I watched the first stage Walker bang against the glass that separated him from me. God they were disgusting. He was half decayed and the flesh looked like it was about to fall from his bones. It made me sick the more I looked at him.
"Sedate him again"
The soldier next to me nodded his head and I heard guns click. Fifty rounds of sleep darts went into the walker before it finally stopped banging against the glass and fell to the floor.
"All right you know the rules. Watch him day and night if he wakes and goes crazy sedate him again. Do not kill him if he is in the cage. If for some reason he manages to escape, shoot him down. Is this understood?"
"Yes ma'am"
"Good, now get back to work"
I saluted the soldier and I returned back to my work station. I had so much work to do and I had no idea how long it was going to take me to analyze so much blood. I wiped a slate down and dropped a drop of the walker girls blood down and set it under the microscope.
I stared at the blood in the microscope, scratching my head in confusion. There was nothing wrong with the girl. But she wasn't a Trion or a human or walker. Where on earth did they find this one? I cleaned the slate and went back into the room, the girl was currently sitting in. I had taken enough blood from her and now I wanted answers. I stood in front of the one way mirror and watched the girl, sit and stare out of the window. I wonder if this is what it would be like if Trion's weren't accepted into the human race.
"Open the door"
"Are you sure? General Jenkins, doesn't want anyone going near the thing when it's awake"
"Just do as your told. You aren't going to disobey a direct order are you?"
"Of course not ma'am. Door opening"
I turned the door handle and let myself into the room. She didn't move from her seat or face me when I closed the locked door behind me. I grabbed another chair and sat beside her. I wasn't afraid of the female ones, they are less violent than the males.
"Do you have a name?"
I asked a question I didn't think she was going to answer. We sat in silence for a moment before she turned to face me.
"In the lab they called me 9832"
"What lab?"
"I was kept by big green men. They poked me with thin things that made my body numb. I escaped though. A walker got into the lab and he let me out.
"Did you have a name before then?"
"I think my mother called me Anna but that name is not who I am anymore"
"Who are you now?"
"I don't know but they made me into something different. They said I would be the cure"
It finally clicked into place. I knew what the humans were trying to do. I placed a hand on the girls shoulder and gave it a squeeze. I made a signal and the door was opened again. I went down into the conference room and gave the elders a quick call. The three screen flashed up with not so happy faces.
"What is it?"
"You know not to call without an appointment"
"I know what the humans are trying to do. I have figured it out"
The faces of the elders turned from anger to shock and the conference room was silent.
"Well what is it child?"
"They are upgrading the human body until they are exactly like us. Immune"