She Never Left the Stairs
The stairs weren’t supposed to be there. I’d looked at all of the blueprints for my new apartment, and I had never seen stairs on them. My apartment only had one floor, so why would we have stairs? I was also sure that no little girl lived in the building. It was mainly elderly couples and middle-aged single people that lived here. There was most definitely not supposed to be a little girl that disappeared into thin air. I finally decided to ask Mr. Ward, the landlord. According to him, the little girl was the daughter of the couple that used to live in the house that once stood in the place of the apartment. A two story house, he said. The daughter fell down the stairs and broke her neck. The demolished the house and rebuilt it as a one story apartment soon after. “Your neighbors are actually the girl’s parents,” Mr. Ward told me. I decided to ask them how exactly their daughter fell down stairs in the first place. When I did, the father became angry and threw me out of their apartment. Later that week, his wife came to my house and told me what really happened. She said her husband shoved her daughter down those stairs. I understood now why the little girl wouldn’t leave. I wouldn’t either, at least not until the person that slaughtered her was rotting and her mother was safe.