December 1460
The boy looked up in wonder. The falcon he had been given for his last birthday soared high overhead. His valet coaxed the bird back down and it landed on a leather glove on his arm. Richard stroked the bird tenderly, feeling the soft feathers beneath his fingertips. He eyed the bird in awe; such a fearsome creature and a skilled predator, and here it was, allowing him to stroke its feathers! It was almost as placid as the kitten that his sister had adopted, although the kitten was much more temperamental. Richard laughed as the bird fluffed out its feathers and stretched its wings. The valet smiled down at the boy. He was eight years old.
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All adults seem to fall victim to the same curse; they all somehow labour under the misconception that an eight year old cannot, and will not, discover their whisperings. They all send the children to bed and believe that they are safe to voice their concerns away from the prying ears of youngsters.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAyN5R7HanwV
Richard found it hard not to giggle. He had snuck out of the bedchamber that he shared with brother George and sat positioned on the stairs in such a manner that he could hear all that was said on the floor down below, but in such a way that the shadows gave him their protection. He would not be found lest someone should trip over him on their way down.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAKdnieLuHC9
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“Are the children asleep?” He heard his father ask. His mother, Cecily, must have nodded, for his father continued.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAwpWcujb27R
“Good. I wish not to worry them.”1007Please respect copyright.PENANA0shzE9Qltx
“Then worry them not! Stay here, Richard!” Cecily appealed to her husband. The younger Richard almost laughed. He had learned long ago that telling his father not to do something would only spur him on all the more. He was like George, that way, Richard thought. Always so stubborn. But still, he was his father and Richard was thrilled that his father was such a brave warrior. Why wasn’t Mama proud?1007Please respect copyright.PENANAGuwn9h9qLc
1007Please respect copyright.PENANAMKYCQK4VtF
“It shall be an easy battle, my love. I shall be home and back to you and the children before the week is out.” Richard, duke of York promised. Although Richard could not see her from his spot on the stairs, he knew his mother would remain unconvinced. “And besides,” his father continued. “Edmund shall be with me. And Edward is not far, only in Wales. He shall return soon too, and your nest shall once more be full, my love.”1007Please respect copyright.PENANAr70EIgoVw1
“I do wish you would stop taking my sons into battle.” Cecily said somewhat bitterly, but her husband noted her tone and realised quickly that she was jesting.1007Please respect copyright.PENANANVOy8KQIJ7
“Your sons are fierce warriors, wife. They have inherited all their skill from their father.” York said with a grin. Richard remained on the stairs, listening to his parents conversation. It was not often that he was able to observe them like this, and he noted how much they were dragged down by protocol and what was, as his mother so often put it, ‘proper’. The duke of York could never speak to his wife so honestly and so openly in public.1007Please respect copyright.PENANASX6Hv2J3sk
“You shall inflate your own ego so much that it shall drag you down into the dirt!” Cecily said with a laugh. “Now! To bed with you! You are to be up early in the morning and if you must go into this battle I would have you do it with your wits about you, not half-asleep!” She commanded.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAypRJHwYLp1
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Young Richard stood immediately and clambered somewhat quietly up the remaining stairs and into his bedchamber. He shut the door softly and jumped nimbly under his covers.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAz14CkaGpdf
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“Do you think he realised that we knew he was there?” The Duke asked his wife in a whisper once he had heard the soft thump of a door on the second floor of the castle. Cecily shook her head.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAlommb5J5fz
“He had no idea. God bless him.”
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Richard woke early to the sound of hooves in the courtyard. The household seemed to be ablaze and as he descended the stairs he saw his father being dressed in his armour. It was spectacular, bright enough to blind and strong enough, he was sure, that his father could endure a thousand arrows and come out unscathed. The Duke of York smiled at his youngest son warmly.1007Please respect copyright.PENANABvORGz7LPf
1007Please respect copyright.PENANAPQcgpKMmAI
“Richard! Come and bid your father a good day!” He said. He knelt down to his son’s height - no small feat in the armour he currently wore - and looked his son in the eye. Grey blue met dark brown and the Duke ruffled the boys hair lightly.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAquUQuBD4FO
“When can I join you in battle like Edward and Edmund, father?” Richard asked. His father grinned.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAGLQb6bWqSH
“Oh, when you are old enough! There will be no shortage of battles for you, my son!”1007Please respect copyright.PENANAaQTVgo7TnU
“And can I have my own sword? And my own horse?” Richard asked with all the hopefulness and innocence of a small child. The Duke of York felt his heart warm in his chest. That his son could possess such innocence in such a time of warfare was beyond him.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAp1mCCrnots
“Aye son. You can have all the horses you want, and we’ll even get you a magnificent sword.”1007Please respect copyright.PENANAwRwcrH6tLQ
“Better than Edward’s?” Richard asked, recalling his brother’s silver sword that glittered with gems at the hilt.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAZ8OTiMJyuv
“Oh yes, much better than Edward’s. But don’t tell him, mind.” The Duke whispered. Richard grinned.1007Please respect copyright.PENANA6TVAFAMraC
“Good luck, father!” He called as his father walked out into the courtyard.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAG5jQi9ZKs6
“I don’t need luck, lad!” He said with a wink. He said his goodbyes to his daughters and his other son George, and finally to his wife. He kissed her softly before mounting his horse. Cecily moved to Edmund, her second son, and fretted over his armour for no shortage of moments. Edmund laughed, rolled his eyes and said his own goodbyes to his family.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAsybrR3mmQC
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“I shall be back soon, Mama. And Dickon,” He said, pausing before Richard. “Don’t forget to keep George in check!” He said with a wink.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAc71rsKHJFS
George stuck his tongue out at his older brother, before being chastised by his mother. Richard disguised a laugh with a cough and waved as his father and brother rode off into battle.
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Edmund was seventeen, yet feared little the coming battle. He stood beside his father, surveyed the battle ground. The terrain was easy and Edmund was confident of their victory.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAQh6cC7Gyai
“Edward shall be jealous he missed this.” He said with a grin to his father. The Duke of York laughed a little at his son’s eagerness for battle and clapped him on the shoulder.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAsgA8f4LTUW
“Aye lad, your brother shall envy us this victory!”1007Please respect copyright.PENANAyDfC7Gp1KQ
He had never felt more prepared in his life. His father had promised him victory, and not once did it occur to Edmund to doubt his father’s word.
Edmund stood on the battlefield, his sword bloodied and his armour muddied. He was sure he had a few broken bones and he was certain of a large number of flesh wounds. He had torn a muscle in his knee and had received a stab wound to the arm. And yet, he continued to fight with such vigour that one would be forgiven for believing him to be injury free.1007Please respect copyright.PENANALPCIJZE4Hn
The broken bodies of the enemy forces littered around him, and he noted with a grim sort of satisfaction that the soldiers of the opposite side were already giving him a wide berth.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAwlt8sJxlLG
Edmund was secure in the belief that he was winning himself a victory, when he spied his tutor and friend, Robert Apsall.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAqDgTaZPRr1
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Rob was in no better state than Edmund himself, although it looked like he had taken more injuries. Edmund froze upon noticing Rob’s expression.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAnQ56c2myJO
“Edmund, they have your father.” He said gravely. Edmund sighed.1007Please respect copyright.PENANATH9K0SplOI
“What do they want? Money? A ransom?” He asked. He had sheathed his sword and was walking to the edge of the battlefield.1007Please respect copyright.PENANArnrC6af1aT
“No, Ed. Your father is dead.” Rob said. His eyes were grave but his tone was urgent. Edmund was in disbelief. His father, the duke of York, killed? It could not be!1007Please respect copyright.PENANAGPzpLVoXJu
“Are you sure?” He asked. Rob nodded.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAGL9DpkACCL
“Edmund, you must leave. Seek safety; they will be coming for you now.”1007Please respect copyright.PENANAJaGJjsdjBQ
“I cannot leave our men! We shall lose!” Edmund said stubbornly. Rob had to shake his shoulders to get some sense into the boy.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAMSyS8wrl3U
“Don’t you see lad? We’ve already lost!” He said sharply. Finally feeling the loss of his father, Edmund nodded numbly1007Please respect copyright.PENANA55SveJmJDb
“Then… then we shall go. We shall leave, quickly.” He said.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAXfb4of5oxB
Rob nodded and lead the way.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAkP9v9FwLFD
1007Please respect copyright.PENANAoFlPDFT3Ak
They had gone quite a distance. The sounds of battle were long behind them, and both Edmund and Rob had begun to believe they were quite out of harms way.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAWqSG3skzVt
Yet Rob had slowed his pace, and Edmund, wondering why, turned back to his companion.1007Please respect copyright.PENANA4jrMpLmftq
“Rob, what?” He asked. Rob nodded his head in the direction of the trees up ahead, and Edmund saw to his horror silhouettes concealed behind the branches. He glanced the glint of swords, the shine of armour.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAGKb5l8THff
1007Please respect copyright.PENANAcO7w3jIXgU
“By God, it appears we have come across the Earl of Rutland!” A voice said, emerging from the woods. Edmund recognised him as Lord Clifford - one of the very men he had spent the morning fighting against.1007Please respect copyright.PENANARc6HxaA7zP
“Edmund, is it not?” Clifford continued. Edmund nodded stiffly, his hand positioned firmly on the hilt of his sword. “Your father is dead, boy.” Clifford said with a sadistic sort of smile. Edmund took a deep, shaky breath and forced himself to remain composed. He remained silent.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAye5T6y0e4Q
1007Please respect copyright.PENANAh9Xe2Hia3V
Before either he or Rob had a chance to unsheathe their swords, they had been set upon by Clifford’s men; their hands were bound so swiftly that neither of them had any chance to resist. They were forced to their knees and disarmed as Clifford stood menacingly overhead.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAkHKCSB8xWV
“You will be seeing your father soon enough, boy.” Clifford said to Edmund. Beside him, Rob was openly appalled.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAV3AQ1lQdZz
“You cannot mean to harm the boy. He is the Earl of Rutland!”1007Please respect copyright.PENANAp4D8tiF2LD
“And Richard was the Duke of York, and yet he lies cold and stiff on a bloody battlefield.” Clifford said with a cruel laugh. Rob struggled against his restraints until he needed to be contained by two of Clifford’s men.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAUHgg7TuyF5
“He is seventeen.” Rob said quietly, fiercely. “He is fleeing the battle. There is no honour in this!” He snarled.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAa7U8fNMrnY
Clifford looked coldly at Rob and unsheathed a silver dagger.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAs9PdSZgC8B
“York was responsible for the death of my father. It would give me no greater pleasure than to be the bearer of death for his son.”
Edmund was cold. He tried his hardest not to shiver from the December chill, but his cold armour was pushing the ice down into his very bones. He could hardly bend his fingers, and even if his hands had been unbound, he doubted he would be able to defend himself. The thrill of the fight had long since left him and with it, all of his willpower to continue fighting.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAhLcdCcK7SC
“Jesus, the boy can’t defend himself!” Rob protested harshly. Clifford paid no heed. Edmund looked Clifford straight in the eyes. Despite his wounds that were beginning now to give him great pain, despite the aching in all of his limbs and the cold worming its way into his veins and seeming to freeze his blood, Edmund was determined not to die a coward.
He felt the dagger enter his chest. He felt strange comfort in the warmth of the blood that was pooling around his ribs, and glanced over to Rob.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAAe4AgBJieo
Rob was staring in horror; the son of the heir to the throne of England, murdered in cold blood on the outskirts of the battlefield and denied the chance to defend himself.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAth1VNAtfHY
The cold seemed to be numbing his pain, and as Edmund felt the last few strands of life he had left leaving him, he forced himself to remember the faces of his mother and his younger siblings. Little Richard and George; his sisters, Margaret and Anne and Elizabeth... 1007Please respect copyright.PENANAz8XFvwjkww
And, of course, Edward. Oh, how Edward would berate him now! They had always been incredibly close. It was more than mere blood that bound Edmund and Edward; it was sheer loyalty and love. There was no one Edmund cared for more than his brother.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAZQoGae4jaj
Edward had always been better at combat than Edmund had, and oh, how he wished his brother were here with him now. Edward would have stopped this, Edward would have instructed him and... he would have saved him. 1007Please respect copyright.PENANAV80fNzdp2v
He felt almost nothing as life left him, and with every ounce of strength he had left, he managed to glance over to Rob and give him a small, thankful smile.
1007Please respect copyright.PENANAjpFpPOGzmM
“Coward.” Rob spat. Clifford waved a hand at the men restricting Rob.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAkzDYCiT8cy
Lifting him to his feet they carried him away. His last glance of Edmund was of Clifford’s men lifting his limp body and carrying it away towards the city.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAv70sUuegL0
“Do not fret Rob!” Clifford called. “You shall see Edmund again. Do not forget to look up to the gates of York ere you next enter the city!” He shouted with a laugh.
Rob fainted.
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Edward was frozen. He stood before the city gates, looking up at the dismembered heads of his beloved father and his even more beloved brother.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAzAFjuPwfPt
Edward and Edmund had always been close. They were born less than one year apart. All of Edward’s childhood memories included Edmund in one way or another.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAApZDzCjPJ7
Edward would always be the one to get the pair of them into trouble, but he never fretted, for he knew that Edmund would come up with a way to get them out. Edmund was the sensible one. The dependable one. The one that Edward had never doubted would be there, and now he noticed his brother’s absence with startling clarity. The air next to him felt empty; the space where Edmund would have ridden his horse beside him was cold and desolate and Edward was struggling to tear his eyes away from his brother’s face.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAHqw6K3svFk
1007Please respect copyright.PENANA2j9OKEIxdu
Beside Edmund, was the head of their father. No more ceremoniously shoved onto a spike than Edmund had been, the Duke of York was displayed on the gates to his city. Someone had made a crown crudely out of paper and placed it upon his father’s head. Edward, in his grief, was angered more by this act of disrespect than the death of his father itself.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAzf8Evr1r4v
1007Please respect copyright.PENANAY6lzHKk1vw
He remained standing before the gates for some time, staring blankly upwards.1007Please respect copyright.PENANA2iPsfWVfYQ
“Why, Edmund?” He whispered. “Why did you run? Jesus, why did you only take Rob with you? Good lord, if you had only have had some of your men with you…”1007Please respect copyright.PENANAwvdiLPfJQ0
He looked into his brother’s face, willing it to answer and yet knowing it would not.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAEjirDuONrW
He was about to speak again when he felt a pressure at his side. A small tug on his sleeve made him look down, and he saw Richard, eight year old Richard, looking up to him.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAQhehYbn8yS
“Don’t look, Dickon.” Edward said softly. The boy before him sniffed.1007Please respect copyright.PENANASzqT4a9ghY
“Why would they, Ned? Why…” Richard trailed off. His eyes found themselves landing on the heads of his father and brother, and he felt the air leave his lungs. Edward saw how grieved the boy was, and so put aside his own grief for the moment. He knelt down to Richard’s level and placed his hands on Richard’s shoulders.1007Please respect copyright.PENANA9kOzfigjjo
“War can be harsh.” Edward said simply. He gently wiped the tears that had begun to fall from Richard’s eyes.
“But I overhead Mama… she said Edmund was no longer fighting… she said they tied his hands and took his weapons.”1007Please respect copyright.PENANAq54tta4Kth
At this, Edward himself had to fight back his own tears. Richard was clever and perpetually curious. It was a dangerous combination in a child.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAN5KLrqq5df
“You should not have been eavesdropping, Dickon.” Edward said with a raised eyebrow. Richard shrugged. Edward furrowed his eyebrows and looked at his younger brother with all the sympathy he could muster.1007Please respect copyright.PENANA7matFNkdak
“We shall have to stick together now, do you hear?” He said softly. Richard nodded.1007Please respect copyright.PENANA0zXLXC7ylQ
“What shall we do Ned? Without father?” Richard said, biting his lip. He was too young to worry about such things, about money and property, and yet worry he did. Edward was touched.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAef67Q13vXE
“As I said, we shall have to stick together. I shall be quite lost without Edmund by my side.” He said to his brother. Tears began to escape his eyes again, and once more Edward wiped them away.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAA6kCMA14S3
“Promise you won’t leave too.” Richard said. Edward looked deep into his brothers eyes, and was about to say how he could never promise such a futile and unpredictable thing, but seeing how desperate the child was for reassurance, he nodded.1007Please respect copyright.PENANA9f1mAKcKWH
“I promise, Dickon. And you know what else?” He said with a forced smile. Richard shook his head. “I’m going to take the throne and become King to honour father. I am going to fulfil his wishes, and when I do Dickon, I am going to need you by my side.”1007Please respect copyright.PENANAOQkyH3sEbW
Richard’s eyes brightened at that, at the prospect of hope.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAGVCtRSWkvr
“I will, Ned. I will.” He said earnestly. Edward smiled. He patted his brother on the shoulder and told him to run along. Richard turned back and retreated from whichever way he had come.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAui80NAuUmQ
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Edward glanced once more up at his father.1007Please respect copyright.PENANA6Ir2KCFu3t
“Goodbye father.” He said softly. And then, before turning away, he turned his attention to Edmund.1007Please respect copyright.PENANAn9REo8qCsH
“Wait for me, brother. I swear I’ll see you again in time.”
A/N: The boy in this story is Richard, duke of Gloucester and later Richard III. He never saw the heads of his father and brother on the gates of York, and I don't think Edward did until after he was King and ordered them to be taken down either, but... creative licence!