I can’t begin to express how much everyone on this site means to me. I was invited to here at a time when I really needed it. At that time, I felt extremely awkward talking to anyone, and I was insecure about my writing. When I joined this site, I immediately felt like I had found somewhere I was supposed to be. I got encouraging feedback on my writing, I was, and am still, continuously inspired by the users, and I've talked to many members who I consider to be my friends. Every 'like', bookmark, and kind word I've received from my readers has made me love to share my stories. You all have made me think of new ways to weave words and create stories that I didn't realize I was capable of writing. You have motivated me to learn more about structure and story-telling. You all are the reason I'm in the midst of writing my first full-length novel.
Although I'm not nearly as active on this site as I wish I was, it, along with my readers, have made me love to write. Thank you all so much for reading my stories. I know this is kind of sappy, but you're encouragements have really meant a lot to me.