Was The Night Before Christmas on Engine 999:485Please respect copyright.PENANA3eE9Rx00r8
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It was Christmas Eve and all was fairly peaceful and quiet on the famous train, Engine 999. There was naught a peep or complaint to come from any passengers, or workers. All the customers were snug in their beds, cozy and warm as the train flew through the snowy sky. The staff were ready to get some rest until a few children came up to Peridot and Assistant, asking her to tell them a story that they heard some say was amazing. Unable to refuse their adorable puppy dog eyes, the feline agreed before leaving and returning to the children, and pulled up a chair sitting down. “Alright I do know one you haven’t heard before. Ready?”485Please respect copyright.PENANAhgjgQ44baM
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She started opening the book but paused when one boy spoke up. “I know that title. It isn’t anything new.” He stated having read the title as ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas’ and thought they were going to hear something new and interesting.485Please respect copyright.PENANA4qL3NX3xIW
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Peridot grinned hearing this and held up one hand with her pointer finger up. “Oh don’t judge this only on the title. The title may be familiar but trust me when I say this is different. It’s how Conductor saved Christmas.”485Please respect copyright.PENANACyfdhUGwbP
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“What? He’s awesome but I don’t think he’d have time for that.” Another child said not sure if Peridot was pulling their leg or not.485Please respect copyright.PENANAY1afQdsWdc
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“Would I lie to you all? He did and I wrote it all down when he and Assistant here got back.” She said motioning towards the blue eyed boy who stood a few steps to the side, before turning her attention back to the small group of children. “So just sit back, relax, and listen to the tale of how Conductor stepped in to help out Saint Nick.” She was excited to tell this tale from a Christmas or two ago. Assistant blinked not having known she recorded that little adventure or how with regard to outside the train. No, wait, he knew how as he could just see Conductor telling her all that happened off the train. Taking a breath then exhaling, he leaned back against a nearby wall thinking he had to hear this. Peridot cleared her throat and began. “Twas the night before Christmas and all throu-”485Please respect copyright.PENANAraYmgsbk0b
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“Don’t you mean more ‘It was the chaos before Christmas’?” Assistant asked quietly under his breath, looking unimpressed as he remembered how it came around they got pulled into delivering packages on this very night a short time before.485Please respect copyright.PENANAirH75LXKV3
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“Oh come now, it wasn’t that bad and you had fun. Plus the big guy forgave us.” Conductor replied as he came up draping an arm over and around behind Assistant’s neck, causing the blue eyed boy to give a startled yelp before turning a slightly annoyed glare at a grinning green eyed teen.485Please respect copyright.PENANAA0nuMDZYTa
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“Easy for you to say,” Assistant muttered.485Please respect copyright.PENANAMtTDC9fbpX
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Conductor looked to Peridot filled with glee. “Continue, everyone loves a good story.” 485Please respect copyright.PENANADheCAFMBt5
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“You are the biggest kid.” Assistant commented, looking away from the dark brown haired teen.485Please respect copyright.PENANAStuBbmuzGk
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“Says the guy who was set on the one storybook being filled with clues,” Conductor said softly almost smugly, not minding the glare from his friend’s blue eyes to ‘shut up’.485Please respect copyright.PENANAK3DGt2Zhwh
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Peridot held in a quiet giggle and turned her attention back to the book. “As I was reading…” she cleared her throat, smiling as she started reading the book again. “ ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the train, not a creature was stirring not even a mage. The trees were set up in each car with care in preparation for all the gifts to be left there. The kids were all snug in their beds as visions of many gifts danced in their heads. The train was quiet with staff fast asleep, all snug and warm by the fireplace heat. The flight was all quiet until there arose such a clatter I jumped from my bed to see what was the matter. Quickly I ran down the hall and through a door or two, sliding to a stop in the next empty car I moved. The moon now high in the sky made the falling snow glow, giving the look of Christmas lights putting on a fantastic show. 485Please respect copyright.PENANAJNS8u4OZZr
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“Looking out a window to my widening eyes should appear, but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer. The jolly old driver gave a confused groan his team in disarray, they had struck the side wing and laid with swirled eyes, this was going to cause delays. Moving closer I saw a boy in white with brown hair inch closer grabbing the man and his team with magic so green, they were brought inside where it was warmer. To Asami, the nurse, Conductor did go using his magic to carry the rosy cheeked man he went out the door, down the hall, to the medical car as quick as he can. Assistant had woke due to all the noise, curious he went following the sound of talking though when he got to the room and began to question what was the matter, he found himself gawking. There on the bed passed out and sleeping was a man dressed in red from head to toe his cheeks all red and rosy with boots on his feet as black as coal. 485Please respect copyright.PENANA5sB82w6KgV
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“ ‘What the heck is going on? Why is he here? Isn’t he supposed to be outside flying with his reindeer?!’ Assistant’s question was very good indeed it also held a point as it was Christmas Eve. Asami shook her head and folded her arms, setting her gaze on the teen who started to leave.485Please respect copyright.PENANAV6Nkz4uUSe
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“ ‘He won’t be flying this night, I can assure you this so don’t you dare take a guess, and tell me honestly how you plan to repair, to fix this mess.’ Conductor stopped quick, turning on his heel, he thought over a plan then he smiled and told them his deal.485Please respect copyright.PENANAADZCwzfCun
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“ ‘It’s very simple dear Asami and Assistant, I will explain my plan so don’t be miffed all I have to do is put on the suit and with Assistant at my side, go to each house and leave the gifts. Then all we do is come back here to ready his deer and sleigh, and send him on his jolly old way.’ Conductor explained quite pleased with this plan, it was flawless one could say but Assistant saw this differently and redirected his question the train master’s way.485Please respect copyright.PENANAAHNpGo0z4v
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“ ‘That answers her question but not mine, how is Santa here and not there, what did you do this time?’ Assistant asked clearly annoyed to have his question unanswered, he wanted to know and hoped the explanation would not meander.485Please respect copyright.PENANAysCLwbawLK
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“ ‘It wasn’t my fault, I swear this to you, it wasn’t my error that caused Saint Nick a collision, it was just one of those things but luckily I still had the shields up so he didn’t strike an engine.’ Conductor explained quite simply as if it were a matter-of-fact.485Please respect copyright.PENANAE394zPHQ3s
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“Assistant groaned muttering to himself. ‘I swear you are as lucky as a cat.’ So, the two took their leave getting a list and checking it twice before heading below to a town, and exiting the train like quiet little mice. To the first house they went the front door was locked but thinking ever so quick the Engine Master used his magic to easily be a lock pick. Getting inside they delivered the gifts, putting the small in the socks and under the tree did the larger gifts go as Assistant finished he looked over to the dark brown locks. ‘What are you eyeing? What are you thinking?’ Assistant asked not trusting the look Conductor was giving.485Please respect copyright.PENANAPRKb9zS37a
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“ ‘I’m simply thinking,’ Conductor replied, ‘how to improve their lighting, to give it more life, it seems too dull for this wonderful time of living.’ Assistant hearing this reply did not trust this possible outcome not one bit so grabbing his boss, he drug him out, not wanting the family’s Christmas gift to be any kind of repair costs.485Please respect copyright.PENANAoFexTcsatB
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“ ‘Sorry I don’t think that’s wise, I think they enjoy their home in one piece,’ Assistant said as they exited the door, ‘we don’t need them taking out a home lease.’ With the door relocked and shut tight, they went on delivering the packages and gifts, as they continued Assistant began to smile, feeling less miffed. So continue they did all through the night, not coming to a stop until a few hours before daylight.485Please respect copyright.PENANAEcgRYyEVES
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“ ‘That’s all the gifts so let’s head back, back to the train and give him his sack.’ Conductor said quite proud of their work, hoping they would get rewarded and not seen as a jerk. 485Please respect copyright.PENANAhHYjpvbW2l
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Leading the way to the train Conductor thought they were through, Assistant following up with bag in hand, came to halt as inside was a gift that was due soon. ‘Hey we missed a box. The name is hard to read. Maybe we should stop and put it under a tree.’ 485Please respect copyright.PENANAvuwM5GvbcU
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Conductor did stop and turn to come back, reading the name it did not lack. Frowning he turned and put the gift back into Assistant’s hand, ‘Let’s get back to the train and give this back to this man.’485Please respect copyright.PENANAk6pm22OFuf
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“ ‘Why do you not sound thrilled? You sound kind of sour, it cannot be that bad, let’s put it under a tree.’ Assistant stated locating a tree tall as a tower. Conductor not thrilled did not protest, letting Assistant do as he wished, placing the gift under the tree, Assistant turned and retook his place to assist. ‘It will be fine this I’m sure, this is Christmas after all, so let’s go inside and see how he is, I’m sure seeing all the gifts delivered will show we didn’t stall.’485Please respect copyright.PENANA9Kh0nPwsRz
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“Back on the train the pair did return to see an awake and alert jolly old man, the sleigh team pranced and pawed at the ground ready to take off as fast as they can. Saint Nick gave a hearty chuckle seeing the pair as they returned his bag, now empty the old man reached in withdrawing his hands to hold two gifts each with a tag. Handing one to Conductor and one to Assistant he gave a kind smile, then a grin, ‘you both did me a great favor you have, so in thanks here you are for this spectacular win.’ With those last words the old man boarded his sleigh taking the reins, watching the doors open he cracked the reins firm, taking off into the night no longer in pain.485Please respect copyright.PENANAqlS7T1q12L
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“And I heard him exclaim two things as he flew off out of sight, ‘Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight,’ was his first word of advice. ‘Happy Holidays to all far and near, drive safe, drive safe on land and in air, from starting this night watch out for deer!’ With this goodbye the old man did fade, turning to their gifts the two opened them to see what he gave. To Conductor a device quite odd in appearance looking green as a lime and not the tasty kind, and to Assistant a pocket watch quite shinny and new, perfect for keeping time for him and Conductor to.”485Please respect copyright.PENANAQ51yLRCDfk
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And with that the story had finished and Peridot closed the book, looking up at the children and smiled. The small group had fallen asleep curled up on the floor. The sight even made Assistant smile finding the sight rather cute. “I guess that night wasn’t so bad.” Assistant commented in a quiet whisper as he stepped away from the wall, out from under Conductor’s arm as the Engine Master then followed.485Please respect copyright.PENANAyrDVrKiUh4
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“See? I told you, you enjoyed it.” Conductor stated a soft smile on his face as he and Assistant got the children carried back to their rightful beds. When done Peridot yawned stretching after putting the chair back in its place and grabbing the book off the seat.485Please respect copyright.PENANAYlj5Mx2L9q
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“I’m going to bed. Goodnight you two,” she said giving a small wave as she left to the employee sleeper car. Both wished her goodnight and after a few moments Assistant started moving to follow after.485Please respect copyright.PENANABHu69QIdgh
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“I think I’ll head to bed too. Goodnight Conductor and Merry Christmas.” Assistant said looking over at Conductor who was grinning while giving a nod to the teen.485Please respect copyright.PENANA2OAZEH2oB8
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“Thanks and I’m going to make sure we’re still on course. Merry Christmas, Assistant.” Conductor said moving to head back to the Engine Car. Assistant looked down, then back to Conductor turning around and reaching into his pocket, stepping after the teen in the white trench coat.485Please respect copyright.PENANAkYL89IXxlh
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“Hey Conductor, wait, I got you something. You can open it now or wait until Christmas morning.” Holding out the rounded shaped box wrapped gift.485Please respect copyright.PENANASh9fV5gLwn
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Conductor stopped and turned seeing the gift and the faded smile returned as he accepted the present. He moved over to one side of the car, pulling out a wrapped present that seemed to be bag shaped. “I also got you a gift. I think I’ll wait until morning to open mine but you’re welcome to open yours tonight if you want.”485Please respect copyright.PENANACpohM1wRSL
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Assistant blinked wondering if his gift was enough though he knew size didn’t matter, the fact the medium sized bag looking gift made him wonder if what he had gotten his friend was enough. Accepting the gift Assistant was genuinely happy. “You know you didn’t have to get me something. And I think I’ll wait until morning to.”485Please respect copyright.PENANAash75j2A54
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“Nah I wanted to. Welp you best get some sleep or you’ll end up making a mess again when helping customers.” Conductor stated with a small snicker, receiving a shove from Assistant who frowned blushing lightly.485Please respect copyright.PENANAstb42ddket
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“That wasn’t because I was tired. That was due to being distracted thinking over everything that I have to remember while working for you so I don’t get killed.” Partly true counted as still sort of honest. Looking away from the grinning master of the train for a moment then returning his blue orbs to meet his boss’s green eyes. “You make sure you get sleep to. You don’t need to get exhausted, especially if you end up needing to use your magic. Don’t want you getting exhausted or anything…” Assistant said almost muttering the last part.485Please respect copyright.PENANAGNqV8murcX
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“Don’t worry, I’m fine. I can handle staying awake. Now shoo you and get to bed.” Conductor said in his positive voice moving and began pushing Assistant with his gift towards the employee sleeper car. They both bid the other goodnight and Assistant went on his way to head to bed as Conductor went back to the Engine Car to make sure they wouldn’t hit anything or anyone again. “Heh, Merry Christmas everyone,” he said softly as he sat and made sure all would continue smoothly through the winter night sky.485Please respect copyright.PENANAWU40HldSYJ