Oh shit. Jillian and I stand there for a few seconds after the scream, waiting for the sound of quick footsteps on the wooden floor that'll lead the undoubtedly terrified priest down the stairs and out the door, just like the ones before him.
Five...six...seven...eight...any second now, he's going to come running down with wobbly legs and a pale face, just like the others. I chew nervously on my bottom lip as I tear my gaze away from the top of the stairs over to Jillian who's frozen in front of the front door with one hand on the large brass doorknob.
She's also waiting for him to come running, shouldn't there at least be another scream? What if he's...no, no way, let's not think about it. We both stand there, waiting, but everything around is eerily quiet. The only sound in the house is the loud echo of the ticking grandfather clock.
Jillian slowly turns to look at me from over her shoulder, her eyes are wide and from the way her thin bottom lip is quivering and the gleam of tears in her eyes, it's clear to see she's afraid. Hell, I'd be too if I didnt experience shit like this on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong, I am extremely scared, just not as scared as I probably should be.
Did that thing kill him? Is that why he isn't running down? Jillian opens her mouth and I see her take a long, deep breath before mouthing and pointing upstairs, "Should we go?" This poor old lady is scared out of her wits, yet she still said we, meaning she would put her fear aside and go upstairs with me just so I wouldn't have to be alone.
I give her a small smile and shake my head and "No, you go ahead. I'll be fine." I whisper. She looks from me to the stairs and back again, her eyes shining with worry and fear. Usually she waits in the car outisde.
This whole situation is just so frustrating, I hate what's in my house and I know I should probably just leave, go stay with a friend or something, but I live here, I will not be shoved out! Call it stubbornness or stupidity, but either way I will stand up for what's mine. I won't be bullied into leaving by some stupid ghosts!
"Are you sure?" She whispers softly. I nod and give her a smile that hopefully looks more convincing than it feels. After a thumbs up she nods, opens the door and leaves. As soon as I hear her car door slam shut I turn my attention back to the stairs. Let's do this. Not giving myself a chance to chicken out, I run up the stairs, skipping over every second one.
Hmmm, where did he go. As soon as I reach the top of the stairs I feel the temperature in the room drop. Oh shit, not again. Suddenly the whispers start, I can only pick up a couple of words. Sometimes it feels like all the ghosts of this house gather around when there's shit going on. Why don't they fight this guy! "Over here." I hear a female whisper from far away.
"Leave!" A males voice tells me from just behind my ear, I know better than to look at them directly or even simply acknowledge them. I used to, but it makes the activity pick up so much that I eventually decided that the best thing to do is pretend you don't see or hear them.
I decide to walk slowly from one end of the passage to the other, just as I get to the last door a loud, cheery whistling sound starts bouncing off the walls in the bathroom right next to me.
"Sir? Hello! Are you in here?" I say as I gently push the squeaky door open. Now, to be completely honest with you, I expected him to be dead or at least laying on the floor passed out from the shock.
So imagine my surprise when I walk in to find the priest sitting ontop of the toilet seat, legs crossed neatly as if he's casually waiting for his appointment at a doctors office. he's looking around the room, whistling and tap tap tapping his wedding ring on the side of the bowl when his eyes find mine.
As soon as I see the black colour of his eyes I gasp and turn to run but the door shuts itself and no matter how hard I pull at it, it won't budge. I hear the familiar, deep menacing laugh behind me.
"Now now girl, don't you think that all of this is a little unnecessary? Haven't you realized by now that you're never getting rid of me?" I turn around and face him. "What do you want? Why are you here?"
He lets out another devilish laugh and starts pacing up and down with his hands behind his back, "You'll find out in time, or maybe you won't, but just remember one thing. You will never get rid of me, I will ALWAYS reside in this house. Everything in this home has been and always will be MINE! And soon enough, I'll be able to walk this earth freely.
Soon I'll have enough souls to permanently come through the veil and if you think I've inconvenienced you now, ha! Just you wait little girl, soon you're soul will be mine! Nobody will get in the way of what I have planned!"
As he shouts the last word he rushes up to me and grips my shoulders, pain erupts bit I ignore it and try shoving him back but his grip on me is too tight. He opens his mouth wider than humanly possible, the bones crack as his jaw dislocates and his lips start tearing on the sides.
I stare in horror as he lets out a scream that sounds like millions of tortured beings crying out in pain, the sound is deafening. I need to stop this!
But what can I do? As the sound starts to fade, a thick cloud of black mist rushes out of his mouth and up towards the ceiling. That's it, I have to do something! I gather up every ounce of strength I have left and push one more time.
As I push all my weight onto him, the black in his eyes fade away and terrified green eyes come into view. The tight grip on my shoulders loosen, and he stumbles back, tripping over the mat at the base of the toilet and hitting his head on the edge of the bathtub before slumping down onto the floor.
Oh no, no no no. I rush forward and crouch down beside him. "Sir? Open your eyes! Are you okay? Please be okay!" I start shaking him, trying to wake him up but he doesn't stir. I roll him over onto his back and gag, his mouth is hanging wide open with trickles of blood running down both sides as he lays in the rapidly growing pool of red, staring at the ceiling with unblinking eyes.
Oh God, he's dead. He's really dead! I killed someone, oh no, oh God please no. I place both hands over my mouth to muffle the scream that escapes my lips. I need to get out of here, I can't.. I just..I killed someone!
I turm around and race down the stairs, almost tripping on the way down, and rush out the front door. I look over my shoulder as I run out onto the grass and see a tall, dark, faceless shadow creature standing in the bedroom upstairs. As soon as I see him he let's the curtain close and his large silhouette walks away, disappearing into the house.
Just then a cold hand gently touches my arm and I jump, ready to attack. "Shh! Hey, hey! Calm down, it's just me. It's just me." I look to see Jillian standing beside me with one hand on my arm and a worried look in her eyes.
"Kayla, what happened? Where's the priest?" I try to tell her what happened but I can't manage to string together a coherent sentence before I break down sobbing.
Jillian hugs me and slowly rubs my back, trying to soothe me as I cry on her shoulder. How can I live with myself? I killed someone, not just anyone! A fucking priest!
I start sobbing even louder as Jillian pulls away and wipes a few tears from my cheeks. "Come, you can't stay here tonight. Let's go to my place and get you all cleaned up." Cleaned up? I look down and realize that the tips of my fingers are covered in blood.
Jillian slowly leads me to the passenger side of her car and closes the door after me before making her way to the drivers side. She was silent the whole way to her house, letting me cry and sniffle without question or judgement.
As we pull up the driveway to a small yellow, single storey house I see the grumpy old man standing in the doorway with his arms crossed, watching us closely as Jill parks the car.
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