Log File concerning: Subject 9
Possession of: Director of W.C.C.
Authority given by: Pax Initiative Council
Well, the Pax is back in business. Once they succeed with subject 9, They went a head and operated on the whole available pool of children. They are now referred to as The Genesis. It may be a stretch to call them human now, but if any of humanity can thrive out there, it is them. Now we must train and condition them to thrive in the signal. To lead and defend what remains of our species as it returns to the world. It will be the hardest difficulty Man has faced, but we are a persistent species.
We are going to train into them everything possible to make them gods in their fields. This first generation consists of nothing but soldiers, but not warriors. Warriors fight for honor and similar bull, they are heroes. We need people who will obey and tackle a bull by the horns cause they were ordered to. Charge hell with a bucket of water if needed to. Look death in the eye and want to. Not damn heroes who win at the cost of everyone around them. Humanity can't share afford to share foxholes with heroes.