It's been an hour since Aiden left to get food. I swung on the swings, walked the park twice, swung some more then walked the park once more and still no sign of him.
I should've known better than to trust a human..
And, it seems I won't be able to wait much longer before I have to leave. I never even got to go to my hideaway.
This is catfish! Why would he lie? I am so glad I never have to see him again. I leave the park and walk toward the beach. That way, I won't have to run as far.
I hear a twig snap nearby and quickly hide behind a tree. I peak around it and notice Aiden looking around the park.
"Bambi?" He asks, still searching the playground.
I step around the tree and walk back over to where he's standing. He puts on a huge grin as he hands me a white box.
The smell coming from it had my mouth watering. I really couldn't resist.
I think I have time to eat. My stomach is literally eating itself and this smells so much better than fish food.
I smile back at him as I take the box. We find a nearby picnic table and sit down. I open the box and the smell was absolutely delightful.
"I got you some plain chicken from this pretty amazing place down the road. I brought you some hot sauce and ranch. I got mine rolled in hot but I did not know if you'd like it so I just brought you some in a cup. Figured you could try it so if you like it then next time you could get it. Oh, and sorry it took so long. There was a line and then I had to wait forever before they gave me our food." Aiden rambles on but my mind was set on only one thing he even said.
"Next time?"
He stops talking and looks up at me. "Well, yeah. Hopefully I'll see you again. Sooner, rather than later." He smirks.
Without another word, I cut into the piece of chicken with the long plastic piece, copying his actions and dip the chicken in the red sauce then the white sauce.
Did he say what this stuff was?
I put the chicken in my mouth and chewed it slowly, savoring the taste. It was freaking awesome. How in the world have I lived without this?
Then, suddenly..
"Holy, fish sticks! That is hot!" I quickly fan my face.
He chuckles and hands me a cup with a straw in it. I quickly gulp down the cold liquid.
"Never had hot sauce before?" He assumes.
I shake my head. "No, but it was good. I liked it.. But, it burnt my tongue.."
He nods his head with a smile. "I love it. You just gotta get used to it."
He was right. After a few bites, I definitely got used to it. The food was amazing.
Aiden and I joked and laughed and I learned that he has a little sister, which ironically enough, is obsessed with 'The Little Mermaid'. I laughed out loud at that.
"She insists that mermaids are real." He chuckles, his blue eyes sparkling.
Its obvious that he loves his sister and would do anything for her. It was pretty sweet, if you ask me. It sucks that, soon, I'll never see him again.
Funny how just early I wanted nothing to do with him, huh? Now, I wish that I could be friends with him.
I smirk. "I don't believe in mermaids. Unless, like, a person was cursed or something." I tell him.
Because I've swam for seven years and have yet to meet another mermaid.
"Cursed? Like by a witch?" Aiden asks, shocked from my words.
I shrug. "Sure. Why not?"
He nods. "Yeah, I guess if were talking about mermaids being real then why not witches too?" He smirks. "You're pretty cool, Bambi."
I smile at him, I was about to tell him I felt the same way about him but I heard the bell from the clock tower and my eyes widened.
I have to get back to the water.
Without saying any thing else, because I really don't have time to just say bye, I stand up and race toward the beach.
I quickly slip my clothes off, leaving me in my seashell bra and the bottoms that came with the human body, which were the same color as my tail, and ran into the water. I didn't go deep, just enough to where my body was covered.
What I didn't expect was to be followed when I ran away so quickly.
"What are you doing?"
"Aiden, listen. I need you to leave. I'll be at the park tonight and I'll explain everything then.
I felt the water shifting as my legs feel as though they are being smashed together. The water glows around me as my tail replaces my legs.
"Bambi... You.. You have a.." He clears his throat. "A tail.."
I look down, ashamed at myself for not realizing the time sooner. I could have told him I had to go or something. Now, he's going to tell everyone and I'm gong to end up in some building with test tubes or..
"You're a mermaid." He says, but it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself.
"I have to go now." I tell him. I turn to leave and take a deep breath. "Aiden... Please don't tell anyone." I call out to him.
Before he could say anything, I dive underneath the water and swim back into the deep blue sea.
Holy fudge! He found out she's a mermaid!
So,what do you think? Think he'll keep his mouth shut? Would you?
Let me know in the comments!
I love you, humans! Mwah!