I was once asked to write a book about my life some years ago by a friend so that he could understand my life better than what he does, which wasn't really much, I told him that there was no point as he would only pity me and that is the one thing that I don’t want anyone to do.
But still here I am writing this for him but not so that he can read it he is dead now but so that others can see the truth about me and my people. The Bronki people. And as this war breaks out between us the Bronki and you the humans, I hope when you read this if you read this, that you will at least try and understand are situation, and most of all mine as I was born into a human family.
First I think you should know something’s about me before I tell you my story it might make it a bit clearer for you to understand. My name is Kiadakash Embario Huminume Ashi pronounced like -key add a cash –em bar rio – hoom ee nu me –ash ee, but most people just call me Kida (key da). I am female if you haven’t all ready figured that one out, with the year being twenty-seven fifty-four I am two thousand five hundred and sixty three years old although I look like I'm twenty one.
When I was born I was never given a name, my parents hated me and they have done their whole life, that’s the same with everyone in my family they all hate me, well hated me and wanted me dead, even my twin sister.
Now with being a Bronki there are something’s which you need to understand about us as a people, each Bronki are allocated a power at birth which will help you the most through your life and through you help others the most, that power can be either; mind reading, moving things with your mind, slowing down time (you cannot fully stop time but you can make it so slow that it seems like it has stopped) and being able to change what you look like to fit into your environment
And let me guess you have already figured out that I have all four; I guess my people thought that having them all would help me the most saying my situation... Then also being a part of the Bronki people we each can heal at a very fast rate and with that live for pretty much forever... it’s kind of hard to die, sometimes that is really annoying.
And then there is the main part which makes you know that we are a Bronki, what we look like, each and every one of us has an animal which we take after arranging from an ant to a lion, we have the same build as a human but we are covered in fur or scales or whatever skin your animal has, we have the same ears as our chosen animal and different attributes or the animals face so with an eagle it would be the beak as their mouth or for a deer the antlers and the same nose, everyone is different. Then there are your legs most of us have the legs of your animal but if you are a fish or a snake or something like that you can change your legs or feet to that to help you in different situations most of the time to help you swim, I always found that pretty cool how we have adapted over the years but I will get onto that later on.
Oh and did I also mention that we can change into our animal at any point that we choose I think that is the best part about being a Bronki.
So back on to me, my animal...
I think that this is the best thing about me really but most others think that it would be the worse, I am a white tiger, and you may not think that being that is all that special but you would be wrong it goes back thousands of years to the first Bronki people.
Throughout time each one of us will be born into our chosen animal usually the same as everyone in your family but always coloured, so if you were a fox for example each person in your family should be red and black with a hint of white but the guardians they are the pure white version of that animal so in a foxes case you would be a snow fox pure and white, so in my case being white I am supposable one of the guardians but they were wiped out years ago so I just think that everyone just wanted to laugh at me even more. And it’s not like I don’t stand out enough already... it just adds onto the fact about how much my family hated me but that shall be told in a little bit.
Right, back onto what I look like, like most of my people I have special attributes of my animal, covered in fur yes (most annoying thing in the world to wash) then the hind legs of my animal, ears right onto of my head (love them I get enhanced hearing) then my face I have the same nose and whiskers, fangs which I can bring out at my will it is brilliant for hunting... yes I hunt I eat like a tiger but only on special occasions, well when I can be bothered. I do have claws as well which I bring out when I want also that’s good for cutting things when there are no scissors about ;)
Well that’s all you need to know so you can understand I think...? I'm sure you will be able to get my drift over my life enjoy!