Once was said that the statue in the Francisco Fajardo Highway in Caracas moved. No one believed it but every time Luisa drove past it, saw it move slightly...
The statue was covered with flowers from its believers. Luisa did not believe in Santeria but found the statue beautiful. The goddess was set to represent love, health, nature, peace, animals and fertility.
The statue was of a beautiful woman, riding a large tapir while holding a female pelvis. Luisa thought of what Maria Lionza meant for many and she represented the miscegenation between Indigenous, Europeans and Africans.
Every now and then Luisa felt how it called her... it had a voice she thought, it had a voice and it moved... as if the soul of the goddess itself was trapped in it.
One day Luisa felt brave enough to stop her car next to the statue, she parked dangerously in the middle of the highway to get to it, she had to make sure she was not going crazy and that the statue indeed was alive...or at least had a soul.
Luisa walked towards it slowly, placing her hand in the tapir, she felt as if something grabbed her and soon fainted. In her twenty two years of life she had never felt to faint, maybe it was because she was so scared and had imagined a lot of crazy things.
Soon she opened her eyes and she was at a hospital bed, naked and covered in mud. She felt to cover her body rapidly, so she did...
She had no idea of what had happened.
"You were kidnapped in the Francisco Fajardo highway..." her mother told her, crying, "you were missing for two weeks Luisa!"
Luisa didn't have any idea of what was happening, she was very confused, what about María Lionza? was she actually alive? No, it was just a statue and somebody must have drugged her as the police claimed.
"I can't remember anything" said Luisa, two weeks were missing from her memory and yet she had had dreams of being in the mountain, bathing in the river, talking to the animals...yes, she had gone finally crazy. "Why am I covered in mud?"
"You were found in Yaracuy, in a farm... they brought you back to Caracas."
"I am sorry mum..." Luisa said tiredly, her mother must have been very worried for her, they both cried for a while until the doctor was back to release her, she was healthy and there was no sign of abuse anywhere.
Everybody treated her as if she were a ghost, most of her classmates were scared of even ask her how she was. She had appeared on tv and the newspapers and had been in every social media, they had made her a funeral and everything. 581Please respect copyright.PENANACB4Kt5HoYu
She also felt different as if something wanted to come out of her. She didn’t feel like Luisa anymore, she was no longer Luisa.
She decided to lie in the grass while thinking about it...and all of the sudden flowers started growing as her hand passed the ground, it was a magnificent moment, a romantic moment, nobody was looking at her but she had made the entire ground to be more beautiful than before.
She was no longer Luisa, she was someone else, or maybe it was a new better Luisa, with magic hands of nature.
Luisa stared at the flowers and knew... she knew she was something else. Stuck in her own thoughts she didn’t see her friend approaching her.
“Luisa, are you alright?” said Marcis Olivera, a man who was in love with her but everybody ignored due to his big forehead.
“I...look...” Luisa was trying to show him what she had done but everything was in fire instead.
Fire! people yelled, fire that her new powers had created...powers that had made Marcis become a tapir. She climbed on top of it as she escaped. She felt crazy but alive.
She was powerful she knew.
Luisa got home after a few hours of riding an enormous tapir, everybody in the highway was just confused, everybody in the metro station didn’t care to ask. A woman riding a wild random animal, Caracas couldn’t be more crazy.
Luisa wasn’t scared, she wasn’t either looking for answers, she was just loving the moment and she thought maybe she had finally lost it.
By her tapir she went to the mountain and stayed there for three entire days, figuring out how to use her new powers, she felt as Korra from the Avatar, just too powerful and exactly knew how the elements worked...yeah she was just an anime now, a crazy person...
In her solitary retreat as she decided to call it she managed to bring back Marcis, she needed a friend more than an animal and he accepted the craziness, it was like being friends with Spider-Man but stuck in the mountains in the middle of nowhere... eating fruits and observing her friend talk to monkeys.
Soon she was to use her powers and she didn’t believe in the “with great powers a great responsibility” bullshit and was to monetise the natural/ fertility powers... Marcis convinced her not to, and she made him a monkey this time, so she could focus on how to explain to her mother who she really was.