Lucifer’s eyes darted across the prodigious city as his large tattered wings carried him undetected through the night sky. Dextra could be anywhere at this point. She reveled in the night scene and attended drunken bar shows and backstreet clubs and the occasional larger set concert. After an hour had passed he finally found her, in a filthy alley near downtown LA talking to a group of what a mortal might call intimidating men. A large SUV was idling behind the group as they talked to her. Lucifer lowered himself atop a nearby building ‘they’ll probably be able to lure her into the car just by saying they have a puppy’ he mused as he watched the exchange.
After a couple minutes of their conversation Dextra went to walk out of the alley. One of the men grabbed her arm, halting her in her tracks. Lucifer had enough of this. He stepped off the edge of the building, landing silently behind the group. The first man wrapped another arm around Dextra, lifting her off the ground, although she didn’t move. She didn’t struggle or scream or even whimper. Just guilt and terror frozen on her face. She’d already made eye contact with Lucifer, who stood quietly in the shadows. The men had hardly taken a step towards the vehicle before Lucifer cleared his throat, stepping into the dim light.
His initial appearance to a human isn’t entirely threatening, although an ominous atmosphere lingers around his presence like a noose around your neck. The men stopped and looked him up and down, they were definitely unsettled but not entirely frightened. “the fuck are you lookin at?” one of them huffed in an attempt to scare him. Lucifer looked extremely disappointed as he walked towards the group. “Hey if ya want a turn with her you’re gonna have to pay up” another man stated.
Human traffickers… Lucifer noted with repugnance. Literal human waste that reached the bottom of the food chain, even in prison. He approached the men with a faster pace and began to reveal his true form as his eyes burned a bright crimson. Fangs, claws and large horns burst from hiding as his size seemed to slightly increase. At this point the group was trembling, one of them proceeded to stare in horror as urine trickled down his leg.
He grabbed the first one by the throat, in response the man released his grip on Dextra who attempted to sneak off whilst Lucifer dealt with the criminals. Cries and screams echoed through the alleyway coupled with the tearing of flesh and snapping of bones. “Dextra!” Lucifer’s voice boomed. She froze and slowly turned, keeping her grey eyes down as she put on her best guilty/pouty face.
The entire alleyway was painted with blood and the bodies lay scattered and mutilated across the pavement. Some parts even managed to get hung up and stuck on streetlights and in window sills. There he stood, in the center of his work of art, fitted black suit stained with blood. “here, now.” He commanded with a cold stare. Dextra hesitated for a moment, keeping up her pity act before bolting down the street.
Lucifer watched as she ran, her black hair whipped violently in the wind. She knew there was no way she would outrun him, but she clung to these extra seconds of freedom in the human realm. She turned down an upcoming street and collided with Lucifer at a full sprint. The impact through her off her feet and she hit the road butt first with a dull thud. Before she could wrap her brain around what had happened she was lifted off the road and carried through a portal back to Hell.