So I didn't lie when I said I would be getting a big fat juicy A!
A low A but an A none the less. :-)
And as the title says its Tuesday.
I think your all smart enough to know this. :-)
Warning now I'm typing this on my phone in my school library at the moment so sorry for any typos.
Today is probably going to be filled with review after review after review........
Please help me!
Isn't there a law against subjecting children to reviews for test?
I don't hate them, but I don't like them.
If I don't know how to do the review correctly I'm going to fuck up the test.
Its just common science. (That sound so weird......)
Provably the hardest test is French and Math.
French because well.......its French. That shit is hard to learn.
Math because I suck at Math so I'm aiming for a C.
Maybe a B.
But let's not strain ourselves.
This is probably boring.
I deeply apologize.
Its just nothing interesting happens to me.
I stay shut up in my house writing and creating fantasies of what I wish my life was like sometimes.
Thats still better then sitting around waiting for some boy or wasting my time on social media.
I guess all us writers are the only normal ones left.
Promise me one thing though guys.
We all stick together during the zombie apocalypse. :-)