(A/N: Ain’t no Dino <HAHAHAHAHAHA> but there could be Lino implied so yeeee ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) )
-Third Person P.O.V-
Dark and Light laughed warm-heartedly through the halls as they made their way to the Japanese class. The class wasn’t very big but most of them were childhood friends save some really close newbies. The tall, tanned girl took her seat inside, next to Sherine as Dark scooted over at the back beside Yuma.
“Sooo..Mr.Asen isn’t here todayyy!!” Sylvion cheered softly, growing progressively louder and the class burst out laughing. Dark watched shyly as Vion, Len, Yuma and Mino got up from their seats, swaying and dancing to some imaginary clubbing music. Jewel, Nicki and Thomas shrieked a bit, whipping out their devices and blasting some actual music.
“They’re freaking IDIOTS” Light cackled, trying not to stare at the dancing for too long because WOAH SYLVION CAN ACTUALLY DANCE. Dark smiled at her, tilting her head off in the opposite direction as she waited for her best friend to get the hint. Just then, the once faint smell of freshly chopped wood grew piquant. “Atsuki! Atsuki! Look! Look!” Mino? Light’s neck nearly cracked at how fast she turned but nonetheless she came face to face with a hip-shaking—or desperately trying— Mino.
The Beta’s cheeks felt warm, she knew she was blushing but decided to play it off and aloof towards the Delta. The Rabbit’s (yes I put him as this animal) ears drooped and he thumped his foot on the ground, demanding for her to pay attention to him again. “Atsuki!!! Look here!!!!” It was a childish tone that carried no real dominance but by Aura it was modified. Light felt her Wolf ears twitch at the minor command but she refused to give in. She was a Beta Goddammit! She didn’t have to listen to some stupid Delta!
Frowning the chestnut-coloured ears spun like a satellite, Dark inhaled deeply, the forestry smell was refreshing, calming and relaxing. She let her flowery scent flow out and grinned at Mino turned to face her. “Wanna hug?” She asked and he nodded, rushing over and holding her for awhile before letting go. “Hey, your ears are back up!” She commented, gently grabbing the base of one of his long ears and twisting the appendage. A soft pink glowed across the Japanese’s cheeks and he mumbled his thanks, heading back off to join the dance.
A few minutes passed and Dark was thirsty. (Not that way 😂 she wanted water) Shaking her bottle above her lips she hissed quietly; it was empty. “Mino..?” He was the closest person to her at the moment and she didn’t really think much of it as she asked the Delta to help her refill her water. Delta’s were much nicer than Alpha’s as they tended to work hard to appear more gentle and careful in order to not scare away the Omegas or Sigmas. Soon, Mino came back and handed Dark her bottle.
It was cold, like she asked and she gave her gratitude by scratching behind his ears, “Soft!” Shit. “I didn’t mean to say that. It was just a slip—“ The taller chuckled, “It’s fine,” he brushed it off, adding a little dramatic hand wave to tease the Omega, “ oh yeah, I did get scolded on the way though.” He shrugged, not really bothered by it. Dark on the other hand was appalled. “OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY!!” Again, Mino chuckled heartily, “It’s alright, relaxxxx!!”
After 10 solid minutes of reassuring, Dark gave it a rest and they went back to messing around.
That night, Kanato and Dark were on call;
”Yo, is Mino-san really a Delta?? Maybe he’s an Omega?” Dark asked randomly, surely an Alpha on their own would be able to tell right? The call stayed quiet for a moment before Kanato spoke, “You’re...joking right? An Omega? Him??” Dark grunted, “No! I’m serious, like, we haven’t seen any Alpha from him at all!” “None of us guys—excluding me of course— have made fun of him or whatnot. That’s because he has his Alpha Aura still. You idiot.”
Dark let out a ‘Hmph’ before agreeing with it, surely Kanato can’t be that far off. Plus, Mino was actually the ‘Pack Alpha’ for the group of Nicki, Sylvion, Len, Jewel and Shane. Yes, he was a Delta but Nicki, Len AND Jewel were Sigmas and Sylvion and Shane were Omegas. It automatically made him the topper and he seemed to take pride in it, even if it was a little.
Whatever the answer, Light let herself agree on this with Dark: Be it Mino a Delta, he’s one of the kindest, most peaceful Deltas they’ve ever met.
A True Delta.