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  • Contest Holder
    Hello, my name is Byargus. It is kinda a bit long and hard to pronounce, so you can just call me Argus.

    I write stories that have a sense of realism in them. The ugly parts of the world shoved into your face, but with a mix of beauty to show you, love. Angst and mental trauma are what I mostly work with. After all, you can't have light without a bit of darkness.

    I work as a freelance article writer

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    Challengers widowandmotherChallengers irisglChallengers Sarah LouiseChallengers emmagraceChallengers ADLondon
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A Sad Death

Make a short story with a word limit of 2000 words, my only request is that it has to involve a sad death. The death can be about anything you choose as long as it seems sad to you, I want someone to make me cry (no real reason why). You can make it with gore or without, it's all up to you.

I will be the judge along with other people that I know.

Have fun and make me cry! TT^TT <---- Like this

Make a short story with a word limit of 2000 words, my only request is that it has to involve a sad death. The death can be about anything you choose as long as it seems sad to you, I want someone to make me cry (no real reason why). You can make it with gore or without, it's all up to you.

I will be the judge along with other people that I know.

Have fun and make me cry! TT^TT <---- Like this

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