— You don't need to do it if you don't want.
— Honestly, it seems like a good idea. My psychiatrist will even say it's cathartic. I just find it uncomfortable, but well... I'm ready.
As a child i suffered three tragedies that marked me. I lost two of my cousins due to a familiar mess, they moved far from me and i never saw them again. My grandpa died, my parents divorced, and all that happened before i was 5 years young.
The time passed, and i found consolation in many places, mainly God, videogames, and music, in that order. Well, for this anecdote i will ignore God and simply focus in the other two.
As most children of divorced parents, my mother got the custody. So i passed the weekends with my father. And, as in most divorce cases, my mother's economy fell, while my father's got slightly better than it uses to be. So i was almost poor, except at weekends, when i was just a few steps behind the real riches, well, i always have been one step behind the current console generation. I was still playing with a Sega when the PSOne was out, recieved my PSOne when the two went a total success, and so on.
I have good memories of all of them. But nothing compares to the feeling i had when my father was there to play with me. And what we played? Well, anything with a multiplayer option. But his favourite game was the only one i would not play without him.
Pro Evolution Soccer.
Or perhaps a pirated version of it, i don't know. I never liked Soccer, but dad was an absolute fan, that balanced the things slightly at his favor, i must admit i sucked at PES. But i still have to recognize something. That disc discovered me a song that will always make me remember my father, a song that made me appreciate the classic rock. And that song, ladies and gentlemen, is "Money for Nothing" from Dire Straits.