Chapter 12: Two pairs of green eyes, a giant tanning, a shower of petals and shy looks
It had passed a couple of days and both Sakura and Hermione had recovered and they no longer thought for nothing of the two idiots they had before as a boyfriends. Sakura one afternoon after finishing the exams, made her way towards the lake and decided to stroll along the shore, the giant squid tanned happily the tentacles, while the twins tempted their luck by piercing them.
“Hey, leave the poor squid alone.”
“Let's go, Fred, the other Lady Rules will punish us.”
“You said it George, we'd better leave before her twin comes along.” Saying this, the twins left laughing.
“Humm, I'm sure they think they are very funny, but they aren't," said Sakura tor herself and raising her shoulders.
“I don't know, sometimes they have their good moments," said Harry.
“Harry, I didn't know you were here," said a surprised Sakura.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, again...”
“Yeah, I remember, I also remember that the squid saved us that time.”
“Do you want to go for a boat ride Sakura?”
“No, if I fall again, the poor squid would have to give up his tan and I would feel guilty.”
“I would save you, now I know how to swim, of course I am not very good but I could rescue my damsel in distress.”
“So I would be your damsel.”
“If you allow me...”
“I could do it, it all depends if the swimmer has good arms, you need strong arms to rescue someone.”
Harry approached Sakura and hugged her tenderly.
“Do they seem strong enough to you?”
“It is also necessary to have a strong look so that the rescued one does not get scared.”
Harry looked at Sakura.
“With those green eyes you will cause the damsel to drown.”
“And with those green eyes of yours you will also cause the swimmer to drown.”
“To drown in our feelings, in our joy...”
The two boys' faces were getting closer and closer... And they shared their breath in the tender embrace of their lips and then parted to make the sweet embrace warmer this time.
The two boys felt that their waists were caressed.
“Harry, don't...”
“But Sakura, you are doing it...”
“What! It’s not me.”
“Neither do I!”
The boys noticed that the squid tentacles left their waists and settled on the heads of the two boys.
“I don't think we should have come this close," Harry said.
“It seems to me that he is congratulating us for clarifying our feelings," Sakura said smilingly.
Both laughing boys escaped from the squid and headed for the castle. Sakura clutched herself flirtatiously to the boy’s arm, in that a shower of petals descended on the whole castle, and both teachers and students looked astonished.
“Shush” She shut him up and kissed him as the shower of petals fell on them. The Flower card, descended next to them and Sakura grabbed it between her hands.
“You know, the Forest and Flower cards are among the gentiles that there are," Sakura said, "but not as gentle as you.” She finished as she hugged him and rested her head on the boy’s chest.
Harry didn't know what to think, he didn't notice his heart beating in a gentle way, but full of passion.
The two of them decided to go to the dining room and in that they met Hermione who was going hand in hand with... Neville! The two couples stopped in the dry and watched each other for a few seconds.
“Oh, hello Hermione.” Said Sakura to her while she was blushing
“Hi Sakura," Hermione replied that while she was just as red. “I see, I see you and Harry, well, you're already dating.”
“Yes, and you and Neville...”
Hermione nodded her head and clung tightly to Neville's arm.
The two boys were also red and did not know what to say, but in that Hermione grabbed Sakura's arm and took her a little far away, enough so that the boys did not listen to them and they began to murmur among themselves in the midst of nervous giggles.
Harry and Neville struggled to look only at the girls because whenever the two boys eyes met, they looked at each other shyly. For the boys' relief, the girls returned smiling and each holding their partner by the hand and rushed to the large dining room to celebrate a new beginning for both of them.