Russio ran his hand through his once neatly gelled hair. One he had taken an unbelievable amount of time to style perfectly in the mirror.
He was getting frustrated with the tick away of the second hand upon the clock.
These requirements from these less sophisticated associates was starting to get on his nerves but nevertheless, the profit was huge.
It would be an outstanding performance of the year, should his company handle this deal and one thing was for sure, this had always been his dream but somewhere along the line, they had to include this ridiculous requirements.
What did having a woman in his life had to do with making a billion dollar TAKE NOTE.
He silently swore as he scanned the damn annoying papers again.
Did they have the slightest idea how he detested the idea of getting into a stable relationship.
First, clear your doubts, he wasn't gay but of course, he couldn't keep little RUSSIO in the pants for a full hour, nope wasn't possible and for some reason, he never went with one at a time.
Okay, it was okay by him to watch two women play with themselves in front of him.
RUSSIO was all that but nevertheless he was an intelligent asshole. A man of a brilliant mind and skillful planning and also a gentleman when a door wasn't closed behind him.
You're welcome.
He swore again as he rolled the swivel chair towards the outstanding view of the city and headlights below.
It was amazing but not so where his thoughts.
As much as Russio would love to recall those memories and play on of Westlife's hits, he strolled towards the minibar hidden behind a shelf in his office.
Yeah, cause there's nothing bad in hiding your bad habit behind a shelf of knowledge, brilliance and intelligence.
He poured himself a glass and gulped it down in a go, replaying the silly quote of strip me naked in that movie on Netflix.
And the award for most shitty personality should be-
He would have said whatever you thought if his uncle Cesar hadn't walked in with his signature Italian hat.
"Che diavolo stai facendo Russio?"
Oops, shitty was the word now.
Vote guys, finally focusing on this story. Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long but hey, it was worth the wait😁