My plan worked, partly. Unfortunately, he's in love with that mermaid so the kiss didn't make him fall under my spell. But, Bambina seeing it was perfect. Because its been two months and no kiss.
I need this curse to leave her as a mermaid for the rest of her life. It has to happen. Otherwise, with being over three hundred years old, if the curse breaks, as all of my others, I will lose my magic. And then I will die.
One month to go and she will live her life with that merman, Aquarius. Just as I've planned when I put the mermaid town down there. Not only am I helping myself not lose my magic and destroying Elizabeth Gallagher's happiness, I'm also helping those mermaids live a full life. I made them with my magic so that Bambina would have doubts to become human again. Seems to be working now.
But, if I die, so will Aquarius and Aqua and their mermaid town. Because little Bambina has no idea that even under the sea, she's all in my control. I even have a spy down there. He's been helping me since I made them all. I made him special. He can't fall in love with her. So my curse can't be broken if he does. Once her birthday is here. I might be nice and give her a tinsy bit of happiness and change that. Because then, the curse will be stuck. And I will win.
It's all going perfectly.
At one point, I gave my spy a magical shell. If he speaks into it, it'll send me a text to my phone. Human devices really do come in handy.
My phone dings signalling a text so I pick it up to read, Bambina is planning to meet up with Aiden tonight. She said they would meet at their usual spot. I'm not sure which one it will be at. She also broke up with me.
Last I heard, Bambina moved away, Aiden's words. So how did he find her? I know that he goes to that park every night but hasn't seen her for two months. What changed? What am I missing here?
Did she just randomly change her mind and decided to forgive him for kissing me? No. She couldn't. Girls don't like being cheated on. Well,they couldn't have been dating but I know that it hurt her. I could feel her pain radiating off of her. The feeling of her pain was almost magical in itself.
After a few hours, it was about the time Bambina would come out of the water. I was waiting for her by their old spot, hoping she would come here instead of his house. Because I couldn't get to her if he's sitting outside waiting for her. And he's still mad at me so I can't just show up there. Unless she doesn't show up here. Then I'll have to do a sleeping spell on Aiden.
There was still another hour left before Bambina would come out of the water so I just sit behind her rock. Hidden away so she wouldn't see me when she came out. I was even nice enough to bring her one of my outfits. All part of ny plan, of course. It was a long wait. I was beginning to think she might have changed her mind. But then I hear,
"Aiden?" No answer. Obviously. "Aiden, are you here? I should've been more specific when I told him our old spot. Jelly dish, why am I so dumb sometimes?"
I could almost laugh at this silly girl, talking to herself. She starts walking toward Aiden's house. I step out from behind the rock.
"Bambina." I call out.
She turns around and looks both ways before her eyes land on me with pure hatred. I was happy to say, the feeling is mutual. But, instead of giving her that impression, I offer her the clothes.
"Aiden told me everything, Bambina. How you're a mermaid and that you need to break the curse. He tells me he loves you and that he would do anything to tell you that. I'm so happy that he's found someone like you, someone to make him this happy." I tell her with a huge grin spread across my face.
Her face brightens with a blush and she bites her lip softly.
"He told you that?" She asks me. "That he loves me?"
I nod. "He did. So I told him to dress nicely and get ready for the date he has pabbed tonight. I told him I would meet you here and help you be a princess for the night. Are you ready?"
She smiles at me. He smile was sweet. Too sweet. Sickly, even. But jokes on her. She really shouldn't be this gullible. But, at this moment, I'm so thankful that she is.
We walk far, until we get to my house. My real house. The one nobody knows about. Luckily she was too excited to question the fact that we weren't at Aiden's mom's house.
As we walk through the front door, Bambina turns to me and says, "Thank you so much, Darcy. You have no idea what this means to me. To us. I love him to and I can't wait to tell him tonight."
I smile as I open my basement door. I lock the door as I hold the door knob and she starts walking down the stairs.
"Too bad that'll never happen. Because I'm keeping you here until your birthday."
And with those words, I shut the door. Leaving her locked into my basement. Now, my plan will go smoothly. The curse won't break so I won't lose my magic. Its a win-win.
For me.