I'll only say it once because I don't want to repeat it, to let you all, everyone who reads this, get used to it. Not because you shouldn't be shown gratitude, but because I want these two words to stick out, to not be droned over again and again. I want them to pierce, to sink in.
In this case, it means you've listened. Everyone has something on their mind, and depending on their talents, they express their message in different ways. Though I'm not a phenomenal writer, I'd like to think I can at least successfully get my message across; be it a poem, or a song. You've listened, you've regarded, and you've thrilled me with the simple comments that make a cloudy day a little less gray. Sappy as that may sound, it's true.
My followers especially, give me motivation to write, express some more, experiment some more, and in a way I can't do with my friends in the "real world." You understand and appreciate writing, and I'm flattered to say that some of my pieces are read by anyone, let alone fellow writers.
I used to never publish my work, in fear that I would become obsessed with how many likes, comments, and attention it got, so I never shared anything I did. No songs, no drawings, no writings. It wasn't until I was forcefully put into a position on a permanence stage that I realized shutting down and hiding myself doesn't make me appear "humble" or "careful" at all. It only makes what I long to say silent. It cuts off my tongue. And so be it if I haven't a single like, whatever if I've got a hateful comment. I still said something. So coming on here and knowing that what I write, what everyone writes, demands importance... that's amazing.
I'm sure I bore some of you eventually, since I've got this nasty habit of rambling, but hopefully I don't turn your heads away completely.
But can you listen to at least one more thing?
Thank you.
What a great contest! An amazing way to say "thank you"-- but I've got no idea how you'll place people on this! Ahaha, good luck!