It's been fifteen minutes since that guy left and none of us had said a word. Noah just sat in the corner, staring at the wall with a blank expression and my heart reached out to him. He was too young to deal with this shit and yet, it's my fault he's here in the first place. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
I should've pushed Noah back inside when I had the chance. How I didn't think of that then, I really don't even know. My guess is that I was too focused on not letting my eyes off the man. Ah what a fail! Look where we ended up now. I wonder what would have happened if I went with Caleb... Would we even be in this situation now? Would it just be Caleb and I stuck here, and Noah would still be home safe? What is Dad doing at this very moment? I groaned as my thoughts drowned my senses.
"I was just thinking about something..." Caleb chuckled.
"Well let’s hear it Mr. Brains," I couldn't help but lace a little sarcasm into my words. If he thought of something, why didn't he just say it in the first place instead of wasting his breath telling us he thought of something?
"it's not a way to get out... Just a little something to lighten the mood a bit. If your father would have heard him say that stuff, he would be going ape shit right about now." He laughed. "Imagine it."
So, I did. I sat there a good three minutes just imagining what my dad might've said or done. Once I got the perfect 'ape shit' image Caleb was talking about, I couldn't help laughing along. Wrong move. I winced from the pain back from the shock and sighed. "Yeah, that would be entertaining. Grab the popcorn, sit back and watch."
"But it'd be very scary at the same time," Caleb pointed out.
"Maybe for you, but Carrie and I are used to him doing that," I jumped as Noah came up beside me and took a seat. He noticed and laughed at me. I pushed him slightly and frowned.
"As much as I hate you, I agree with it. Always seems like an entertaining horror movie. Think of it being a humor show in a way."
"And that's only with Dad. If Mom heard that... Shit would be happening." Noah added softly. And just by that, I knew he missed them. I knew he was thinking he'd never see them again. But I made a promise, and I plan on keeping it with every fiber in my being. I smiled a bit, trying not to cry.
"Yeah... Never mess with mama bear. She may not seem overly aggressive, but that's because she has three sides and I've happened to see them all."
Noah chuckled. "She calls the mean one psycho mama bear. It fits perfectly." He hesitated slightly. "I wonder what they're doing right now..."
I sighed at the sadness in his voice. "Probably freaking out and calling the cops... Dad is probably pissed because he knows it's my fault..." My voice trailed off into the darkness and I pressed my cheek against the coldness of the moldy wall. I didn't even care about how disgusting it smelled or felt. The chill kept me from breaking down completely.
"Well... Dad would be more worried than pissed, I'm sure," Noah said convincingly and scooted over to face me with sympathy in his dark green eyes. He knew that I didn't always like it when our parents were pissed at me, but it’s something I couldn't help. I was just naturally a clueless child. And he was just trying to make me feel better, I could tell and that thought only made me want to break down even more.
"But still very pissed." I sighed and my stomach growled, making me frown a bit. "Damn. When's dinner?"
"Let me give you a hint... My last meal, was Sonic." Caleb groaned and I scoffed.
"Well gee. He certainly is the worst 'father' in the whole frickin' world! Expecting his 'children' to starve in concrete hell holes!" And of course, me not thinking, I slapped the wall and was welcomed with a sharp sting running up my arm. I gasped and shook my arm. "Shit!" Caleb laughed while Noah rolled his eyes. I growled quietly and walked up to the cell door and froze.
"Wait a second... If we're locked in here, there's gotta be a lock, right?" I frowned.
"Uhm.. Yeah...?" Caleb replied with that tone of 'Well no duh Sherlock'. I didn't even care that he pretty much just mocked me at that moment. Scrambling along the bars, I searched for the lock. And then we heard the most amazing sound ever. Sirens.
"You guys here that?" I bit my lip, hoping it wasn't just me.
"The police are here..." Caleb said quietly.
As if on cue, the man came walking in quickly down the hall and gathered us all together with handcuffs. The whole time, he grumbled under his breath about things I couldn't quite make out, but it didn't bother me. The only thing that bothered me as he dragged us out was that he had a tight grip that none of us could get out of. I heard Caleb swearing under his breath at his failed attempts of getting out and I had to hold back my laughter. It was useless. He should know that by now.
The man pushed the door open, stepping us out into the blazing sun. My eyes automatically close from the brightness, due to the lack of exposure to sun. I tripped and stumbled as we continued to be dragged, but then suddenly halted. There was a low, dangerous growl coming from in front of us and my body slowly stiffened, not quite sure who or what it's from.
"Let go of my children you bastard..."
Dad! I gasped and opened my eyes and looked at him desperately. He had a pistol pointed at our captive's head. On his face, was the scariest mask I have ever seen. Nothing else showing except hot white blazing anger. Dad never looked at me. Only keeping a steady gaze on the man.
"Daddy..." I whimpered softly, not even sure if he could hear me over the amused laughter coming from the man.
"Your children!?" I can pretty much hear the smirk in his voice as his grip tightened around our wrists. " Afraid not. They are my children now." And he slid the gun out of the holster and pointed it at our heads. "One move and you say goodbye to them..."
I studied my dad as the men had a stare down. He looked exhausted like he hasn't slept in days as the anger slowly melted from his face. There was a quick flash of fear that came across his face that no one would have time to identify except me. I knew my dad. I knew what he felt when he felt it. Some people find it hard to read him, but truth is, they don't look hard enough. He's one of the easiest people to read in all honesty. And that's when I had enough. Self-defense class... Don't fail me now.
I took the heel of my foot and jabbed it into his shin as hard as I could possibly accomplish in the position I was in to distract him. He yelled in pain and bent over slightly, exactly how I wanted it to play out. I smirked and kicked the gun out of his grip. During this whole thing, Dad reached out and grabbed Caleb and I, pushing us behind him. But it was too late for Noah. He was back in the grasp of the captor, the gun pressed against his temple.
"P-please d-don't hurt him..." Dad asked quietly, his voice filled with desperation. The man smirked in his victory, knowing that he was winning, and we were slowly giving in. Only, he didn't know I was far from giving in. He had my brother and that was far from acceptable.
"Take me and let him go..." I mumbled quietly, but loud enough for them to hear. My dad looked at me. I didn't look at him, afraid to see his reaction. It was most likely a mix of seriousness and heart break and I would completely lose it if I saw that. I would back down and be selfish and have him keep Noah, but I wasn't that kind of person.
"No Carrie! I won't lose you a-again." As much as his voice shook, his hand kept a steady aim with the gun at the creeper. I took a deep breath and faced my father.
"Let me do it."
His eyes narrowed a bit. "No."
I sighed quietly and looked at my brother and the man, desperation seeking in. "Please... Take me and let him go. I promise I won't do anything. Just, don't hurt him..." My voice slowly faltered for I knew I could go on and on, but that wasn't the point. The point was for me to be in my brother's position and him in mine. A smile slowly spread across his smug face and I had to hold back the shivers I got just every time I looked at it.
"Alright... C'mere." He gestured to me with his finger and I took a small step forward only to be stopped by Dad.
"No, I won't let you Carrie!" He almost screamed in my face as he tightened his grip on my arm. I growled quietly and jerked my arm away from him and looked toward my destination, hesitating slightly.
"Let him go first... Then I'll come."
He laughed amused and shook his head. "No, you come to me first."
From the corner of my eyes, I could see Dad twitch his arm, starting to reach for me but changing his mind at the last minute. He looked at me desperately and I couldn't do any more than send him an apologetic smile. I'm sorry dad... But this is something bigger than us and I'm willing to make a sacrifice.
Slowly, I made my way across the invisible bridge we created between us, pushing Noah back over to Dad, who very gladly ran over next to Caleb. He was obviously not going to stand next to the creep any longer than he had to. Not that I blamed him.
"Nice... Now we will be leaving. We have... stuff... to attend to," The nasty smirk plastered on his lips as he clung onto my arm in a death grip. I grit my teeth to hold back the yelp of pain I wanted to release, but that would be weakness. I can't show anymore than I already have. Noah let out a sob and I looked over at his terrified face as the tears drowned all features on his soft face. My dad frowned and picked him up, slowly carrying him away. I had to bite my lip to keep the tears inside. Caleb looked into my eyes with sorrow. He shoved his hands in his pockets.
"You better get out soon..." He whispered before following my dad. I nodded, even though he couldn't see it. The man grinned and started dragging me backwards back into the hell hole as I watched them walk away. A stray tear found it's way out of it's cage and I angrily blinked away the rest wanting to follow. My breath hitched in my throat as Dad looked back at me sadly before disappearing around the corner. Away from me. Away from my screaming that will never be heard as the door slammed heavily back into place, enveloping us in darkness once again.