Hell trembled with its lord’s thundering roar. The cavernous walls quivered as a blast of flames ignited along the endless hall. Lucifer grasped one of his demons by the throat, his eyes held a glare that sliced like daggers. “you know she doesn’t like being cooped up all day!” he snarled, clenching the demon’s throat tighter. The creature retched and coughed, grappling for air he managed few words, “she snuck past me” he wheezed as Lucifer impatiently awaited his pitiful excuse. “by the time I noticed she’d gotten past *cough* she was already gone”. His words of defense were met with a disappointed stare before he was finally released, he hit the cold stone floor with a dull thud and instantly started gulping in air. By the time he caught his breath Lucifer had vanished, to the surface no doubt in search of Dextra.
The surface is home to the humans. Although these creatures seem smart they’ve managed to almost entirely destroy a world gifted to them. Pollution inhabits the skies and the land is embedded with man-made structures in need of constant maintenance. Yet the most dangerous occupant of the surface is the humans. Lucifer takes great pride in puppeteering the weak and unclean. Demons feed off of these weaknesses and fears and ungodly desires. Murder, rape, stealing, it’s all whispered in the ears of those unfortunate enough to listen. And because of its balance, the disturbance in perfection is beautiful.
Lucifer reveled in his world of balanced imperfection, although he enjoyed the occasional night out it dangerous cities he wished Dextra would stay away from it all. Although a demon, Dextra, still seemed pure to him. A soft little light in hells caverns. And as previously stated, Dextra is a demon. But she doesn’t attain as many powers as Lucifer, and doesn’t have the same powers as other demons. She has the capability to shapeshift, although into very specific forms. Dextra can transform into a human form and a bat. She also has the potential to transform into a more formidable looking being if she is enraged enough, although this is a rare occurrence. The only other powers she can conjure are resurrecting the dead, and flight when in any form other than the human one. While on the surface Dextra enjoys taking a human form and joining average human activities, and basically pretending she is one.
This is where problems arise. Lucifer isn’t very entertained by the idea of Dextra exploring the surface alone. She’s far to social and occasionally far too trusting, but strongly enjoys the surface and the things that reside there. thus the reason he has all of his demons keeping a close eye on her. Dextra is Lucifer’s being and his alone, the mere thought of a mortal eyeing her is enough to launch Lucifer into delirium. Although distraught by Lucifer’s aggressive behavior towards humans, Dextra still can’t keep herself from the splendors of the human realm.