"Is he as hot as I remember?"
I smacked her in the shoulder as we sat on the concrete bench by the fountain, waiting for Brent. "Leena!"
"What? I need to prepare myself for what I'm about to encounter." She grinned, fully unashamed.
My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I chuckled. I tapped my feet on the ground anxiously and scanned our surroundings for any sign of him approaching. We still had five minutes until our official meet up time, but he could be like us and arrive a little early. Both fear and giddiness flooded my body from the anticipation of seeing him again. I hated that a part of me was attracted to him. I didn't know him, I had no idea what his intentions with me were, but both times we had been together, he had been nothing but a gentleman. He hadn't given me a reason not to trust him yet, but that could change as quickly as the weather.
My breath halted in my chest as I caught a glimpse of red. Brent, dressed in blue jeans and a red and black plaid flannel, met my gaze, a big smile taking over his face as he made his way over to Leena and I. "Sophie, you came. I'm a little surprised honestly." He turned toward Leena and held his hand out. "Hi again, I am unfortunately blanking your name."
A flirtatious smile pasted itself on her lips as she stood up and shook his hand. "Leena. Good to see you not smooching my friend this time."
Brent laughed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, my bad. You know how the club gets sometimes." He glanced my way, his icy eyes shooting butterflies into my stomach. I bit my lip and looked down at my feet. He cleared his throat. "Well, should we get going?"
Leena put a hand on my shoulder and I mentally shook my head, standing up and nodded, offering a shy smile his direction. "Yeah, let's go."
Brent led the way as Leena and I trailed behind him. Leena nudged me with her elbow and leaned closer to me. "Girl! He is smoking! Got that whole sexy lumberjack thing going on," she whispered excitedly and my cheeks burned. I couldn't say that she was wrong. He really was looking good today, and those jeans made his ass-
Whoa, Sophie, calm the fuck down. Leena snickered like she could read my mind and Brent looked over his shoulder at us, smiling softly before turning back around. Leena sped up, making her way to Brent's side and struck up a conversation about his employment. I shook my head and smiled. Digging up dirt, I liked it. I knew I would get a full report later and honestly, I looked forward to it. He was a captivating mystery right now, and I wanted to put together all the puzzle pieces.
We reached the store and Brent held the door open for us and we gave him our thanks as we walked through. My eyes scanned the store, looking at all the different phones on display and I chewed on my lip. Leena immediately went over to the newest iPhone, drooling over the features that never really change as much as the company would claim. I took a deep breath, suddenly feeling overwhelmed at all the choices and what having a phone again meant. Brent stood in front of me, kind of off to the side, keeping enough distance between the two of us. I appreciated the space. He looked at me, concerned. "You okay? We don't have to do this today, you know."
I shook my head, the gray hood from my denim sweater jacket falling off and released a heavy sigh. "No, I need to do this. I can't keep giving into my fears, otherwise I will get nowhere."
He nodded and looked around. "Where do you want to start? Are you more of a iPhone user or Android?"
I pressed my lips together as I did another scan of the room. "I'm more of an Android user. I appreciate the amount of customization it provides."
Brent smirked and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I've said it before and I will say it again - a woman after my own heart." He gestured to the left side of the store with his head. "Come on."
We walked side by side over to the line of phones on display. He went directly to the one singled out, just released and started playing on it. I shoved my hands into my jacket pockets as I slowly walked down the line, looking at the prices. My heart sank as the cheapest phone I ran across had a $400 price tag on it. I suppose there were always payment plans, unless I wanted to settle for a flip phone, but that wouldn't provide the services I wanted. Forget social media, I didn't care about that. But I wanted something I could take good pictures with, listen to music on, and maybe play a phone game here and there. I looked at which device it was and I went up to the counter.155Please respect copyright.PENANAT7fPASxml7
The employee looked up at me with tired, bored eyes. "How can I help you?"
I smiled at him politely and told him what phone I wanted. He said they had a black one in the back and he left to get it. Leena came up next to me and signed, leaning against the counter. "I wish I was a millionaire. Then I could buy a new phone every time it launched." I snorted.
"Just get like two more jobs and you'll be there in no time."
She scrunched her nose in disgust. "Screw that, it's hard enough to have the motivation to work one job, let alone three."
"Ain't that the truth," I mumbled in response. Brent came up behind Leena and sat on the counter.
"I don't know. I think switching phones every year would be a pain. You would have to keep transferring your data each time and that's a good way for it to get lost eventually," he chipped in, his his deep voice sending a shiver down my spine.
Leena gasped and turned to face him. "I never even thought about that!"
I chuckled a little and glanced down at my feet. I could feel Brent's stare on the side of my face, but I resisted the temptation to return his gaze. "That is a really good point. I'm just low maintenance I guess. I don't need bright and shiny new toys all the time."
"Me neither," Brent said.
I looked at him, scanning his body with my eyes, giving him a playful smirk. "Obviously."
His jaw dropped and he brought a hand to his chest in feigned offense. "Leena, do you hear the way she is talking to me right now?" She snorted. "You need to do something about it."
She patted his shoulder. "One thing you must know about our beautiful Sophie here, she will do whatever she wants. You just need to learn to accept it."
Brent pouted, but his eyes held a mischievous gleam. "So the fact that she came with me to get a new phone... She wanted to be in my company." He stated matter-of-factly, his eyes not leaving mine. Leena looked between the two of us as the heat crept up my face.
A whistle broke through the silence. "Okay, guys, don't make me get a fire extinguisher."
As if he was summoned, the store employee, Jim, came back with a box and he opened it up. We got an account set up for myself and started setting my phone up. I ran my fingers along the smooth, cool surface of the back of it as it went through an update. Leena went to play with a tablet while she waited for the grueling process to finish. Brent was along the wall by the register, checking out the different phone cases. He glanced at me and tilted his head, pointing to the selection. "Do you want a case for it?"
I shook my head, my face falling. "I can't afford it right now," I said softly.
He scoffed and waved his hand toward the counter. "Set the phone down and come pick out a case. It's on me."
I took a step backward, bewildered. "Brent, I- no. I can't let you do that."
He smirked. "Sophie, you're not the only one who can do whatever they want. Either you come pick one out for yourself, or I will be picking one for you. Your choice."
Jim looked up from his computer and bounced his eyes between the two of us. "I don't think you'll be winning this one," he said under his breath and I scowled, making Brent's smirk wider.
I grumbled under my breath as I set the phone down and approached the wall, the opposite end of where Brent stood. My arms crossed my chest and I chewed my inner cheek as I checked out my options. A lot of them were super girly or really boring, but looks shouldn't matter. I just needed some sort of protection, but at a cheaper price point. There was no way in hell I was allowing Brent to spend more than necessary. I scanned my options and settled for a clear, silicone case with padded corners. I threw it on the counter and glared at Brent. Amusement sparked in his eyes as he crossed his way over next to me. "Are you sure that's the one you want?"
"You're not just being stubborn?"
He laughed and gave me a knowing look. "Alright."
I wanted to smack him and I think he knew that. The worst part is he only found it funny, even as it fueled my annoyance. Finally, Jim gave me my phone and the case after scanning it all into the system and getting the phone set up to work with the cell towers. I worked on putting the case as he finished a few final things on the computer and slid the phone in the back pocket of my jeans. "Alright, so with the payment plan, the case, and the activation fee, that will bring your total to $107.87."
I winced as the total sank in. God, I knew today would be a little more on the expensive side, but I was only hoping for around $70. I reached for my wallet as Brent slapped his card onto the counter. Jim hesitantly took the card as he watched me. My eyes bugged out of my head and I shook my head furiously. "No, no! Jim, give that back to him and take mine instead. He is not supposed to be paying for this shit."
Jim opened his mouth to reply, but Brent butted in before he could get a word out. "Use my card. Sophie, just let me do this for you please."
I couldn't contain my frustration anymore. "I'm not some fucking charity case, Brent!" I yelled at him and balled my hands into a fist. I heard Leena yelp from the sudden outburst, but I couldn't care enough to check on her at the moment. My entire focus was on the stubborn, frustrating, yet sexy man in front of me. "I know you want to help, and I do appreciate that, but I just need to do some things for myself! I don't want to be some broken piece of shit. That's n-not who I am!" My voice is coming out weak and squeaky as I fought back the tears. "I'm not broken... I'm capable of taking care of myself." My bottom lip trembled as I tilted my head back, failing at keeping the tears inside.
The tension in the room was so thick, you could've sliced it with a knife. I was aware of all three of them staring at me and I didn't care at that point. There was no holding back the sobs that shook my body as I fell to the floor. Brent's boots pounded the ground as he crossed over to me and knelt down, wrapping his arms around me. I inhaled sharply and pushed at him. "No, don't touch me! Don't touch me!" I screamed and flailed, but he didn't loosen his grip.
"Sophie, it's okay," he said softly, resting his cheek on the top of my head. "He's gone. I am not him. Nobody here is going to hurt you, I promise."
"Brent, I don't know if-" Leena started but whatever look Brent was giving her made her stop as he lifted his head away from mine. I was too busy clawing at his arms, trying to get away as my vision blurred from the overwhelming amount of tears vacating.
"Please, please," I gasped out weakly as I fell against him, the fight slowly leaving my body. He gathered me up, rocking us slowly as he ran his hand across my head. The gentle gesture made my heart crack fully in two.
"Shhh, it's okay, Sophie. You're going to be okay," he whispered in my ear and I shook my head.
"He ruined me," I choked out. "I don't know why I thought I was ready for this."
Brent pulled away and grasped my face in his hands. "Sophie look at me." I tried to shake my head and turn away, but his hands held strong. "Sophie, please..." The desperation in his voice called to me and I gave up, my eyes meeting his. There was so much concern and determination filled in them. I never saw that in his. Brent's thumbs carefully brushed away stray tears. "The fact that you are here means you are ready for this. This is two days in a row that you got out of the house and that makes you a total badass." His eyes searched mine as I sniffled, my tears slowing. "He did not ruin you. Taking this step is giving him one of the biggest fuck you's in history. You are reclaiming your independence, your body, your mind. Yes, I might be trying to pay for it right now, but don't let that undermine the progress you are making, okay? Baby steps. You can't do it all today, and it's okay to accept help when it comes your way. So please, Sophie, let me help you."
The urge to kiss him in this moment was strong, but there was that nagging at the front of my brain telling me what a horrible that'd be. "But you just met me," I breathed out. A small smile tilted the edge of his beautiful lips up.
Instantly, my mind blanked. What was my point? What argument did I have for this? He had a point. I couldn't gain my independence all back in one day, especially after not having a job for months. The only currency I had was my credit card, and that would eventually need to be paid for, with interest if I didn't get it done relatively quickly. God, I hate being proven wrong. "I don't know."
Jim cleared his throat and I jumped. I had forgotten he was there. "Does this mean it's okay to use the man's card?"
My face flushed in embarrassment and I nodded tightly. "Yeah. Sorry."
Brent made his way to his feet and offered his hand to me. I released a deep sigh and took it, hoisting myself back on my own. Leena came up behind me as Brent went back to the counter to close out the transaction. "Are you okay?" She asked me quietly.
I fidgeted with my fingers and shrugged my shoulder. "Honestly, I'm not sure. But if you're asking if I'm going to have another public meltdown, I think I'm passed that stage for now."
Leena snickered and gave me a half hug. "I'll take it."
We gave our thanks to Jim one last time and walked out the door. Once the fresh air hit my face, I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes. "Fuck, that place was suffocating."
"Well, it could be because- Mmph!" Brent's hand slapped across Leena's mouth and she glared at him.
"Don't finish that sentence," he said, managing to have the sentence sound light but serious at the same time.
Leena rolled her eyes and he removed his hand. "Dummy, I wasn't going to say that."
I shook my head at their banter and opened my eyes. "Well, thank you both for joining me for that. I think that was enough adventure for the day." I pulled my new phone out of my pocket and checked the time. Half past two. My thumb brushed the screen of my phone. It feels strange having one of these again, almost uncomfortable. A shudder went through my spine and I go to slip the device back into my pocket, but Brent held a hand out.
"Nuh uh, before you do that, I need it."
My brows furrowed. "Why?"
He stepped forward and gently took it from me. "I need to put my number in, you know, for emergencies." He grinned and added his information into my contacts, handing it back to me. I chuckled and shook my head, sliding my phone back in my pocket.
"Yeah, okay. Emergencies."
"Glad we're on the same page!" He clapped his hands together before shoving them into his jean pockets. "Alright ladies, it's been fun. We will definitely have to go out again. We need to get through all those milestones."
Leena cocked a brow. "We? As in all three of us?"
His expression grew serious. "Of course, I don't need to be involved. But I would like to be." He glanced at me before returning his gaze back to Leena. "I'd like to be able to help in any way I can. She deserves so much better than what she received, and if I can be a friend during this time, I'd like to be." He looked at me and smiled softly. "If you'll let me. You have my number, please don't be afraid to use it."
I chewed on my lip and nodded. Leena smiled at him. "Thank you, Brent. I'm sure we will take you up on your offer. Keep your phone nearby."
He grinned. "Sure thing. Anyways, get home safely and rest. Today was emotionally draining for all of us I think."
Leena laughed and I snorted. "Understatement of the year," I muttered. We finished our goodbyes and walked to Leena's car. The moment her door closed, she shrieked. My hands flew over my ears and I cringed. "Girl! What was that for?"
"Sophie, he is SO perfect for you!"
I sighed. "Leena..."
"No, think about it! The amount of patience he showed today was incredible. You were literally making him bleed and all he could think about was making sure you were okay and you calmed down," she squealed. "Oh this is a beautiful love story in the works, I can just see it."
"Leena!" I said, exasperated. She looked at me, confused. "We just met him, we don't know where this is going to go. I am so embarrassed about the events that took place today." I groaned and hid my face in my hands. "I freaked out over nothing."
"That was just the trauma talking. We all understood, even Jim. I think he was even glad for a little drama in his day."
A laugh bubbled out of my lips and I rested my head against the back of my seat. "You're probably right. He seemed downright bored when we walked in."
"Exactly." Leena winked at me. "And as far as you and Brent go, I'm going to start planning the wedding."
"Little early there, Leena," I said, slightly sarcastic.
She put the car in gear and started back to the apartment. She smirked. "Don't lie to me. I know you're thinking the same thing. I saw the look you gave him after his big speech. You wanted to kiss him."
I choked on my spit and Leena laughed. "No. You were just imagining things," I strangled out through the coughs.
She snorted. "I would've. You're lucky I love you or I would've swooped in and stole that man right at that moment."
A giggle escaped my lips as I imagined the scene. "Okay, that would've been funny." I paused and chewed on my finger, looking out the window. "I guess I'd be lying if I said I had zero interest in him. But it just seems so wrong right now, or ever. Getting close to a man just scares me. Being in a relationship means learning to depend on the other person and as you can see, I'm not ready for that right now."
Leena shook her head and pulled into the parking lot, turning the car off. "It may be too soon right now, but don't throw it out the window completely. I genuinely believe he is a good guy, far from being another Garrett." She placed her hand on my knee and gave it a squeeze. "As he said earlier, baby steps."
I didn't reply as I let the words bounce around my brain for a moment. I'm so focused with the present that I'm not even thinking of end goals. Of course, eventually I would learn to trust a man again, and maybe, just maybe it would end up being Brent. I couldn't just push the idea of a relationship off the grid and never even think about it as a possibility. This is a journey to gaining my normal back, as much as I could. Why would keeping that option open be such a bad thing?
"Alright girl, we need to get inside. There's a frozen pizza calling my name."
At the mention of pizza, my stomach grumbled. Leena grinned and I laughed. "I guess it's calling to me too."
We got out of the car and back into the apartment. I sat on the couch, my knees up to my chest as Leena made her way into the kitchen to get the oven preheated. I took my phone out and opened my contacts, staring at Brent's name. I rubbed my feet together anxiously and exhaled. Just do it. My thumb pressed his name, giving me the options to text, call, or video call. I pressed the message bubble and it jumped me to a blank message with a blinking cursor. My breathing grew shaky and I curled my toes into the couch cushion. Just. Fucking. Do. It. Before I could stress about it more, I started typing.
Hey. It's Sophie. I just wanted to say we got home safe and thank you again for today.
My blood ran cold as the message escapes the bar and onto the body of the message chain. Why did I do that? Oh god, why did I do that? I slammed the phone screen down on the couch and ran into the bedroom, changing into a hoodie and sweats, throwing the hood over my head, my hand in the front pocket. My feet shuffled into the kitchen to meet up with Leena. She was placing the pizza on the round stone plate. She turned as she heard me enter the room and tilted her head. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."
"I sent Brent a message."
Her eyes widened and she tossed the pizza carelessly on the stone. "What?! What did you say?"
I pointed to the couch where my phone rested and she ran out and picked the phone up, reading my message. A squeal and the pattering of feet broke the brief silence and she ran over to me. "Sophie, I can't believe you did that! I'm so proud!" She wrapped her arms around me tightly, shaking me back and forth. I stood there awkwardly and very squished when a ding came from my phone. We both froze and stared at her hand.
"Did he...?"
She pulled back and double tapped the screen, looking at the notifications. I took a peek over her shoulder and my breath halted as his name appeared. "Sophie, open it!" Leena shoved the phone into my own hands and I nearly dropped it from the nerves coursing through my veins. I took a few deep breaths and opened the message.
It was my pleasure, Sophie :) I'm glad you guys made it back safe.
"A smiley face, Sophie! A friggin' smiley face!" She squealed again and pranced in a circle.
"Leena, it's an emoji. Calm down," I chuckled.
"You cannot make me!" She screamed in my face with a huge grin and started humming the wedding march as she placed the pizza in the oven. I rolled my eyes and held my phone against my chest, leaning against the wall. A small smile forced its way onto my face as I gripped the device tighter.
A smiley face, indeed.