny asked, trying to change the subject.
“Wonderful, could not be better," Meiling said, but seeing the sad expression of Sakura decided to explain something else. “Well, I had a couple of run-ins with Choo, but I put her in her place.”
“You didn't fight with her, did you?” said Rika, a little worried.
“No, not at all, I did what you told me Rika, I didn't resort to violence.”
“What did Choo also like Cedric?” Hermione asked.
“Hermione, you don't know anything about it, of course Choo liked Cedric, it was obvious a mile away. And from what Meiling told me Choo behaved like a harpy.”
“And how did you handle it, Meiling?”
“I gave hiera few cookies to eat and she grew nostrils, Cedric found it very funny and Choo got angry with him. Now Cedric and I are a couple.”
“I told the twins not to sell you their crap!”
“Quiet Hermione, they didn't do it, I was inspired by her invention and transformed her pills into biscuits of Chinese fortune, Choo fell round.”
“Syaoran also deserves to eat those cookies too," said Sakura painedly.
A”nd after that Sakura? You can't be with someone who is so possessive, it would hurt you in the end," Hermione said.
“Mmm... You're not the best person to give that advice, Hermione.”
“What do you mean, Ginny?”
“Because your case is the same as Sakura, Ron does not respect you, he only sees you as an object of which he can dispose at will, you are like his toy, the toy of a spoiled child who does not tolerate that someone even looks at it.”
Hermione remained mute and was about to answer in a bad way to the redhead but in that Sakura intervened.
“Is Ron possessive too?”
“Well, I know that sometimes he behaves badly but...”
“But nothing, my brother is not good for you Hermione, it hurts me because I speak of my brother, but it is the truth.”
“What if we go to Hogsmeade tomorrow," Rika said nervously.
“Rika is a wonderful idea, what if we all go girls," said Tomoyo.
In the end all the girls decided to go to town to spend an afternoon just for girls and forget about their problems.
Hogsmeade was more picturesque than ever and the girls had fun as they had never had before, throwing away all the stress accumulated during the year. Why the hell did they need men, if female friendship was stronger than romance with someone who was actually an asshole?
After an afternoon of shopping, strolls and so on, the girls returned to school very happy because they would not have classes tomorrow.
Sakura and her friends were having breakfast and chatting when Professor Flitwick came running towards them.
“Miss Kinomoto, it's an emergency!”
“What's happening, professor!” Sakura exclaimed as she saw the worried face of her teacher.
“It's Miss Sasaki, it looks like she's been possessed by a clow card.”
“Rika, can't be! Now I understand why she and Tomoyo didn't go to breakfast," said Sakura and went running to the common room of Ravenclaw.
When she arrived, she saw that the whole room was destroyed; it seemed that someone tore it apart using a sword.
“Sakura!” Tomoyo shouted
“Tomoyo, what happened?”
“Rika was possessed by a clow card and with a sword shattered the place, then went to the quidditch camp and there she is waiting for you.”
“Is she waiting for me?”
“Apparently she wants to challenge you in front of the whole school, the principal Dumbledore and other teachers wanted to stop the card, but this made Rika attack the first year students, you have to go Sakura and save Rika!”
“Don't worry Tomoyo, I'll take care of rescuing our friend.”
Sakura arrived at the quidditch camp, in that place Rika and the clow card were waiting for her.
“Sakura you must attack Rika with the Thunder card!” Syaoran shouted to her
“You're crazy! I won't hurt Rika.”
“She'll be all right; the important thing now is that you get the clow card back!”
“Will she be all right? You and Ron stayed in the infirmary for a week and your treatment was painful because of the magic effect of the card!”
“Sakura, sacrifices must be made if we want to recover all the clow cards.”
“No, Rika didn't ask for this, she never asked to be possessed by a clow card, and she never had the mission to retrieve the clow cards unlike us.”
“You don't see that the faster you retrieve the clow cards, the faster we'll go home.”
“Is that what you're worried about? Having to get rid of your chores," said a staggering Sakura.
“Watch out Sakura!” Harry yelled at her and Sakura came out of shock dodging Rika's attack at the last second.
Sakura did not know what to do, some students shouted for her to attack the girl and others asked her to do everything possible to save her, the rest of students only shouted words of encouragement. Sakura had an inspiration and decided to use the card Illusion; with it she could distract the clow card and without harming Rika could catch the card: The Sword.
Dumbledore ordered that they take Rika to the infirmary since she had fainted, Sakura and her friends followed her, Hermione had stayed behind and shouted to Ron for supporting Syaoran.
The nurse allowed the girls to stay next to the patient on the condition that they didn't wake her up, after an hour Syaoran became nervous.
“What do you want, Syaoran?” Sakura asked him.
“You know that the most successful decision was the one that I said to you Sakura, if you had not used the Illusion card, sure...”
“You mean the right decision for you. I'd like to argue with you but I won't and for two reasons: first, the nurse would get us out of here; and second, I'm not interested in having anything to do with you anymore, I'm sorry for your sisters and your mother Li, they'll be disappointed, but we are done.”
“Sakura... what do you say...”
“Your mother is right Li," Meiling said to him while she was struggling not to cry, “you need to mature, accept what Sakura said to you and leave her alone.”
The boy, seeing the looks of disdain and disappointment on the part of the girls, withdrew crestfallen. Hermione came in and gave him a hateful look, Syaoran hurried out of the infirmary.
Hermione sat next to her friends and started crying.
“Hermione, what's going on?” Tomoyo asked her worried.
“I finished with Ron... It's all over...”
“I'm really sorry, Hermione, but I'm sure it's for the best” Ginny comforted her.
Sakura embraced Hermione and she was surprised, Sakura surely suffered more than her but still tried to console her, Hermione began to cry and the same Sakura did.