He was standing on the corner of the deserted road. I sat among the dry grass and dirt and he approached me.
"Where am I?" I asked. He said nothing and smiled with lips tightly closed, his eyes showing their whites. I tried again with a different question.
"Who are you?" That made him smile wider, this time showing small, pointed rows of teeth. They were like a shark's, with one row behind the other.
"I am... Death.... You are.... in the place of.... nightmares.... This is..... Hell..." he said haltingly, with a voice like sandpaper and nails on a chalkboard. His smile grew and grew until his face split open, revealing something to terrible to describe. I was still screaming even as everything went black.
Picture this was based off of: http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c5/a2/fe/c5a2fecead390cde545165ede9e80d8a.jpg