-Dark’s P.O.V-
I sang to myself softly as I made my way down the halls from our library to the sports side of the campus, our lockers are all there to save space and I can go and sneak into the Pool Area (Agust shhhh it exists in this universe). Gathering my notes and books from my locker I noticed a note stuck to the inside part of the door, it was scribbled in a quick, sloppy handwriting and was tiny to the point I had to squint.
Happy Early 15th.‘
My birthday isn’t for about a week? I nod to myself and take out the note anyhow, just slotting it in with the rest of my books as I head over to the pool to find Light.
Splashes echoed throughout the pool room but the place was mainly dark, I didn’t really question it, heading into the room to look for my best friend. “Yo, Light?” I called out in the shower rooms. No answer, “LIGHTTTTT—!” Nope. I was about to step out into the main area, half of me assuming the pool was just cleaned by a janitor or something and the other half...well the other half had other conspiracies.
Wait what. What was that? I heard a quiet chuckle from outside the locker rooms. I pause, and relocate myself to the other corner of the doorway, basically suctioning my ear to it. Another laugh, a Male one. Yuma? He’s always here to refresh? “Aye, it’s late, we should get going before they lock us in here..” I breathe a relieved breath, definitely Yuma, but there’s someone in there with him. I honest to God hope it’s not who I think it is.
I spy carefully, waiting for Yuma to head into the guys locker room before trying to tip-toe out. Bad choice. Being quick on my feet I had no time to realise that Kanato–the school’s football captain mind you– was newly out of the water and standing there in all his ridiculous glory. Oh..shoot. “Can’t you watch where you’re going you useless nerd?” He taunted, trying to display his own Alpha personality towards me. I groan, refusing to step down, my notes and phone were still in the locker rooms anyhow.
“Why do YOU care?” A brief moment of silence, “Oh, so that’s how it is huh, you little twerp.” To tell you something, our ‘Oh so Glorious Captain’ is about 5ft 8 and I’m just barely 5ft 1. So it wouldn’t take that much strength at all to just pick me up like a piece of tissue and dump me straight into the water. I internally sighed and floated upwards to the surface just as Yuma was coming out. He stumbled out, mostly in a sort of panic from the splash. “What happened.” He demanded I didn’t say anything, only frowned up at him as the Jerk of the Football team shamelessly recounted this ‘DRAMATIC ENCOUNTER’.
“Get out.” A finger to the door and that calm, steady threat in his tone was basically all it took for Kanato actually listen for once and leave the room. Once he did, I watched as Yuma rushed over to me. “Oh my god Dark I’m so sorry, are you okay?” I like Yuma, we’re childhood friends like Light and some others and I. But he’s always been nice to me so I trust him. I take the Jock’s hand as he pulls me out of the water, his fluffed up hair is still damp and he still has some droplets of water dripping over his arms and legs.
I feel a shiver wrack through my body at the coldness of being both drenched to the bone and wearing pretty thin clothing. My childhood friend notices and starts talking again, “Do you have anything to wear?” I really don’t, but I could wait for it to dry before heading back to my dorm. (Imma put it as dorms cause I like dorms, 4 people per dorm 😂) I shake my head negative and see him frown; the guilt of everything happening because of his best-friend’s narcissism and continuing to apologise. I give him a reassuring smile, “Hey, it wasn’t your fault Yuma, I’ll be fine.”
I turn to leave but he throws something at me, his..hoodie? “Take it, it’ll keep you warm at least.” It’s huge on me. Sort of my style I suppose, I chortle slightly and nod at him, “Thank you Yuma!! I’ll return it tomorrow.” He laughed and told me to keep it how ever long I needed but I declined, heading back to my dorm.
It may come across as odd but I share a dorm with two guys and Light. The two guys being Lai-kun, my boyfriend, and Angel, my fellow Nerd. The lock clicks open and I head into the dorms, it’s cozy yeah, but we all have our own rooms, two people in one room. I try my hardest to sneak into my own room cause it’s late but a hand clutches onto my wrist and stops me. Ahhhh Laitooooooo...!
“Explain?” He questions, there’s a slight accusatory feeling hovering in the air but I tell the truth, watching as my sweetheart’s posture go from tense, to taut like a rubber band, and finally relaxing when I explained about how Yuma helped me. “At least you didn’t get hurt.” He mumbles and I smile, kissing him on the lips and taking it as a go to ask my own question:
“And why’re you still up sweetheart? It’s past 11.”
“Not sleepy.”
“My butt.”
“That too.”
I smacked him in retaliation for being so adorably cheeky and went to shower, when I came back out, I saw him sleeping on the couch with a textbook in his lap, “Quantum Physics?” I read and giggled as I slipped Yuma’s damp sweater back on and snuggled close to my boyfriend, totally forgetting about the note mixed within my others and books.