Her playing with those very flowers, acting like a princess with a makeshift tiara; her mum giggling with her when they saw a small bunny pass by; she and sister jumping and running after each other playing hide and seek -- all those memories brought a smile to her face, but she had yet to find a reason as to why she was here, when the last thing she could remember was being in a family dinner.
She walked slowly and steadily, trying not to disrupt the beauty below her feet. The small leaves of the beautiful plants tickled her flesh, making her giggle softly. Everything was so unreal and familiar, she couldn't help but smile.
Once she reached the edge of the garden she had grown to love in the past years, she reached into her pocket instinctively, and there it was, the little delight, Chocolate.
She peeled off the wrapper, and bit into the sweet delicacy. It sparked her tastebuds, and it couldn't be any sweeter.
She stopped eating for a moment, looking around her surroundings once more.
" I missed you so much." She whispered, smiling softly. It was true, she hadn't been going to this garden for months now, and it was really nostalgic.
And then everything went blank.
Sophia woke up to the family dinner, her face on the dining table, drool dripped from the corner of her mouth. She sat up, to see the giggling faces of her parents and older sister, blushing beet red.
And she couldn't help but grin. So...it was a dream after all?