She walked panting heavily taking each stride as though her feet were not reaching the ground. Her lips had turned sour and her eyes swollen from the tears they bore. Bukky had been with Daniel from the very day she stepped foot in the university. They became an inseparable pair bounded by everything love was defined to be.
But all that could change today. Daniel had texted earlier that someone told someone who told someone that she was a cheat. She has for hours tried calling him but he was not picking. Her heart was melting from within her as her feet trembled from underneath.
“Why should anyone lie against her?” she thought.
“I want to be with him for the rest of my life” she muttered as she drove off the sweat that had gathered on her forehead with her thumb.
Birds chirping, cars honking, people murmuring others screaming.
A body lay there, brains spilled out; crushed like pepper with a piston. A truck stood beside the body, pressing beneath its tires the hand of the victim which was almost separated from the rest of the body.
A truck had hit the victim while crossing the road.
Bukky died on the spot.