Hi guys! I'm back with another tip article. Now I know how hard it is to review for some people. You never know how exactly someone will take it and there are times you want to give constructive criticism without seeming rude.
There are also people who are a bunch of a-holes who will tell someone there story is crap while I bet they 1. Don't have an account or 2. There stories could use a bit of help. Please don't be one of those people. And if you are: STOP! It's not cute and your just basically being a bully. How would you feel if someone did that to you? You would feel pretty bad right?
Now I'm not saying it's okay to be an outright a-hole, but as long as your expressing a type of point then fine. Just tone it down alright.
So back to my tips. Well I guess I already just gave you one. Onward.
1. Be nice. But not to nice. You just have to find a bit of a balance. Don't be an ass. Don't be a pushover. Tell them as it is, but try to find a way to make sure you get your point across and that your still helping them at the same time.
2. If you have nothing nice to say don't say it all. I'm a pretty nice reviewer and I've learned to give pretty good constructive criticism without seeming like a giant jerk. Yet there are times I want to tell people off for being complete trolls. Some people are just there to annoy us writers to no end. And sometimes I just want to tell them to fuck off and stop trolling this site or any other because it's annoying and your just making fun of a beautiful art. I can't stand that shit. But I've learned to take a deep breath and just look the other way. Now that doesn't stop me from ranting like heck in my bedroom, but I didn't hurt anyone's feelings.
3. Think before you type! I don't know how many times I can drill this into people's brains. THINK BEFORE YOU TYPE! Before you submit a review check it over. If you think something may hurt someone else's feelings or you just plain don't like it DELETE IT! It's better to check before you submit. We don't need people getting into cyber fights and getting headaches over something small because you didn't think before you typed. Think about that the next time you submit a review.
4. If you can't think of anything constructive to say then think about some minor things they could fix or just give them a great job. Those go a long way. Trust me. :-)
Now I'm not saying that everyone is going to listen to my advice. There are still going to be some people who are going to keep bullying people for no apparent reason. Well to all those people who like doing that to others, think about how you would feel. Then maybe you might change your tune.
Well that's pretty much it. See ya later! Bye!