Now I think everyone has heard the famous conspiracy theory on technology. How it's going to take over the world wiping out the human race and putting us to extinction. Although the question is- Is it taking over the world already?
I say yes.
With all these computers, and phones, and robots, and artificial freaking intelligence, it's already a matter of time until were wiped out by the technological beings.
I mean if you can create robots and artificial intelligence I believe that whenever they mass produce them, theres going to be a bad egg then everything is going to come crashing down.
Everyone has seen the movies. Where robots take over the world and stuff. It could happen. Or already be happening. Like in the Avengers. The second one. Ultron was that one bad egg that ended up bringing the world to chaos.
I'm just saying.
Now I know everyone may not believe me, but it's true. Technology is taking over our world and we can't stop it. Hopefully no crazy robots come to kill us.
Then we'll be fine.