It's been so long since I've updated this damn thing.
I'm very sorry.
It's just I've been so busy lately. With that fucking prison called school where they serve nasty ass lunch and punishment it to sit for eight hours listening to people fucking talk about shit we could give zero fucks about and then assigning homework because why not torture the little kiddies even more?! And also writing, this has sadly been neglected so I apologize.
You know how I fucking hate group projects? I've probably mentioned this multiple times since I've written this, but I absolutely fucking hate group projects. My hatred has intensified even more with this recent one I had in English so get ready for a nice juicy story to bite you're teeth into.
Of course I'm not actually going to mention my group members by name so we'll just call them Member 1, 2, and 3. I think that's pretty fair.
So this project we had to do in English was to sit in a Lit Circle and discuss a book we chose to read. Kind of like a book club almost. We had to finish the book by a certain time frame and then make a powerpoint describing the Hero's Journey. (Why the fuck do I need to know this? How is this going to help in life?! Maybe writing but most of it is pretty straight forward
Anyways seems pretty easy right? Well it was pretty easy until we finally had to present and we had Member 1 put it all on the flash drive.
Now I'm not fucking Joe Scholar with computers so I don't know how flash drives work at all or why computers are jerk wads sometimes. But somebody (probably Karma. I must have done something) decided to fuck me over.
I get up to present and it was going pretty smoothly for about four slides and then the rest of my work was missing. MISSING!!!!!
So I stood up there like a complete dumbass in front of the entire class and I just really was just beyond pissed at that moment.
All my hard work gone all because somebody couldn't put a stupid fucking powerpoint on a flash drive!
I'm angry just thinking about it. And this happened on Monday and I'm still pissed.
That's all that's pretty much happened in my life.
I don't know why I share these things sometimes.
I guess I'll try to update more since I have a whole week off.
See ya in blog post number 22!