"Yeah, yeah my name is Flen, why you so curious," demanded Flen.
The tall man's rope that kept his pants from falling danced in the wind. He took a step closer, and the arm that was gripping the short sword twitched violently like a boxer's jab, making a screeching noise as the iron scraped against the iron of the case the sword layed in.
"My name is Buck. The hunter in this town has died, ya don't believe me?" Said the tall man. "ya shoulda asked around mister," said the tall man, who had his right hand in his pocket.
The man took a sigh of relief, but the grip he had on his blade never loosened. Finally, Flen turned around to face Buck. His long red hair drooling down his head was the first thing he noticed, and torn sandals he had on his feet was the second. "How did he die? and how do I know you're not the hunter in this town, tryna pull a fast one and catch me off gaurd," said Flen.
Buck let out a chuckle "Yer askin how he died, Yer talking to the killer right now! Laughed Buck. "Yep I'm worth bout two thousand for this job. Right at the moment nobody knows the hunter died, so this town is a safe spot for criminals Mister," Said Buck.
Flen knew he would need to stay there if the tall man was telling the truth, but if he wasn't, it could all come back and stab him in the back. "Thanks but, I'll be heading to the next town," said Flen.
"You know there are hunters in the next town. In here ya only got me," said Buck. if i end up tryin to kill ya...well ya are Flen Locote, yer worth bout fifty thousand," said Buck. "I don't think i could hold mah own against you Mister," reasoned Buck.
Flen finally let go of his sword, and Buck took his right hand out if his pocket. The wind had calmed, and the dust had stopped blowing into them. "Why are you trying to help me," asked Flen.
There was a pause. The sun continued to pour down rays of heat on them. A little sweat rolled down Flen's forehead. After what it seemed for forever, finally Buck spoke, "After I killed that hunter, I don't know whats gonna happen," said Buck. "I know hunters are gonna be looking for me, and that two thousand bounty I got mahself into is a dire mistake i shoulda never made," said Buck.
Flen wasn't sure if Buck wanted someone to travel with on the run, this life gets lonely when you're a beginner. He was certain he wasn't the hunter though. Hunters are rich, they have class, and speak in a certain way that lets you know they grew up with manners. The man before him lacked every quality. "Alright I guess I will stay at this town a few days," announced Flen, as he began to walk back to the town.