So I was in English today doing some group discussion thing to help prepare us for our final, etc. So I was sitting there just listening to how everyone talked. And you know what I noticed?
They kept saying the word "like" so many times.
They would say it every other FUCKING word. It was driving me nuts. There are so many others ways to phrase sentences and different words to use other than "like."
I wanted to just scream at them to quit saying it because I was about ready to jump across the room and smack some sense into them because of it.
It's one thing to of course use "like" when you need to use it and you have no other choice but to use it. It's when teenagers like to constantly use it as a place holder is when it gets annoying.
I'm a teenager and I can tell you I use "like" less than you would think. I don't actually like to speak that way because it drives me up the wall to hear it.
Ok. I just had to get that out. Anyways see you guys on the next article. Bye!