"Seriously Nina, I had trained you better than this and you go and let yourself be taken by filthy humans. What is wrong with you?"
I rolled my eyes and played with my fingernails. We had just gotten back to base camp and as you can tell, my father was not very pleased.
"Don't roll your eyes at me young lady. Are you even listening to me?"
"Of course I am. Can't you just ground me, so I can go back to my work?"
Dad sighed and rubbed the side of his head. He moved some paper work around on his desk before finally sitting down.
"I'm having some assigned to you every day from now on. You will not leave this base, even if it is important. You have runts, use them. No go, get out of my sight, before I end up throwing things"
"Love you"
Dad humph and I left his office and went down to the common room. I spotted Sira and sat down at the table she was sitting at.
"How much trouble did you get in?"
"I have someone as a guard and I have to use my runts. Not that bad I don't think"
"You know it was a stupid idea in the first place"
"I know, and to make to make it all worse, I didn't even get a human sample. Why can't dad just give me a human. It would make everything I'm trying to do some much easier and quicker"
"Excuse me Miss Spellberg"
I turned around and saw Hal, standing behind me, giving me a weird look, obviously he heard the whole conversation.
"Hal, my friend, what can I do for you?"
"We are not friends. Your father, had me assigned to you, for some godforsaken reason"
"This is going to be perfect"
I turned to face Sira again and wiggled my eyebrows.
"Don't think about it?"
"Think about what? I'm the good, innocent daughter of the General, nothing will go wrong"
Sira raised her eyebrow and I shrugged her look off. This was going to be perfect. This is what I needed, a human guinea pig.