They reached the top and he opened the door to a large room which was his, filled with some lovely crystals setting just so, allowing the sunlight to dance through them and cast a colorful light on the surface below them. "Welcome to my humble abode." He smoothly said as they entered.524Please respect copyright.PENANAlIobykXNQd
524Please respect copyright.PENANAXe822ai3qq
"Oh many shiny things..." Amber said softly as she looked at the crystals hanging and sitting around with widening eyes.524Please respect copyright.PENANAVFEbHbsb8l
524Please respect copyright.PENANAyjUnH6XDJE
Faerthurin blinked and looked around confused. " did I get here?" she looked down at the dress. "And where did I get this dress from?" she asked with her mind feeling foggy in spots.524Please respect copyright.PENANAOijhefmoBg
524Please respect copyright.PENANAGn1rZk0s0K
"It was given to you by Klarian. We," Oin motioned to himself, Jalerom and Kross, "think he used a charm spell, something like the Nighttwist. Also he got that dress likely from the vendor who wanted Kross."524Please respect copyright.PENANAMwCwm2ie9c
524Please respect copyright.PENANAlZNT8IkSMS
Her face fell and twisted with disgust at the thought of what made the thread used for the material. "What is this made of?" she uneasily inquired.524Please respect copyright.PENANAGBDIQnkcoc
524Please respect copyright.PENANA9wZMkI0veQ
"Don't worry, it's not saurian or dragon or anything else of the sort." Klarian spoke calmly in a matter-of-fact way while he walked over and flopped on his sofa. "It's made of plants. She sells clothing and accessories made from creatures but she also makes less expensive items from plant fiber."524Please respect copyright.PENANAIDCCrUGNOC
524Please respect copyright.PENANAcyU7hYYGG5
"It looks well made for someone who sells it cheep." Faerthurin commented.524Please respect copyright.PENANAl9j6N70mOF
524Please respect copyright.PENANARcwempiQAm
"She wouldn't be caught dead selling anything that was low quality, no matter what it's made from." Klarian pointed out as the others came around that had been under his charm spell. He pushed some short orange hair back that had come loose from his ponytail out of his sky blue eyes.524Please respect copyright.PENANA3DxNs4Erw2
524Please respect copyright.PENANA9rRz7a0Oyc
"So why did you help us and lead us here? You have to have a motive." Oin flatly stated in his stern tone while watching the man.524Please respect copyright.PENANAuwvnDIeKOu
524Please respect copyright.PENANAnFa10uEi4a
"I already told you my motive." He groaned with a roll of his eyes. "I wanted some company for a little while and I said I would take you to meet the leadership by the morning's light, as their abode isn't too far from mine." Klarian said innocently as he looked to Oin. "Don't you trust a kind stranger?" Oin didn't answer this, only folded his arms and stared Klarian down who shivered before diverting his eyes away from the dwarf.524Please respect copyright.PENANAkTmFh2NDsl
524Please respect copyright.PENANANvNhKU0jnh
Faerthurin looked the place over, taking in what he had before looking Klarian over while mentally going through what she had researched. Kross looked over to the elf sorceress and made his way over, carrying a unique clock in his hands he had picked up. "Something on your mind?"524Please respect copyright.PENANAbyMxuDIbXA
524Please respect copyright.PENANAxCAlI98EIN
"He's obviously a dragon, possibly part of the race we're looking for as they tend to be more drawn to crystals and stained glass...but I don't recall any information on them being able to use charm spells like what he used." She quietly answered with her sights staying on the relaxing man.524Please respect copyright.PENANA54qSopyLaN
524Please respect copyright.PENANAOaqnxOoWYd
"Could he be a half-breed?" Kross questioned.524Please respect copyright.PENANADv4TqFWi6Y
524Please respect copyright.PENANAjpP3eyNvik
"Maybe, I know succubus, incubus and other creatures can use charm magic like that."524Please respect copyright.PENANAqMTV1Yqdr1
524Please respect copyright.PENANAw7hqhRqwAM
Klarian inhaled deeply with his head leaned back, eyes closed as he exhaled. "I can hear you two so just ask~" he calmly sang before lifting his head and opening his eyes, motioning for the pair to come over. "I'm not gonna bite because you ask me anything."524Please respect copyright.PENANAAJ8JYS87T4
524Please respect copyright.PENANA3GhUuzJaws
"Then what are you?" Faerthurin bluntly asked as she kept her distance, having folded up the dress and stored it in her pack.524Please respect copyright.PENANAeRBQ7OGRHm
524Please respect copyright.PENANAoTHTddcHLj
Klarian rubbed his chin in thought. "Well I'm not really a half-breed as I'm not equally half and half." He began with a slight slyness to his tone. "I could be mostly one thing and a third another."524Please respect copyright.PENANAtTPVQAeO9r
524Please respect copyright.PENANAEZNokc9a2E
Kross thought some. "Hmm it seems he may not be what he seems so we should probably just leave." He shrugged, "I mean, we have been here a while after all and all he wanted was company for a bit." He stretched and sighed with his tone being casual. "All he did was get lucky with that weak spell of his." He turned on his heel, making his way towards the door. "It wasn't nearly as strong as that tree a time back."524Please respect copyright.PENANAsI3fEWlRrq
524Please respect copyright.PENANAGxbcp4lIdb
Klarian's jaw fell for a moment before he quickly closed it and stood. "I'll have you know that I may be a third incubus but I am dang good with my charm spells!" he huffed, snorting a couple small sparks as his hands clinched snugly into fists. "You can't even cast magic as an archer." He pointed at Kross with his eyes set on the archer. "I bet you haven't even studied magic."524Please respect copyright.PENANAuGnEXtFK83
524Please respect copyright.PENANApSCIPGdQML
Kross turned giving a small bow while sliding the clock back in its place, smirking. "And that, is how you get an answer on race."524Please respect copyright.PENANAm8EX6y87aM
524Please respect copyright.PENANAO0YO8qeaRG
Faerthurin smirked. "Clever ranger, very clever." She said pleased and a bit impressed.524Please respect copyright.PENANAjRsBmaxtFo
524Please respect copyright.PENANAIHg6JkBHXV
During this Oin had been inspecting a desk area but didn't find much of interest, Rose had found an interesting book on dragons titled 'The Beginner's Introduction to Dragon Culture' and had flipped through it. She had looked up during the conversation between the trio and noticed the sparks. Jalerom had found and was looking over a picture after having put down scribbled notes involving money. "Hmm..." Ivan came over with Amber who was resisting to claim one of the collected treasures for a souvenir.524Please respect copyright.PENANAcaPtbkK2Et
524Please respect copyright.PENANA66ZDy8e0Hn
"What you looking at?" Ivan looked at the picture of two males, looking like brothers. "Oh they look similar. Where do you think the younger brother is?"524Please respect copyright.PENANAbG5UxvnJub
524Please respect copyright.PENANAfj0ff0jAxy
"No idea." Jalerom looked over to Klarian. "Hey, do you have a little brother?"524Please respect copyright.PENANAAYnSR6kMPv
524Please respect copyright.PENANAjSpou1u2Cm
The man got up and made his way over upon seeing the rogue with the picture frame. "Heh, that's an interesting question to ask someone but as you can see, no siblings here." He reached out and plucked the photograph out of Jalerom's hands. "Pictures are misleading sometimes."524Please respect copyright.PENANAc0gaksvPW9
524Please respect copyright.PENANAzWXSprPAMj
Ivan, Jalerom and Amber looked to him disbelieving of that statement. "So how come he looks like you? There looks to be a resemblance." Ivan prodded gently. "We all have family so hold old is your brother? You both look happy in that photo."524Please respect copyright.PENANAbigaYThMbH
524Please respect copyright.PENANAEMgDnX0Wzw
Klarian inhaled and sighed as he looked to the picture and nodded. "Yea, we were until I messed up." He set the frame down on the stand it had been on. "He's currently in the guards care because of me not controlling my betting habit and not being able to fork up the coin I owe." He somberly said.524Please respect copyright.PENANAYiAohbIqYd
524Please respect copyright.PENANAwBgT1q11TS
"So they took him to get you to pay your debt? Why haven't you been paying or have you?" Amber asked curiously.524Please respect copyright.PENANAQhj9BkYgop
524Please respect copyright.PENANAmWXQm2pUmQ
"I've...sort of been making payments. I own this place and make some sales but when your alcohol prices go up, more of the money earned has to go to keeping it running and the lights on." He looked to Amber. "I can't raise drink prices too much or people will stop coming and then I'll really be in trouble."524Please respect copyright.PENANAqSPMmlKRZd
524Please respect copyright.PENANA1UpjqbAC0n
"That's not good. How much do you owe?" Jalerom inquired as he looked to the photo. "Maybe we can help? I mean, we do have a talented bard." Ivan nodded proudly.524Please respect copyright.PENANAdcPuXQyGyw
524Please respect copyright.PENANAD3iCJbTtia
"But wait, you can use song to so why don't you use that to get money? Like singing and see if any patrons would pay you as they do bards?" Amber questioned with that realization.524Please respect copyright.PENANAeX79SCsctV
524Please respect copyright.PENANA4No2McoBnt
Klarian snickered and moved back over to the sofa and sat. "Yea right, like me trying to enchant them is going to get me money. If they resist it then they aren't gonna give up the dough. Besides," he sighed, "I'm roughly..." he rubbed the back of his neck, "a few thousand in debt to the battle grounds owner."524Please respect copyright.PENANAlEtKHiK5G6
524Please respect copyright.PENANAyZ4Nw3aNHh
"I think we've found someone with a worse betting habit than Kross." Faerthurin dryly remarked.524Please respect copyright.PENANAYYd6XCMCHo
524Please respect copyright.PENANAeUmjUPtKO6
"Hey! I resent that comment." Kross huffed. "I haven't lost any money in any gambling, thank you very much."524Please respect copyright.PENANAlyj18wW11Y
524Please respect copyright.PENANAB2neJH1OaT
"Maybe not money but you do bet a lot when you take unneeded risks in battle." Faerthurin countered, locking a glare with Kross.524Please respect copyright.PENANAv7Zla0PmWN
524Please respect copyright.PENANA47hsqAvnMW
Oin listened and sighed, making his way over to where Jeminya had sat to observe and take things in. "Your plans after all this?"524Please respect copyright.PENANAJpyE0cTGkw
524Please respect copyright.PENANA2WAS5NQEWU
"Our mission here is to meet with the leadership of the yellow dragons in order to ask for aid in defeating my sister, nothing more. But I also don't feel right about us leaving a family broken like this...even if it is his own fault."524Please respect copyright.PENANA7R4YIpiEGI
524Please respect copyright.PENANAfwkxR2aMHe
"Hey!" Klarian stood quickly. "I didn't put him up as collateral! I put up my home and the guards decided to take him instead." He snapped, baring a bit of fang as small patches of yellow showed on his hands and peeking up from under his scarf on his neck. "I don't know why they took him but I wouldn't put him up to settle any debt that is my own doing." He growled with his eyes locked with Jeminya's as the room's atmosphere began to tense.524Please respect copyright.PENANAq2txGXurLy
524Please respect copyright.PENANAHSybpDEbXt
The dwarfen cleric coughed, breaking into the tension. "We do have a time restraint even if we don't know exactly how much is left." Oin said as he pondered this over.524Please respect copyright.PENANAj9qrHwRd4r
524Please respect copyright.PENANASIvtgACbPw
Silence filled the room for a few moments up to a minute before it was broken. "I say we help him. Maybe there's some way we can clear his debt and reunite him with his brother." Kross suggested.524Please respect copyright.PENANAACwJ9jn751
524Please respect copyright.PENANAUNKsy7eajT
Faerthurin placed a hand on her hip as the other motioned in the air. "How do you plan on us doing that? Ivan's good but it would take days if not longer of him preforming at his best to possibly make a dent in this morons more than a thousand gold debt."524Please respect copyright.PENANAYxLjl5fm5B
524Please respect copyright.PENANAgVRkZQNBkR
Kross shook his head. "No, no he said it was at a battle grounds. Maybe they'll let us show off our skill and if we're good enough, then his brother gets released along with the removal of his debts."524Please respect copyright.PENANA3MZnC7eP2J
524Please respect copyright.PENANA2zU3XkzIPd
Quietness fell once more as this was considered before Jalerom eventually spoke up. "That would make sense due to people making bets on who would win. We're pretty strong and could at least check it out on how the set up is here." He looked around, "um that is if everyone else agrees to us helping him out."524Please respect copyright.PENANAO9hPhI8lJL
524Please respect copyright.PENANAFM2d0G3azo
"I say we help him out since he helped us out." Ivan stated with a nod.524Please respect copyright.PENANAasEvaAJBvM
524Please respect copyright.PENANAGY3AB5ZbgZ
"I suppose we could help him out, so long as we can get aid in return." Faerthurin said with an exhale.524Please respect copyright.PENANAnCeJKGaetc
524Please respect copyright.PENANAkq7oBWYq3B
Amber nodded, "as we aren't going to be arrested and caged again, I'm up to help fight for his brother's freedom."524Please respect copyright.PENANAN8j6EBuh0s
524Please respect copyright.PENANAnAU2me7lij
Rose had been staying quiet and looked down to Shiloh. "Depending on what we are fighting and how far it is required to go will depend on if I'm in or not on this." She flatly explained with some uncertainty.524Please respect copyright.PENANAw8KCzoVdea
524Please respect copyright.PENANAS7pUnZi9jT
Oin sighed nodding. "I will help as well. It will be good for our skills and it will help someone who could be an alley in the future."524Please respect copyright.PENANAH71gi5SdKR
524Please respect copyright.PENANAsxnzCucCvL
"Then it seems to be unanimous." Jeminya said as she stood, looking to Klarian. "We will help you with reuniting with your brother."524Please respect copyright.PENANAzdlQOg71C9
524Please respect copyright.PENANA0wG1ZSGNzp
Klarian stared at them all shocked. "I didn't expect this at all. And you all aren't going to want money back in return?" they shook their heads no. " now I feel bad for-" he stopped himself before completing that sentence.524Please respect copyright.PENANA7qcmfpoti4
524Please respect copyright.PENANAlr9cGbxIqA
"Bad for what?" Jeminya asked strongly as he tried to laugh it off.524Please respect copyright.PENANAeGwH3HWCgO
524Please respect copyright.PENANAeMBuqc5Wbn
Klarian waved a hand through the air to try dismissing it. "Oh nothing, nothing! Just a stray thought!" he gulped as the eyes on him did not look the least bit impressed or swayed. "Uh..." he stood and stretched, giving a yawn. "Man would you look at the time. We should really sleep if we are to wake early and get to the battle grounds to put that plan into motion, night!" quickly he moved to push everyone out of his room so they could go to the four other rooms.524Please respect copyright.PENANAsuQar85Fc3
524Please respect copyright.PENANAY8C0O1cmGW
Once they were out and the door was shut, Jalerom looked back at the door with a straight eye look. "He was planning on selling us out at the battle grounds to the owner wasn't he?"524Please respect copyright.PENANAyNj8nMFFS6
524Please respect copyright.PENANADYdmvn5ltI
"Yup, likely so." Kross flatly replied.524Please respect copyright.PENANARzWAyNFrty
524Please respect copyright.PENANAjwV9szGGf1
"Of course with our luck." Jalerom sighed. " are we splitting up with rooms?" he moved to look inside one of the four. "This one has four beds in it."524Please respect copyright.PENANAGTHtK6RZpb
524Please respect copyright.PENANAdNNqktj4xM
Rose got off Shiloh and checked the second. "This one has three."524Please respect copyright.PENANAIENUcBU8j9
524Please respect copyright.PENANANM2mLNnw1k
Faerthurin checked the third. "This one has three as well."524Please respect copyright.PENANA38Rxl5iq7r
524Please respect copyright.PENANAi8oKLNWQu9
Jeminya looked in the fourth. "This one has two beds in it."524Please respect copyright.PENANAuMyqKWZPgW
524Please respect copyright.PENANAL0VDoSGnFo
Discussion took place and the group split up to go to their agreed upon room assignments, hoping for a good rest up before the morning.
Go checkout the epic adventure at the following link. I highly recommend it as it's amazing! Link: respect copyright.PENANAaQ2RBvxL9T
Faerthurin (aka Rin) and Lucid belongs to Eliyora. Link: eliyora.deviantart.com524Please respect copyright.PENANA0WQIyBI6Cq
Jalerom belongs to Voice of Reason. Link: henmo24.deviantart.com524Please respect copyright.PENANAKeUFhSxkSN
Amber belongs to Lightning Bliss. Link: lightning-bliss.deviantart.com524Please respect copyright.PENANAcK2rawmSrr
Oin belongs to Dr. Wolf. Link: drwolf010.deviantart.com524Please respect copyright.PENANA5UXIfjCSlw
Jeminya, Starjay and the mentioned Amarta belongs to joshscorcher. Link: joshscorcher.deviantart.com524Please respect copyright.PENANAgIDqdcfA1a
Rose and Shiloh belongs to Sweetie Bloom. Link: sweetie-bloom.deviantart.com524Please respect copyright.PENANA29W9hknX75
Ivan belongs to Finn the Pony. Link: finnthepony17.deviantart.com524Please respect copyright.PENANA26aXppYG2X
MLP and the song "I'm The Friend You Need" belong to Hasbro and all associated party's524Please respect copyright.PENANAzsjFezixjN
DnD belongs to its rightful owners524Please respect copyright.PENANAcslO31Rwvg
The storyline that is being woven and the world belongs to joshscorcher as far as I'm aware. See above for his link by his characters.524Please respect copyright.PENANAYiSt9NJ1pe
Not listed characters are ones I came up with, thus claim ownership over them.524Please respect copyright.PENANACawfoDYyTH