"I don't understand why she's still around. I've seen you with a lot of girls when I first met you but I never seen them around more than a day. What's so special about this one?" Darcy asks me suddenly as I'm making sandwiches for Hazel and her friends.
I was trying to hurry cause I told Bambi I'd be right back and that was when we first got here. I hope she isn't uncomfortable without me.
"She's cool, Darcy. You'd like her if you got to know her." I tell her.
It's silent for a second before she asks. "Do you like her?"
I nod slightly, barely existent before Darcy steps in front of me. I look down at her, confused at what was happening. Darcy grabs my hands, looking deeply into my eyes.
"I need to tell you, Aiden, that I love you with everything in me. I'm here. You know my feelings for you, now. She can never love you. But, I can and I will."
I couldn't even comprehend the words that came out of her mouth. I wanted to tell her that I'm madly inlove with my mermaid best friend. I couldn't tell her that, though. Not when I haven't even told Bambina. But, before I even realized what was happening, Darcy wraps her arms around my neck and stands on her tip toes before pulling me into a kiss.
My eyes widen in shock, not really knowing what to do. I hear glad breaking which causes me to come back to my senses and I quickly pull away, looking behind me. Bambina's eyes we're wide and shock was evident in them. What I didn't expect was the hurt pouring out.
"I'm sorry I interrupted. Your mom thought you might need some help but you seem to have everything under control so I'm gonna.." She jabs her thumb behind her. "Go."
I start to run after her but Darcy grabs my hands once again. I turn back to her, anger building up in me.
"Why did you do that, Darcy?" I demanded, taking a step away from her.
She looked hurt at my words but I didn't care. I care about Bambina and what she must have thought. I just told her that I didn't like Darcy in the way that she thought and now she must think I lied to her.
"I love you." Darcy tells me as tears run down her face. "She doesn't deserve you. She's just a fish. How could you like someone with a tail?"
How did she know that?
"I don't know what you're talking about, Darcy. She isn't a fish. And she definitely does not have a tail." I argue.
At least not a night..
She laughs bitterly. "She does. I saw her when I was at your house one day. I'm not stupid, Aiden. I know what I saw."
I roll my eyes. "You should get your eyes checked, Darcy. I have to go and fix this." I start to walk away but I had one more thing to say. "Our parents are getting married. You'll be my sister but that's all you will ever be. Stay way from me, Darcy. And stay away from Bambina."
And with those last words, I walk out of the kitchen.
I see Hazel jumping on the trampoline but couldn't find Bambina anywhere which means that she left. I walk over to my mom and she smiles widely before looking around me.
"Where your friends, son?" She asks me.
I shrug. "She left. I think I might have hurt her feelings."
My mom sheaves her head in disapproval before running her hand through my hair.
"I don't know what you did, but Bambina seems like a nice young lady. If you explain that you didn't mean to hurt her feelings, I'm sure she will forgive you."
I nod with a sigh. "Maybe. I don't know. I just.. Never mind."
She smiles as she pulls me closer. "You just what, sweety?" Although I have a feeling she already knows.
I tell her anyway. "I love her, mom. She makes me feel something I've never felt before and I don't want to lose her."
My mom nods before she winks at me. "Then go find her and apologize. Hazel will understand."
I smile at her, because she is truely the best mom anyone could ask for. I run out the door and into my car before starting it up to see if maybe she went back to the house.
When I got there, I open the door and walk upstairs. "Bambi?!" I call out.
No answer. I call out her name a few more times but still I don't get an answer. I run up the stairs and still nothing. Taking a deep breath, I decide that I should call her.
Dialing her number, I wait a few moments before I hear her phone ringing in her room. I looked there and she wasn't in her room but maybe she was hiding or something. So, I follow the sound until I get to her nightstand. I see a piece of paper lit up and picked it up to see her phone was underneath.
I look down at the piece of paper, noticing it was a letter to me from Bambina. The letter read:
Thankyou, Aiden, forbeingthereformewhenIneededyou. Now, itstimethatIfindmyownway. Maybe, I'llfallinloveandbreakthiscursebeforemyeighteenthbirthdayandmaybeIwon'tandI'llbestuckasamermaidfortherestofmylife. I'veacceptedit. Itsokay. IappreciateyoutryingtohelpmebutnowyouhaveDarcyandIdon'twanttogetinthewayofthat. I'mhappyforyou, really. Itsokay, I'mnotmadthatyouliedtome. Iguessyoujustdidn'twanttohurtmyfeelingsbuthonestlyithurtworseforyoutolie. Tellingyouthatforfuturereference. I'msorryforbeingabother. I'monlytakingafewthings. IknowyouboughtthembutIhopethatyou'reokaywithit. Haveanicelife, Aiden. -Bambina
Have a nice life, Aiden. That last line broke my heart to pieces. I'm going to find her to tell her how I feel.
I run out the back door and search for her. The first place I look is the abandoned building she showed me when we first met. When she wasn't there, I checked the park. Nothing.
After hours of searching, and coming up empty, I finally give up and go back home.
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I'm hurt and I hate myself for not stopping her from leaving to begin with. Maybe I should have called and explained. I'm so stupid. How am I supposed to tell her I love her now?