We arrived at school minutes before the bell and rushed to our first class. We got to our seats and that's when the teacher came in. She told us to go to the library after attendance and continue on our book reports. I decided to do mine on William Shakespeare. He was always one of my favorites. I have read all his work and can never get enough of it. My bookshelves are filled with all his works I can find. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAwlFMbreoXO
Once, I got to the library I continued my research on him. Even though I already know alot about him, I want this book report to be great. I was standing looking at a book, when someone bumped their hip into mine. I looked in the direction and saw one of Byron's female pack members, Kelly.757Please respect copyright.PENANA4NzWmqKxmt
"Hey, what's up?" she asked, smiling at me.757Please respect copyright.PENANAAheTwbLkbM
"Not much. Book report. You?" I asked.757Please respect copyright.PENANAHSG0QVd1LW
"Same. History report on a person who fought in World War II." She muttered bored.757Please respect copyright.PENANAr8eeviHX5W
" Ah, okay." I replied. I love all school subjects. Except math. It's the only subject I am not good at. I'm not failing but it's no near my other grade averages in any other classes. 757Please respect copyright.PENANA8mO3VUDZJ4
"Yeah. It't not bad. Could be worse." Kelly muttered with a quiet laugh. I chuckled and nodded. "Well I have to get going." she said looking back over her shoulder at some people.757Please respect copyright.PENANAcwrxQTjO9J
"Alright, see ya later." I said smiling at her. She nodded and went down the isle and disappeared to the right. I went back to looking at the books on Shakespeare. I felt someone staring at me. I turned my head to the left and saw no one. Then I turned it to the right, to see Byron standing there looking at me with a hint of a smile. I smiled at him raising an eyebrow.757Please respect copyright.PENANALtSdoYBZSi
"Hey babe, what ya doing?" he asked slowly walking over to me.757Please respect copyright.PENANAQzDIETEQJh
"Looking up stuff for my book report. What about you?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side.757Please respect copyright.PENANAg7L5Yp3RXr
"Looking at my beautiful mate." he growled. That was hot.757Please respect copyright.PENANALQM3mgRcJE
"Like what you see, I take it?" I whispered, turning so my back was against the bookshelf.757Please respect copyright.PENANAYscLgK4LSO
"Damn right I do." his voice was husky. I just smiled at him, when he finally came to stop in front of me. I looked up at him as he leaned over me. He slid one finger down my cheek and traced my jaw. His eyes held me in my spot. This boy is always lusting.757Please respect copyright.PENANAUDo9ukGXQ6
"Alright, boy down. Your eyes are giving you away." I whispered, but my voice was filled with lust as well. What?! I can't help it he is hot as hell.757Please respect copyright.PENANAviuG6YftHd
"Alright. Fine." he groaned, his voice husky. He stepped back and closed his eyes to calm himself. Poor guy. I did feel for him. I moved off the book self and turned to continue looking for some others books. The whole time I could feel him behind me. Doesn't creep me out or anything. It's rather nice knowing he is there. Like he is making sure no one messes with me.757Please respect copyright.PENANA5q2IOvau4w
Once I found the last book I was looking for, I turned and headed over to the table where our stuff was. I saw that Trevor was sitting there, reading and taking notes for his book report. I set my books down and pulled out my chair, sitting down. I grabbed the first book and began to read.757Please respect copyright.PENANA3CVbzG1U9j
I was in the middle of writing notes when someone slammed a book on the table, causing me to jump and tip my chair over with me still in it. I landed with a thud and people began to laugh. I didn't find it so funny. It hurt like a bitch.757Please respect copyright.PENANAo3rRKbnuXc
"Holy shit! Are you alright?" Trevor asked rushing to my side, helping me to sit up. I just nodded.757Please respect copyright.PENANAfhmSEfnoIe
"What the hell happened?" Byron roared, storming over to us.757Please respect copyright.PENANAubVKLda6bo
"This ass here slammed a book down scaring her.' Trevor explained. I saw Byron look up at the kid and he was pissed. I looked over that the kid to see who it was. I couldn't believe my eyes. My older cousin, Dave.757Please respect copyright.PENANAaWSktRxPmB
"DAVE!" I shouted, jumping up and lunging straight at him. He caught me laughing. I heard a growl, looked back at Byron. "Byron, stop. This is my older cousin, Dave. Ok, more like older brother."757Please respect copyright.PENANAKSNHZxKh4Q
"Hey, man chill. I would never do anything to hurt her and trust me when I say this, she has done that to me a number of times." Dave explained. I saw Byron relax after that. So did others in his pack. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAD9JSYOYFWl
"Has she?" Byron asked amused, then looked at me as I blushed. Yeah this is the side of me no one has ever seen. Well for many reasons. 757Please respect copyright.PENANA9tqHkrgJA3
"Yeah. Don't let her fool. She isn't innocent." Dave told them as he glanced at me. I hit him in the shoulder. "HEY! What was that for? You know its true."757Please respect copyright.PENANAC0w2o8i6FS
"Why would you say she isn't innocent?" Trevor questioned curious but eyes held amusement.757Please respect copyright.PENANAusFrmxYZ33
"This was the little girl, who used to stick firecrackers to dolls and blow them up." Dave revealed looking at me smiling. Jerk. I looked around to see everyone looking at me, that included the adults. Wow, and I thought Axe embarrassed me. Nevermind that.757Please respect copyright.PENANAeka85AkMbZ
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Don't have to tell everyone that. Thank you very much." I muttered. The rest of the class went on like usual.757Please respect copyright.PENANA0v57svZmXX
Zel walked up to me as I headed to the lunch room to meet Byron. She just stood there looking at me. I looked back, waiting to see what she wanted. That's when her face fell. I was shocked to see this.757Please respect copyright.PENANAZUxV2MxXd3
"Sometime soon, if it is alright with you, I would like to talk to you about something. Please."she horsely said, begging me with her eyes to agree.757Please respect copyright.PENANAsKTh1DpzJ6
"Uh, yeah sure. Whenever you want." I replied confused somewhat as to what she wanted.757Please respect copyright.PENANAf34BFl5NIZ
"Thanks. I don't know when it will be, but soon." she whispered and walked off without another word or glance back in my direction. I watched her walk away as did the whole hallway. Yeah, like me, they are shocked. Normally she wants to torment me. But there was something that told me she really needed my help.757Please respect copyright.PENANAsSwzbj9NDh
I looked around as people stared at me. I shrugged and headed to the lunch room to go eat something. I entered and went straight for the line. I was staring like crazy. I got my food, then went over to Byron's table. He had a seat saved for me. I plopped down with my lunch and started eating. I notice the table was silent and looked up to see everyone staring at me. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAwPQEsOjRfA
"What?" I asked confused and rather creeped out. That many eyes on you looking at you like you grew another head was unsettling.757Please respect copyright.PENANA9mZLN4bik9
"What did Zel want?" Tallis asked. Then it dawned on me.757Please respect copyright.PENANAgKUYtMjzxq
"I don't know. She said sometime soon she wants to talk to me about something. I don't know what it is." I told them. They all nodded and went back to their food and conversation. I continued eating, thinking about what Zel may want. Somehow she looked defeated about something. It's not like I will becomes friends with her but she looked stricken by something.757Please respect copyright.PENANAih2jWVL5jz
My last class of the day was a boring one. Chemistry. Don't get me wrong it's ok but the teacher is the most boring person in the world. Her voice puts you to sleep. She just drones on and on about things some people may not use outside of school. Plus, during the whole class you have to take notes. I hate writing that much at one time.757Please respect copyright.PENANAYZBWbJTxDi
I sat there trying to stay awake and take notes. I caught myself nodding a few times. I looked out the window to see one of the PE classes running around the track. I caught sight of Byron. He was running and talking to Trevor. I turned my head back to the bored and noticed the teacher put up fresh notes that I quickly took down before I focused out the window again. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAaIatXyrsNV
Only my view was blocked by Axe, who was sitting there without a care in the world. I gave him a bored look and he just grinned at me. He is always teasing me about his brother.757Please respect copyright.PENANA2JmPRbdmbt
"You know, I think it is cute how you act around my brother." he said grinning like a mad man. I sighed roiling my eyes and looked to the front again and continued to copy notes. I heard him chuckle. What a jerk. He loves to get a rise out of me. "Oh come on! It's not a bad thing. It's nice to see him and you both happy." he continued. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and he was still grinning. Still picking on me that means.757Please respect copyright.PENANA2E32eV0lfo
I just huffed and paid attention to the boring teacher. It's wrong how he picks on me. Also, he loves to embarrass me. He loves getting me to say weird stuff to Tallis just so everyone can laugh. Of course when it's all over I'm red as hell and actually more than embarrassed. I really don't care what he wants to do to with Tallis. Not any mental images I want, either. Kind of creepy. I shuddered.757Please respect copyright.PENANADhAb0lsEhK
When the bell rang, I gathered all my things and headed to my locker, with Axe by me. I put my combination in and opened my locker. I put the books away I didn't need and grabbed the ones I did need. I looked to see if I needed anything else. I closed my locker and slung my book bag over my shoulder. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAOoiNbFFiAJ
I turned to walk away but slammed right into someone. I looked up to see Byron standing there smiling at me. I smiled back. I knew my face was flush.757Please respect copyright.PENANAMTT8Zjbx7t
"Hey, need a ride home?" he asked.757Please respect copyright.PENANAR0s6KvrT8d
"Yeah, sure." I replied. We made our way to the doors, when Tallis, Jayce and Trevor joined us. I took a peek to see Axe by Tallis. When we got outside, a group of Byron's friends stopped him. They started talking about things that had no interest to me. I just stood there waiting for him to get done talking.757Please respect copyright.PENANAqkfCg3KFoe
I saw Zel walking out to her car. She wasn't surrounded by the usual people she hangs out with. She must have felt someone staring because she looked up and looked at me. She paused for a moment then kept walking, turning her eyes back to the ground. Guess she didn't want to talk today.757Please respect copyright.PENANAUS1HpLQKUh
I turned my attention back to Byron and he was still chatting away with his friends. God and they say girls are gossipers. I shook my head and started thinking if I wanted to wait around much longer. I just wanted to get home. I lightly tapped Byron on the foot and he turned his head. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAMBaHiUT5Dp
"Yeah?" he asked, while his friends still laughed and chatted away.757Please respect copyright.PENANAJ74c2m8rZO
"Ready?" I asked. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAFQnLVygju2
"Oh yeah." he mumbled. "Hey guys, I'll catch you later." He announced to his friends. Everyone bid him goodbye and we headed towards his car.757Please respect copyright.PENANAw9ZJuvisQh
"And they say girls talk to much." I snickered.757Please respect copyright.PENANABqw8VkoXhT
"Hey, what's that suppose to mean?" he gasped shocked.757Please respect copyright.PENANA5204tDfw27
"You all were gossiping worst than girls." I stated in a 'duh' tone.757Please respect copyright.PENANAJFFFIeDHRp
"We were not gossiping." he stated, looking at me. I just snorted at him. "Oh wow CayLynn. very lady-like."757Please respect copyright.PENANAwjO7HE80Nf
"Never claimed to be such." I told him, smirking. 'You were gossiping. Face it, you are worst than girls." 757Please respect copyright.PENANAGuesQwnf9u
"Whatever." he grumbled. I laughed at his face. He knew it was true. When we got to his car, he unlocked the doors and opened my door for me. I slid in, with him shutting the door once I was inside. He walked around to the driver side, opening the door and hopping right in.757Please respect copyright.PENANAIM5Y84kHT2
I was sitting in my room doing homework, listening to Axe sing along to the music playing. He is such a good singer. Very amazing voice. I was trying to figure out my math homework. It was getting annoying. I never liked math. It was a lame subject. Give us the basics and that should be good enough. No we had all this other crap that I know I wasn't going to use in the future.757Please respect copyright.PENANAKq94JHn3LU
I heard the door bell ring and lifted my head to hear who it was. It sounded like Byron's dad and grandfather along with Jayce's dad. I set my stuff aside and headed to my door. I opened it up and sure enough it was them.757Please respect copyright.PENANAzbGedvrBHv
I walked out of my room with Axe on my heels. "Glad they are friends with your dad, Cay." was all he said. I looked back, smiled while nodding my head at him. I was happy too. It was great seeing my father happy again.757Please respect copyright.PENANA3sfNREpW0p
I got downstairs and went to the kitchen, were they're all sitting, chatting away. Laughter ripped threw the house. Ah, poker night. I walked in and stood next to my dad's chair. He turned his looking up at me. I smiled down at him and snuck a peck at his cards.757Please respect copyright.PENANAhXAtwbJNP7
"I am surprised you aren't out with Byron and them." Dad said.757Please respect copyright.PENANAWOjPo6jMyZ
"Homework. Lots of it." I explained. He just nodded in understanding. He was proud I keep my grades up, no matter what.757Please respect copyright.PENANAsD1kmDlz1N
"So how's school?" Peter asked me.757Please respect copyright.PENANAziL7C0u7Sz
"It's good. Same thing as every year. To much homework." I chuckled.757Please respect copyright.PENANASkV03Qjmaz
"Ah, yes. I remember when I was in school.' Peter said. My dad knows they are wolves.757Please respect copyright.PENANAejfjJ3zfNg
"What back in the 1700's, Peter." Henry jabbed. Peter looked at him like he was crazy.757Please respect copyright.PENANACfDFpc5mr9
"No, earlier than that boy." he stated. I just laughed.757Please respect copyright.PENANAyoi8PQXLFA
"They had school's when you were growing up?" Jerry asked, curious, but you could see the laughter swimming in his eyes.757Please respect copyright.PENANAvVcABnjopT
"Yes, we did." he growled. Jerry and Henry raised their hands in mock surrender. Then everyone, including Peter burst into fits of laughter.757Please respect copyright.PENANAhqGImouiYJ
"Wow, dad you are old." Jerry wheezed out. That caused Jerry to recieve a smack upside the head. That caused my dad, Henry and myself to burst into more laughter. Jerry, just sat there rubbing his head, pouting like a four year old getting caught doing he wasn't supposed to do.757Please respect copyright.PENANAKpeYrzq8gp
"Aw, Jerry it will be ok." I chuckled. He gave me a playful glare. The door bell rang again. "I'll get it." I called and went for the front door. I pecked threw the glass, to see Byron, Jayce, Tallis and Trevor. I opened the door. "Hey." I greeted.757Please respect copyright.PENANAuO8yQim4es
"Hey, just wanted to drop in." Jayce said. I stepped to the side and let them enter. Byron stopped to bend and kiss my cheek. Sweet boy.757Please respect copyright.PENANAT3hyclpCjx
"So what you all up too?" I asked.757Please respect copyright.PENANAZ3q7zGd6yS
"Not much. Got bored, so we decided to come here." Byron told me. I nodded, shutting the door and we all went to the kitchen.757Please respect copyright.PENANAUfnHNfeDyU
"Hey boys." Peter called out causing the rest of them to look our way.757Please respect copyright.PENANAxuXVsQa71Q
"Hey pops." Byron greeted. Everyone said their greeting. "So, what's going on here?" he asked looking at me.757Please respect copyright.PENANAjt2rTvtECv
"Not much, watching them play poker." I told him. I looked over to see Axe standing next to Tallis. They are so cute together.757Please respect copyright.PENANAllP2a6jWle
We decided to watch a movie in my room. Horror. Which I love. We were watching the Saw movies, which was making me laugh. Everyone just kept looking at me. After awhile I noticed everyone was so engrossed into the movie, that I text my dad not to get scared of the nosies I was gonna have Axe make.757Please respect copyright.PENANABj1AQiSLRt
I looked over to Axe, nodding my head. He went outside my room and started banging on the walls causing all the guys to shriek. I stared at them in shock.757Please respect copyright.PENANAoGrjcAttl7
"What the hell was that?!" Jayce squeaked. That caused me to laugh. I was laughing so hard tears were falling down the side of my face.757Please respect copyright.PENANAHJ3NzWrivy
"Holy...Shit!" I coughed and wheezed. "You all sounded like girls!" I laughed harder. As soon as I could stop laughing I did. With an aching in my stomach and sides. When I looked up, everyone of them were staring at me. I smiled sheepishly.757Please respect copyright.PENANAM5L6zK3lje
"Get her!" Jayce shouted and they all lunged for me. I wasn't fast enough. Jayce, bounced on top of me and pinned me to the bed. "That wasn't nice!" I giggled as he said that. May have not been nice but it was funny as hell.757Please respect copyright.PENANAXEVdHGjqR7
"Maybe not, but it was funny." I smiled big. They all looked at me, then at each other. "Hey, what's the look for?" I questioned. They all got off of me and went back to the movie. I was confused, but mostly suspicious of them. I got back to watching the movie with them, but paying attention to them. I knew they want to get me back.757Please respect copyright.PENANAdLcFmQPXrN
The rest of the time we watched movies they didn't do a thing to me. I was more than suspicious with them now. I was waiting for them to do something. 757Please respect copyright.PENANAMTudnCiJKn
I started to get sleepy about an hour later. I looked at the clock to see it was two in the morning. I noticed all the guys were sleeping. I turned off the movie and laid down to sleep. I felt the bed move and an arm wrap around me. I snuggled into Byron and the last thing I heard.757Please respect copyright.PENANA7aqzKdiAXJ
"Goodnight, my little mate." he whispered and my world went black as we snuggled down under my blankets with a smile.757Please respect copyright.PENANAWVaXX23V7C
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Another chapter up for you fine lovely readers. I hope you enjoy.757Please respect copyright.PENANAmpGhjPgDhV
Hugs757Please respect copyright.PENANAOi4CFUVrpr
Pantera 06 (Cory)757Please respect copyright.PENANA7W7bQSD32W