Chapter Two-Jade
I woke up in a bright white room, the light hurt my eyes so I rolled over to my front blocking out the light but I hit my head on my hand in the process and felt pain surge though my head. “What the fuck” I said out load and sat up, tentively touching the sore spot on my head where I could clearly feel a round bump had formed, I stood up and looked around. My heart went still. Where the hell was I?
I was in a completely white tiled room baring one wall which was made of glass and had a door in it, I could see a hallway and across it a room similar to the one I was standing in, but it was empty. Two rod lights hung from the ceiling filling the room with bright artificial light. I stood next to a metal frame bed attached to the back wall and at the end was a toilet. In the middle stood a metal table with two chairs set either side of it. What the hell was going on?
Then I remembered what had happened, I remembered the alley and the shooting and the dying boy.
I sunk back down into the bed and cupped my head in my hands, then pulled away sharply when I accidently put pressure on the bruise again, causing pain to explode from the spot.
I leant back against the wall behind me. Those boys must have taken me here when they knocked me out but why, why didn’t they just kill me or leave me where I was. It made no sense
I sat there pondering the idea for a long time, I was still thinking when I heard the door in the glass wall opening.
I stood up abruptly immediately going on the defence as I watched a man come in walk over to the table and take a seat in the chair in front of it. He was carry a stack of papers in is hand and began sorting through them reading some of them briefly before moving onto the next one. He was black and now I could see, like the others, he was more a teen than a man 18 or 19, he had dreadlocks like me but his where the thick ones and where much shorter than mine only just coming to the top of his shoulders they were also more brown then black . Even in this situation I registered that he was handsome in an underwear model kind of way with bright amber eyes that contrasted with his dark skin he was probably about a head taller than me and I would bet money that if he took off his shirt there would be a six pack underneath.
You would think that his model looks would put me at ease, but it didn’t I immediately began to search for a way out. I was beginning to think about whether I could run out the door which I now knew was open when the boys head snapped up and looked straight at me.
“Don’t bother” he said “you wouldn’t get very far”
I stared at him, how the hell he know.
As if he had again read my mind he answered me “you stepped forward slightly, and you had being studying the door for a while, beside the door locks automatically, you need one of these to get out” he held up his wrist there was a metal bracelet on it, in the middle was a flashing blue light. He gestured to the seat on the other side of the table “would you like to sit down?” I didn’t move, and he sighed “I may have said it like a question but I meant it as a command, would you sit down please. I decided to pick my battles and walked forward taking a seat in the chair.
“What’s your name?” he asked I hesitated “you might as well answer not telling me won’t really get you out of the situation you’re in “
He was right but I wasn’t about to roll over and let him get want he wanted… whatever that was. I sat up straighter and looked him in the eye “fine I will answer your questions but only if I can ask some as well” The boy looked back at me I saw a slight smile raise at the corner of his lip, and a little more life come into his eyes.
“Alright” he said “when I’m done you can ask me all the questions you like, happy?”
I nodded “yes that’s fine go ahead”
“Good, what’s your name?”
“Jade” he wrote it down on one of the papers
“You got a last name” he said with a smirk
“Gold” I smirked back
“Jade Gold, I like it, so how old are you Jade Gold”
He was treating me like a child“17”
“Where do you live?”
I decided not to be precise “Lambeth”
He laughed, he had realised what I had done “anywhere more specific”
I thought about it “no”
“Ok, fine, can you tell me why you were in that alley last night?”
“I was meant to be getting lunch for my step dad”
“Does the name Dejada Ruly mean anything to you?”
“You sure, if you lie it won’t help you”
“I said No!”
“Ok Ok … are you affiliated with any gangs in the London area”
“No” the boy looked at me trying to read my face, then his expression changed to one of confusion
“Then what where you doing in that alley?
“I told you I was on my way to get lunch for my step dad”
“So you were truly there by chance?”
“Yes” I said he sat back in his chair studying my face. He put down the papers
“Have you ever handled a gun before?”
“No”. He shook his head as if he had given up on something
“Fine” he said “one more question the guy who died, the one that he took the gun from, did you happen to hear if last words or something”
I couldn’t help smiling “he told me that if he had a choice he would totally bang me”
The boy burst out laughing “that’s just typical of Ramone, he wouldn’t go out any other way. Jason will be glad to hear that” I giggled alongside him, I mean as far as last words go they were pretty funny
I was still giggling when he asked me my next question “so what do you want to know”
I sat up “what happen last night”
“Do you want a description of what happened or do you mean why it happened”
His sarcasm irritated me “I want to know what went on in that alley I want to know what purpose it had” he looked at me clearly thinking how to phase the question
“Basically it was a territory battle between two gangs for the postcode”
“Which gangs”
“F.T.H and the Memphis group” I let that sink in
“Who Won?”
“The Memphis Group”
“Why am I here, why not just leave me there or kill me” the boy sat up and placed his hands on the table, he face had gone from a smirk to a very serious glare… he was angry at me .
“Your here because last night you killed five people three of them F.T.H and two of them Memphis, farther more you shoot them with the precision of a military sniper hitting all of them dead between the eyes, you also…” he kept taking but I had stopped listening. This couldn’t be real, how the hell could this be real. There’s no way I could have killed five people, a horrible feeling settled in the pit of my stomach, I felt like I was being ripped apart I just wanted to be swallowed by a hole. I put my head in my hands covering my face.
“Do you have any more questions?” I heard a voice say I snapped out of my trance, it was the boy he what looking at me with what could be described as concern on his face.
I thought, trying to drag my mind from the dark world it had entered, I needed to gather information it was the best way of finding my way out of here , Knowledge is the best weapon, my dad had always said. “Where am I?”
“I can’t answer that one, let’s just say you’re in a HQ of kinds”
I paused thinking “who’s Dejada Ruly?”
“The current leader of the F.T.H”
“Who are you” I noticed the tip of his lips tweak at the question
“Well most people call me Memphis” and with that he got up and walked out the door the door closing it behind him.