Sorry guys! I know I haven't published anything in a while, but I do sincerely hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween and everyone is going to have a wonderful Veterans Day. Thank you so much to the people who fought for our country. You guys rock! Anyways I just wanted to share with you my all time favorite quote:
" See that's the thing about innocence. You don't really lose it all at once, not normally. You lose it bit by bit, from the little things, the things that make you realize that maybe the world's a little worse than you thought it was when you woke up that morning. The day you learned your parents lied to you. The first time you watched someone walk past a beggar without a second glance. The funeral you went to for someone you forgot you might someday lose. It's's like feathers, falling off your wings. Everytime, you feel the cold of the world a little more. You get less and less able to ignore the rain, to shelter yourself from the winds. You stop fighting the storm, and just settle for enduring it. 'Cause there's nothing there to fight. It's just how things are. And finally someday, you flap and flap as hard as you can, but you just can't get off the ground anymore. You always remember what it felt like though. Back when you could hug the heavens and caress the clouds, back when you still dared to try and touch the stars. And you realize that no matter how good things get, a part of you is always gonna be mourning what those ruined, broken wings used to let you be.”
-Random Youtuber
A beautiful quote. Simple yet complex. Concise yet full of meaning. Those type of quotes have always been my favorites. I guess this is talking about how when your a child you have this innocent mindset and you believe you can do anything. Be anything. No one can stop you. Then you get older and the things going on in the world chip away that innocence slowly and you start getting more rational. Serious. And you slowly lose that mindset that you can do anything. And soon when your old and gray you remember those days fondly with happiness and a bit of sadness. You slightly mourn the days where you were child playing pretend in the backyard with not a care in the world believing that you were gonna be a astronaut or a firefighter or a doctor. Adults may have just laughed and played along, but you you knew you could do it. You were able to reach for the stars. Then the older you got the harder it was to reach until you just gave up settling into society. Like every other human being.