(As said previous, all credits and links from part 1 apply here and to part 4 whenever I get it done)
Amber stretched her arms above her head before twisting her body left then right, “this feels like the first fire elves trial.” She looked to Oin as she brought her arms down. “What do you think we’re facing?”503Please respect copyright.PENANAg3oKQSa3bh
503Please respect copyright.PENANAiqjfxZrFFq
“No idea but if it follows the same rules, even if killing is allowed, we just need to incapacitate it and we win.” Oin answered as his neck cracked when he tilted his head from side to side, “shouldn't be too hard with my spells and your size.”503Please respect copyright.PENANALJ2HB4sY3S
503Please respect copyright.PENANA4WItpG4tOs
“Yea,” she nodded with a confident smile. “There isn’t anything we can’t do when we buff me up, hehe!”503Please respect copyright.PENANAZ8c8mOKX7a
503Please respect copyright.PENANAzytqrvYT6b
Shortly after that, the ground lightly began trembling as a large beast came into view. The beast made its way to the battle grounds as it was lead on a chain by a silver scaled man. The closer it got, the clearer it became to see the creature stood about six foot five as its white wolf coat blew softly in the wind. It came to a stop inside the columns and stretched. This displayed its fourteen foot long form nicely, from the end of its tail to the tip of its snout. The animal lowered its head and began to snarl at the duo, displaying its sharp pearly white teeth. The scaled man removed the chain swiftly and dashed out of the combat zone.503Please respect copyright.PENANA3lu8P6cV5i
503Please respect copyright.PENANAJD1akkqGEH
Devion stood proudly beside the creature and stroked its fur softly. “Magnificent, isn’t he,” he asked while he gave the beast a soft pat. “He did cost a good bit of coin but I think it was worth it.” He smirked as he drank in their shocked expressions at the dragon sized beast. “Do you all like him? I named him Dragof...since it reflects both sides of him so well.”503Please respect copyright.PENANAFcH8pzQs6o
503Please respect copyright.PENANANnHWjiYtyb
“What do you mean by ‘both sides’,” Oin questioned sternly as his gaze moved from the beast to Devion.503Please respect copyright.PENANAi9xLWt1TDD
503Please respect copyright.PENANANNzGDyrCok
“You’ll find out.” Devion glanced over towards the dark elf eyeing his pet, “sooner or later I would suspect.” He smirked as her gaze turned from the beast onto him with a glare of disgust. “Now then,” he returned his attention to the duo. “The rules are simple. There will be no magic allowed but natural skills are permitted.”503Please respect copyright.PENANAlaHX2HnuDK
503Please respect copyright.PENANAstcXZmPIzf
Amber gulped as Devion turned his attention to a shouting Kross and Ivan. “I think we might be in trouble here,” she whispered and looked to Oin nervously.503Please respect copyright.PENANAeNvVsz21GI
503Please respect copyright.PENANArruikihxgl
Oin’s eyes narrowed on Devion before shifting to give Amber a reassuring look. “Don’t worry. We’ll get through this.” He cracked his knuckles as he looked back at Dragof whom was still glaring them down. “We’ve gotten through fights before without using buffs and we will do it again.”503Please respect copyright.PENANAUvAlbT6I4E
503Please respect copyright.PENANAQ5LEA1KUVg
Amber nodded and took a breath, “right! We can do this!” she looked at the snarling creature and swallowed with her throat slightly tightened. I hope, she thought.503Please respect copyright.PENANAvtwdMXGx5f
503Please respect copyright.PENANAS2NaNWUCQz
Devion gave Dragof another pet. “Have fun and," he looked to the dwarf, "you may even have yourself a tiny little treat during the fight.” Oin frowned as Devion took his leave outside of the columns. Once away, he turned and lifted one hand into the air. “Ready?” the duo took their stances. “Begin!” he shouted and simultaneously his hand glowed along with the pillars. Magic shot from one to another and another all the way around. A brief flash occurred to indicate the transparent wall was complete.503Please respect copyright.PENANAvM23giglYe
503Please respect copyright.PENANA0qr41WwrLC
Before Amber could transform Dragof roared loudly at the pair. Oin flinched as Amber crossed her arms and lowered her head to shielded her face from his breath. She brought her head up coughing, “you call that a roar?" she moved into a lower stance as her body began to shift. "I’ll show you a real roar!” Amber's form grew and turned a pale gold as her body elongated to about eight feet in length. Once finished, she released a mighty roar with her wings spread wide. Dragof flinched as he kept his eyes on the golden dragon in a shaken nervousness. Oin took a few steps to the left, displayed his shield and took a defensive stance. 503Please respect copyright.PENANArF7z1tvvHm
503Please respect copyright.PENANAw3EQaN60SL
This was done just in time as Dragof charged forward and spun, whipping his spiked tail around at the dwarf. He pushed back and lifted his shield, causing the appendage to slid off and lightly nick Amber’s mouth as she tried to bite the tail but just barely missed catching it. Oin quickly charged at his foreleg as Dragof was finishing his turn but the beast briskly noticed the clanking armor. He reared back to avoid the attack, slashing into Oin's back with his right claw. As the left claw came down Oin grunted in his turn and threw the strike off to the side shield arm. This threw Dragof off balance and was helpful Amber who had backed up and charged. “Pick on someone your own size!” she growled with rage as she slammed into his side and pushed him away from Oin.503Please respect copyright.PENANATGRiqtVszL
503Please respect copyright.PENANAHbMwzzlFRG
Dragof collapsed to his side and slid a little with a ground shaking thud. He snarled with a hateful glare at a smirking dragon as Oin moved away from Amber and nearer to Dragof, eyeing the distance silently. "How about," he raised an armored foot, "you lay down?" the dwarf slammed his foot down which caused the ground to reverberate. Dragof stood and tried to widen his stance to stay up but collapsed as he tripped over his own feet. Amber then charged at Dragof and went to bite him but had to duck and dodge his left and right strikes. She managed to get over him and bit into his back at his shoulder blades. Dragof moved back and lowered his head some with the goal to throw Amber off. Oin made his way over and quickly took a strong hold of one of Dragof's horns, yanking his head down and punching him in the face.503Please respect copyright.PENANAxG7I4Sh4Ml
503Please respect copyright.PENANAugIh33ZJqU
Dragof shook his head hard, causing Amber to release his back. Oin however held on before losing his grip with Dragof throwing his head up, tossing the dwarf into the air. Dragof grinned but roared with a step back as Amber's claws found his neck and chest, removing a couple patches of fur. The beast snarled at the cocky expression on Amber's muzzle. “Not so big and bad now are ya?” she taunted as Oin adjusted to punch Dragof in the head. The beast heard the noise, looked up and moved his head to run the dwarf through with a horn. Oin deflected with his shield but his punch simply nicked Dragof in the nose as he hit the ground. A small flicker of light caught the cleric's attention as he stepped back and turned his attention to Amber who was readying to strike again. "Amber, get back now," he sternly ordered.503Please respect copyright.PENANATRnpt4bFwu
503Please respect copyright.PENANASOK5wvYr9l
"Why?" she looked to Oin then back at Dragof who was shaking his head and taking his own steps back and to the side, widening his steps as he does so. Amber swallowed and took Oin's command, taking several steps back and to the left so Oin was more to the right. Dragof began growling deep in his throat as a chilly mist began to gather inside his partially open maw. "What's he doing," she asked with a quick look to Oin, then to their party and back at Dragof. Oin didn't answer her as Dragof charged his spell, shifting slightly with his shield partially raised in front of him.503Please respect copyright.PENANA1DkAH4YYfK
503Please respect copyright.PENANAlhYM14DeS4
The beast looked at Oin as he opened his jaws wide and fired a white colored cone, striking the dwarf’s shield and pushing him back further from Amber. “Oin!” she roared while turning as the beam ended to watch Oin who stood still, seemingly unphased. Suddenly the dwarf winced and his breathing grew heavy as a faint light began to outline his body. This light began to try and engulf him but soon shattered like glass. “Oin! Are you okay?!”503Please respect copyright.PENANAUjNkDjCoSD
503Please respect copyright.PENANAHQd4LBqLDi
Oin closed his eyes as he tried to catch his breath and listened to Amber shouting at him. Moments after gathering his mind, his eyes slowly opened to watch the ground. He took a deep breath and released it strongly which caused his nostrils to flare from the worried voices coming from the party. Oin then gave Amber a small nod as he turned his head to look at the frightened dragon. “I’m fine Amber. Calm down,” he assured despite just having sharp pain shot through his bones.503Please respect copyright.PENANAB58DjXURGp
503Please respect copyright.PENANA693owO6aVf
Amber snarled as she locked eyes with Dragof. “What did you just almost do to Oin?!” she barked but instead of an answer, she got a throaty chuckle from the fused beast. “Fine then, don’t answer.” She ran up and twisted to slam his side with her tail only for him to duck while a rumble of laughter came from his chest. Having regained his breath and composure, Oin took a moment and charged at Dragof with his shield raised. A sickening crack rang out as Dragof stumbled back closer to the wall and fell back on his haunches with a painful howl. He tried to stand but fell back again from the pain in his fractured right leg. Amber advanced with a mean grin before biting down on his neck, drawing blood. "How's that feel," she asked in a rough tone with her eyes narrowed dangerously.503Please respect copyright.PENANAXsUYzPtehk
503Please respect copyright.PENANAcxM69SkAid
A shout came from the stands with Amber's name. She blinked and looked over to the stands a bit guilty for her dragon instincts. "Sorry," she shouted back. Oin during this made his way over to a rock, picked it up and threw it at Dragof. The beast snarled with a small wince from the stone shattering against his horn. Dragof shifted his gaze to the gold dragon just as her attention returned to him and quickly rose, shoving her back with his right shoulder. He then reared back and slammed his front claws down hard which caused the ground to shake, recoiling his right foreleg in renewed pain. "Whoa!" Amber stumbled and fell from a lack of balance.503Please respect copyright.PENANArupvGAUwMN
503Please respect copyright.PENANAbC10wZnpQP
Oin took a strong stance and stayed standing with a throaty chuckle. "You think you can shake me down using the earth?" he began to step closer as Amber got back on her feet, "I would recommend you think," he brought a foot up, "again," he finished strongly while simultaneously stomping his foot down to shake the ground. Dragof tried to stay up but the lack of one leg resulted in him falling flat on his belly. Unfortunately Oin's measuring was a tad off, causing Amber to fall from the unexpected tremor.503Please respect copyright.PENANA9AvXHv1Uyb
503Please respect copyright.PENANA2oUHHnhiva
Amber turned her head to glare at Oin. “Hey! I just got up dang it!” she snorted out smoke in the direction of her friend. She began to stand along with Dragof, who then began to appear to simply limp away from the duo while snarling.503Please respect copyright.PENANABfVEDZq4wE
503Please respect copyright.PENANAXNVIsNbvtS
“Sorry, I thought you’d have better balance given you have four legs.” He turned his attention to Dragof. “And I thought you weren’t close enough to get affected,” he quietly commented to himself under his breath. Oin looked around as Dragof started to move forwards from the side and looked to Amber. "Cover me, I've got an idea." He made his way over to and grabbed a stone that was nearly his size.503Please respect copyright.PENANArCme8EwkKP
503Please respect copyright.PENANAojUTvmS495
Amber looked to him confused, "what are you planning?" she didn't get answer but followed closely anyway. The beast sped up and lifted a claw to swipe the dwarf but his strikes were deflected by Amber's scales on her forelegs. Swiftly he received a head-to-head strike which shoved him back a short bit as Oin made his way back to the dragon and set the rock down. Dragof shook his head, regained his senses and charged at Oin only for Amber to get between the two. He went to bite into her neck but missed as she stepped back and her head reared back. A light began to form inside her mouth peeking out between her teeth as she opened her maw. "Eat fire!" she roared as she released the fiery cone. As this happened, Oin made his way to a second rock and grabbed it.503Please respect copyright.PENANAn6eWGeuNJA
503Please respect copyright.PENANA4AOEpxyuzx
Dragof took a couple steps back as he rubbed his face to put out the smoldering parts of his fur. Amber kept an eye on him, her body tense and ready to strike as Oin returned and set the second rock down. “Keep it up Amber,” Oin said as he got a curious look from the dragon. Dragof noticed her distraction and moved forwards.503Please respect copyright.PENANAsqK6tFhBl6
503Please respect copyright.PENANAjpOtQJRRm1
“What are...” Amber began before her ears caught a noise. She looked and her eyes widened as she ducked a tail swing, “you up to?” she managed to finish her question while barely dodging Dragof's back kick by rolling to the side. Amber lunged and threw an uppercut under Dragof’s chin only to have him grab her foreleg, pull her in close and start to lift her for a flip. “Hey! You do not handle a lady this way!” she snapped and brought her chin down hard on top of his head. Dragof dropped her as he stumbled back onto his butt. He soon shook off his dizzy spell only to hear, "special delivery~" and leaning back to avoid the gold dragon's back kick. During this entire thing Oin had made his way to a larger rock, grabbed it and proceeded back to the other two stones.503Please respect copyright.PENANA1RmuPF902A
503Please respect copyright.PENANALavBPF852k
Dragof stood and charged with his left shoulder at Amber. "Amber! Ready!" Oin called from behind her. Amber glanced back and adjusted her stance to take the hit so she was shoved back to Oin. 503Please respect copyright.PENANAyGoGCHOuYS
503Please respect copyright.PENANAXIUTG2pXBv
"What are those rocks for?" she quickly asked as she kept an eye on Dragof who seemed to be debating on his next move against the duo.503Please respect copyright.PENANASwaq6pEM4O
503Please respect copyright.PENANA0WwkImaqLU
“You're about to find out." Oin grabbed the largest rock. "Batter up!” he called as he bent his legs.503Please respect copyright.PENANAMOu6I0xZVH
503Please respect copyright.PENANAJVUGdZl6Nb
“What,” she asked confused and watched as he threw the rock up a good height.503Please respect copyright.PENANABLIOzkYJO8
503Please respect copyright.PENANAcxuspLLmBe
“Swing your tail at it.” Oin ordered firmly as the rock began coming back down.503Please respect copyright.PENANAgWo8eARzjX
503Please respect copyright.PENANA49KGgYM73K
“Swing my tail at...oh! Right!” Amber adjusted her position, spun and slammed her tail into the stone. It flew and struck Dragof in the right foreleg, resulting in him releasing a loud wailing alongside a loud bone shattering snap, simultaneously lifting his leg and licking the injury. “Hah! Bullseye!” she celebrated as the fused beast took a limping step back while keeping his eyes narrowed on them. Dragof looked down to the rock, took a breath and scooped up the rock into his jaws. He steadied himself and thew it at Oin. "Oh no you don't." She twisted around and swung her tail, sending the stone right back at him. The petrified weapon shattered which resulted in him roaring and shaking his head to try and remove the fragments.503Please respect copyright.PENANAcLEtaeSqXg
503Please respect copyright.PENANAR1xTInFX7H
Amber charged and slashed her left claws into and over his left eye as her right claws sliced down between the socket and his muzzle. Oin went to lift a second rock but dropped it as Dragof roared out in pain. He stumbled back and rubbed his bleeding face with his good foreleg. "You ready to give up yet buddy," Amber asked as she stood tall and ready to continue. Giving a snarling reply, the beast let out a mighty roar that shook the ground. Amber took a step back as slight fear entered her stunned eyes. Oin however held strong as he glared down the beast that now started to approach. She swallowed and took a breath, "you can do this. You're a big strong dragon." Amber whispered to herself as she approached and spun to aim at Dragof's head with her tail. He ducked with a short mocking chuckle at Amber before he watched the dwarf try to attack him.503Please respect copyright.PENANAc9mVPEV3fP
503Please respect copyright.PENANAmXcIsHSm6P
Oin had closed the gap and threw a punch with his spiked gauntlet at the beasts left foreleg only for the appendage to move as the animal twisted around rapidly. Dragof slammed his tail into Oin, throwing the dwarf back and began chuckling upon seeing the small creature strike the ground with a roll. “Oin!” Amber cried out in fear as she watched her friend come to a stop. Her gaze then turned to Dragof with a burning glare and her fangs bared. “You monster!” she reached up, grasped and threw off her inhibitor. Her body grew as her voice became rougher. "I'll show you to pick on someone not your own size." After her change, she jumped on Dragof and bit into his neck violently.503Please respect copyright.PENANA09INBOmzUY
503Please respect copyright.PENANA2pxxIDhM8y
During the violent struggle, Oin groaned as he managed to get to his feet and narrowed his eyes in front of him as he caught his breath. “Magic would be very useful right now...especially if I could enlarge myself.” He grumbled under his breath as he carefully made his way closer and towards the back of their foe. Dragof thrashed and cried out before he attacked with his claws. His first swing with his left missed but the second struck hard, catching her wing and caused her to get off him. She roared as she stumbled back, her left wing receiving a nasty slash. Filled with rage, she got on him as he tried to move and slashed his left hip in return.503Please respect copyright.PENANA9lvqeUeJZV
503Please respect copyright.PENANAMxvLGa4OMc
"How do you like it?!" she snarled in fury as Oin continued closer. Dragof let out a disturbing warped cry between a dragon's roar and a wolf's howl, kicking her off and stumbling to the side as blood matted the fur around his right eye. He started rubbing his face with his left foreleg whimpering. Oin took a breath and exhaled as he ignored the screaming coming from the party. He readied his shield then charged, managing to slam it into Dragof’s back right leg. The creature recoiled, trying to stand but stumbled over and collapsed to the ground once more.503Please respect copyright.PENANAn8DGSjCwZf
503Please respect copyright.PENANAQu3o2v30IN
Dragof snarled and tried to move but went still as Amber bit hard into his neck again, drawing more blood. “Will you surrender, Dragof,” Oin asked sternly with a strong gaze looking down at the beast. The creature bared his fangs at the dwarf then glared at Amber with hatred. Amber held firmly around his neck until Oin waved a hand for her to release. She hesitated but eventually opened her mouth, after giving one last chomp to show who was the alpha, and stepped back before she looked around for her amulet.503Please respect copyright.PENANAjE8weTNJ8N
503Please respect copyright.PENANA2axKdKVe0q
“Ah, there you are,” she said as she made her way over, put it on and latched it, causing her body to return to its smaller dragon size. She looked back at Dragof and spat out some of his blood. “You fought well. Stay put and rest up, okay?”503Please respect copyright.PENANAGUTDXwBvOG
503Please respect copyright.PENANAaKGOQDfofy
Dragof did not verbally answer her, simply snorting and closing his eyes. Oin stepped away, over to Amber and both made their way towards the stands as Devion raised his hand and lowered the transparent walls. “I’m surprised you both survived.” The battle grounds owner praised.503Please respect copyright.PENANAC14wpE6mSi
503Please respect copyright.PENANAvKQI4Daq1t
"Wasn't anything we couldn't handle." Amber proudly stated while puffing out her chest.503Please respect copyright.PENANArEIDxUYLjk
503Please respect copyright.PENANAW3muIPCsz2
Oin turned his gaze on to Devion. "Now then, you will be upholding your end of this deal, correct?"503Please respect copyright.PENANAtvUfatds8z
503Please respect copyright.PENANAyZGzRrFRFZ
"Of course." Devion placed a hand on his armored chest. "Why in the world would I ever back out on a deal?"503Please respect copyright.PENANAIn9Wro3cC8
503Please respect copyright.PENANAvvpjfCcrny
Oin let a gruff grunt come from his throat. "There are all types out there and it is not beyond anyone to double cross another."503Please respect copyright.PENANAIqIM8DKWKA
503Please respect copyright.PENANA9Lvlt3QKC6
Amber neared and grinned as Ivan came running onto the field. "We won!" she exclaimed happily with him as he jumped up into her arms. She hugged him tight then adjusted so she wouldn't crush him. "I'm sorry for losing my temper and letting it out on him."503Please respect copyright.PENANA7iKWLVTyUd
503Please respect copyright.PENANAhDUkmeVyaG
"It's okay. I'm glad you were able to come back from it." Ivan explained and gave her another hug around her scaly neck.503Please respect copyright.PENANA96JksKiP97
503Please respect copyright.PENANAuvzMMKnnte
The scaled humanoid dragon jogged in and up to Dragof with the chain in hand. Once he was near, Dragof stumbled weakly to his feet and glared at the victors exhaustedly. He took one step then another and another towards them. “Hold on Dragof!" the drake exclaimed at the beast as he moved in front of him. "You need to let me reattach the chain.” He explained while he tried to throw it over and latch it around the creatures neck. Dragof stood still as the chain fell over his neck. "Good boy, see? Now we'll get those injuries treated and you can have plenty of roast boar." The drake didn't take notice immediately as Dragof had opened his mouth and began to charge an arctic white colored light.503Please respect copyright.PENANA9qIjy8lwc9
503Please respect copyright.PENANAiz20sCt4Xa
When a shout came from the stands, Amber, Oin, Devion, the drake and Ivan looked to Dragof. "What are you doing?!" Devion shouted as he took a step towards his pet. "Stop!" he ordered but the beast continued to charge his breath weapon before forcing his body up into the air, ripping the chain out of the drakes claws. He aimed his head down and released the attack. The blast struck the ground and freezing cold air with icy clouds shot out across the ground, going just about a foot beyond the seating. There were screams of fear and some of pain before eventually four voices fell silent in the chilling mist, with others growing quiet with heavy breathing from fighting the side effects.503Please respect copyright.PENANAWoKyHnH2PC