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Three year's later843Please respect copyright.PENANAm1rPOympj2
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I woke up gasping for air. That dream always came back to me. It was the first time I encountered a ghost. I found out after talking to my dad, that mom was a medium. Apparently, I got that gene. I have seen a lot of ghosts since meeting Axe, who stick around talking to me all the time at home. Sometimes even in public but I never answer back. Town already thinks of me as a freak and weird.843Please respect copyright.PENANAz1OMnaLqeR
Axe is actually a very nice boy. Yeah, sad isn't it? My best friend is a ghost. I actually went to his family, who thought I was insane, sick and slammed the door in my face. Since then, Axe has stayed around and is always saying he is sorry. I tell him it's alright. That I never really got along with anyone in this town anyways. 843Please respect copyright.PENANAsUUEzcA0hx
So for three years now I have been trying to get his message to them and each time they shut me out. Once again today I will try for the, oh who knows how many times now. This boy is persistent. I sat on my bed thinking how I will go about it this time. Since my meeting the Jarvis family and telling them this, it has gotten around town, so now everyone thinks I am a freak. I guess I am to a degree. But it's not like I asked for it. They even trash my dad who defends me with everything he has in him.843Please respect copyright.PENANAZJ7wtV3QUB
"Alright CayLynn, this time I am going to give you a piece of information that I know no one knows about, no matter what. They couldn't even looked this up to know," Axe said. I just stared at him for a minute as he sat in my window.843Please respect copyright.PENANAGGKrAbPjEg
"Alright, but if it doesn't work this time, I am done. Deal?" I stated looking at him. I'm serious this is the last time I'm trying. Three years is crazy.843Please respect copyright.PENANAdfmKiQ0pCJ
"Deal!" he agreed. "So here it is. Tell my brother, Byron, that the birthmark on his butt looks like a flower. Trust me only so many people know this. Ok, so technically only my parents, myself and him." Axe said. I Iooked at him like he was out of his mind.843Please respect copyright.PENANA5Kzwat43Vx
"You want me to talk about your brothers butt?!" I yelled shocked. Anyone can imagine how that would end. Not pretty. Probably have the cops called on me.843Please respect copyright.PENANAZ416hDeKRg
"Hey like I said only my family knows this. He was always so embarrassed for anyone to know. It's rather amusing to watch him turn red as well." Axe chuckled.843Please respect copyright.PENANAKc2fa03cJF
"Oh hell! I can't believe I am about to tell your brother this, who by the way hates me!" I growled frustrated. 843Please respect copyright.PENANARfEVgcbbwA
"Oh Cay! He doesn't hate you!" Axe said, hugging me. Yes, since that night I am now able to hug him, which is weird. I guess he was trying to prove a point. Well that's what he said to me anyways. Yeah I ended up tripping and blacking out due to that little stunt. Talk about embarrassing myself and in front of a ghost too. Very sad, when you think about it.843Please respect copyright.PENANA4wRsAaukjx
"Alright! Come on! Let's get this over with so I can stop looking like an idiot," I mumbled and headed out the door at two in the morning. Yeah, not freaky at all.843Please respect copyright.PENANARXlAikZWkc
"Alright!" Axe cheered. Dad knows about Axe. He always hears me talking to him. Axe has become my protector in many ways. He is always with me wherever I go. Well not to the bathroom of course. That would just be to damn freaky.843Please respect copyright.PENANA6KbZRMyqDP
We got to Axe's house and all the lights were on. Weird. Two in the morning you would think people would be sleeping. Guess not these people. I walked up to the door and rang the bell. I waited looking around the best I could in the dark, when I heard the door open behind me.843Please respect copyright.PENANA2tNdsFx8m3
I turned to see Byron. God he was gorgeous. Dark brown hair with highlights of red. Grey blue eyes. Tall and muscular. Lean muscle. He had to be about six foot three, compared to my four foot ten. Yeah I know I am short. His skin was a golden tan. 843Please respect copyright.PENANA4fr9FKYctH
"Hey freak! What now? Come to torment our family some more?!" he spit out, anger in his eyes. I decided to just come out with it, when his parents and some others walked up looking at me with hate. Oh damn. I waved him to bend down so this wouldn't embarrass him. He did.843Please respect copyright.PENANAekjByxA5KV
"The birthmark on your butt looks like a flower." I whispered real quietly but apparently not quiet enough for I heard chuckles. He turned red with embarrassment then with anger. OH HELL!843Please respect copyright.PENANAV5FxkMMMQX
"You are real freaky perv!" he yelled. I dropped my head and shook it. Thanks Axe. I slid my eyes to him and he was laughing. That jerk. He did that on purpose. I was ready to just turn away when he started to plead to me.843Please respect copyright.PENANAD3kWCnjVg5
"Tell them they are werewolves and that is one thing no one in this town knows. That should get them to believe I am here. Hell no human knows. But just say it," Axe pleaded. I took a deep breath, turninng my head back towards the door to look to Byron once more.843Please respect copyright.PENANAffj9EM8Tvm
"You are werewolves." I stated, with boldness. His eyes popped out along with the others. He grabbed my arm rather hard, dragged me inside the house and slammed the door shut. I looked at Axe but to everyone else I was looking at the wall. Byron looked at the wall.843Please respect copyright.PENANAEeaYjXvl6T
"You could not know that. Any of that unless..." he paused. "Wait, you are serious! You can see my little brother," he said in a matter-a-fact tone. I nodded biting my lip. Wanting to cry that he finally believed me.843Please respect copyright.PENANAFqc9i7aTXq
"Yes, I can. About five foot nine. Blonde hair, grey green eyes, dimple in his right cheek when he smiles. Also snorts like a pig when he laughs," I said looking at Byron.843Please respect copyright.PENANAFFuLpxhY2S
"That's him! But I don't get it! Why doesn't he just come home. He disappeared but no body was ever found," Byron whispered to himself. I heard whispers and gasping. 843Please respect copyright.PENANAHHEEc3iipJ
"Byron he can't come home. Well not in person. But I can tell you he is here. I am not lying. I never was. Trust me," I pleaded just wanting them to believe me. Also maybe they'd stop thinking me as a freak. But then who are they to really talk. "He died in 1961, three months after he disappeared. I am only sixteen. How can I know this, unless he was here to tell me this? I wasn't even alive. Hell my mom and dad weren't born yet. Nor are we from aroubd here. Nothing was ever in the newpapers. So how can I be lying, when I never heard about this until three years ago when he came to me. I am telling the truth, please believe me." I begged.843Please respect copyright.PENANAUn4TsnpaJu
"I do. I mean, you are right. You couldn't know any of this. It was never in the newspaper's because of us being wolves. We had to keep it a secret. Oh my god! You can talk to my little brother!" Byron yelled beaming from ear to ear. I laughed at his child like ways.843Please respect copyright.PENANAgIvTwzzl03
"Yes, I can talk to your little brother. And by the way, did you know he can be rather annoying when he wants to be?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.843Please respect copyright.PENANA3rtO9UM0yX
"Yeah we all know. But that's what we love about him." he said laughing. Everyone was smiling.843Please respect copyright.PENANAEgDH5Kj99A
"Oh please come in!" a lady said walking over to me. 'I am.."843Please respect copyright.PENANAFNH2C31qxz
"Ellie, Byron and Axe's mom. I know, trust me. In three years, he has told me a lot." I told her.843Please respect copyright.PENANAfCwqs6o7TB
"My, he has been talking to you. Well how come you can see him and we can not?" she asked, curious.843Please respect copyright.PENANAGnmfpWTMUk
"I am medium. I can connect with those who have passed away. He came to me three years ago. Kind of freaky considering I never knew what I was until after my dad told me because of your sons visit. Actually your son is the cause of the scar on my forehead." I stated showing them. I was looking in the doorway. Everyone's eyes followed me.843Please respect copyright.PENANARRUYn1HPth
"He is here right now?" a man asked. "I am.."843Please respect copyright.PENANAjRYhLL4tHJ
"Jerry, their father. Yep, I know." I said. "And yes he is here. He is happy that you finally believe me." I paused and looked at Axe again. "God! No I will not say that! Great now I am talking to a doorway. Thanks Axe, for the embarrassment tonight!" I grumbled. He just grinned from ear to ear. Very proud of himself.843Please respect copyright.PENANAhRdPz0RRAe
"Yes I want to apologize for that. Guess its hard after so many years of not knowning what happened to him and then you come out of no where saying my little brother wants to give us a message." Byron said looking down.843Please respect copyright.PENANA4iAS88Xfdc
"Its understandable. My mom, brother and sister past not that long ago. I guess if I was always wondering what had happened I would be the same way." I told him full of sincere.843Please respect copyright.PENANAaSF5hE2Rrq
'Has your family come to you?" Ellie asked.843Please respect copyright.PENANANYpfDQgaKj
"No. Honestly I am not sure how I would take it. Even if I know what I am." I stated looking at her.843Please respect copyright.PENANAWGEcR5ab9t
"Understandable. But what does my brother want you to say, that told him no about?" Byron asked, eyebrow raised. I flushed red. I know it.843Please respect copyright.PENANAjYjDKCoUML
"It was for the guy sitting over there." I pointed to a black haired boy.843Please respect copyright.PENANAhUlpJdNSSk
"Names Tallis. What did he say?" Tallis wondered.843Please respect copyright.PENANA6sjLdybUUO
"Oh god! Please don't make me say it." I begged, but Tallis wanted to know by the look on his face. "Axe you are pure evil! He wanted me to tell you he loves you..." I paused and looked over at the doorway again. "I am getting there. Hold onto your pants mister!" I looked back at Tallis, fully aware of everyone looking at me. "Also, that he wants to ..oh help me..he wants to cover you in a whipped cream suit and eat it off you." I weakly said the last part while looking down. It was dead silence, then laughter erupted. My head shot up and everyone was laughing, including Tallis.843Please respect copyright.PENANAm2XAA02nuY
"I'm guessing he can hear me?" Tallis asked chuckling still. I just nodded. "Oh good. Well Axe, like wise." I was so damn embarrassed it wasn't even funny. Well apparently it was. Everyone was getting a kick out of this. I could even hear Axe laughing. I looked his way.843Please respect copyright.PENANAM4aGNEuGUx
"YOU!" I said pointing to an empty doorway. Wow, crazy much. "You my ghostly friend are wandering outside for the night. That was so embarrassing." I paused. "No, that was just evil to have me do that. I really don't want to know what it is you want to do with him. Next time leave a message on a smokey mirror or something." I paused again. "Oh I don't think so! You are outside! No entering mister!' I stated with finality in my voice. "Great now I feel like a loon!" I groaned.843Please respect copyright.PENANAzkqFqgrAbs
"Ah, don't worry. To everyone you are a loon but we know." Byron said.843Please respect copyright.PENANAxnnYrFTzAD
"True, but you also said I was a freak, then upgraded me to a freaky perv. I understand though and I am not mad about it at all. So please no apologizing." I stated. He just nodded.843Please respect copyright.PENANA9kNdIB24Lk
"Hey but look at it this way. We would be freaks in people eyes." Tallis said.843Please respect copyright.PENANA0UBFTFCszg
"True, but most people believe mediums are evil. Messenger's of the Devil himself." I told him.843Please respect copyright.PENANA1RmXQxf9i1
"They would think the same about us." he stated.843Please respect copyright.PENANATv53DgcJsU
"No they would just throw you in a lab and want to test how the hell you can do that." I said. "Though that would be very screwed up." I looked towards the doorway again. "What?" I paused. "NO! Are you out of your mind Axe." I paused and then my eyes popped out of my head. "Oh no way! That is so not true." I paused. "You been reading my journal! You turd!" I paused. "NO! And better not leave any type of clue my friend or you will be wandering around with a ghostly stick up your butt." I exclaimed, then turned to see everyone looking at me with curiosity. "Sorry. He is just being himself. EVIL!"843Please respect copyright.PENANATPVeFkzrjf
"What did he say?" Ellie asked.843Please respect copyright.PENANAhjHzi6W3Rc
"Um, not something I want to mention." I chuckled nervous. Everyone looked slightly amused by all this. Glad they were enjoying this because I certainly was not.843Please respect copyright.PENANAtdGmuL2qFK
"No problem." Ellie laughed. "So, I have question?" I nodded for her to continue. "Apparently, my son could have gone to any medium. Why did he choose you?"843Please respect copyright.PENANATBuh4QPPSx
"Hm, I never asked myself. Axe?" I asked looking at the doorway to see him gone. "What the hell! Axe where did you go?!" I said loudly. That's when we all heard water running. "Upstairs." Everyone raced to the stairs and to an old bedroom. Throwing the door open steam was coming out of the bathroom.843Please respect copyright.PENANALfCTE6M2Ze
"Is he able to touch things?" Byron asked looking down at me. I just nodded and went to the bathroom. I pushed the door open and saw on the mirror. 'CAYLYNN LOVES BYRON!'. Oh that little turd.843Please respect copyright.PENANA4NFlNdVzRJ
"Axe you little shit! Get over here now!" I yelled. He never showed up but I could hear his laughter in the distance of the house.843Please respect copyright.PENANAJFUjhEo2DM
"What does it say?" Byron asked walking past me. "Wow! Interesting." he said looking at me smiling.843Please respect copyright.PENANA19d0H0LXCr
"It's not true. He is always picking on me." I pouted. Soon everyone knew and they were picking on me. Oh Axe you are in so much trouble. I looked down at my watch and saw it was almost four in the morning. I had to get home. "I have to get going. It's very late." I told everyone and headed back down stairs.843Please respect copyright.PENANAMkoAOXkbIX
"Oh my, it is. Well Byron can see you home." Ellie said.843Please respect copyright.PENANAMIFWXXnmGv
"No that's alright. I'll be fine. I don't live that far from here anyways. Plus I have Axe. Trust me, he always see me home safely." I told her. 843Please respect copyright.PENANA3aXvqPkf2M
"No I will feel better knowing Byron is with you as well." Ellie pleaded. I just nodded and Byron grabbed his jacket. Ellie hugged me saying, "You are welcome here anytime. Tell Axe, we love and miss him."843Please respect copyright.PENANAx7aVs1lJMx
"Thanks. Also trust me, he heard you." I said pulling back smiling. I bid goodnight to everyone else. I was fully welcomed into the Jarvis household. They also wanted me to come back for dinner sometime. I think they may believe that I love Byron. Axe is so hurt. He didn't need to put that on the mirror. Also I was not serious about him leaving messages on a steamed mirror. He is wandering outside tonight. Maybe even for the week.843Please respect copyright.PENANAOmZ2RvMrIR
"So, which way?" Byron asked. I pointed to the left and we started walking. It was very quiet. Byron was on my right and Axe on my left. I felt very protected in that moment. "So, you love me huh?'843Please respect copyright.PENANABB1crWCrsH
"No not love. Like. Well Liked. After how you treated the feelings went away. So no worries." I told him, not trying to be mean, but to tell the truth.843Please respect copyright.PENANAW6LwVCkMe8
"Sorry, it was just hard. But that is no excuse. I have always liked you." Byron pointed out while looking embarrassed.843Please respect copyright.PENANALPvz5JkIXv
"Oh, wow. Ok so yeah I still like you somewhat." I admitted. He looked down and smiled at me, with me returning it. The rest of the way to my house was spent getting to know each other. Byron isn't so bad once you get to know him.843Please respect copyright.PENANAL5EDUsiffJ
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I hope you enjoy reading. Please let me know what you think.843Please respect copyright.PENANAeJr33RHLD8
Hugs843Please respect copyright.PENANA4pTnKEd6A0
Pantera06 (Cory)843Please respect copyright.PENANA42akMhT5Th