No Plagiarism!zx9kDU9GrlH9wp9JY69Tposted on PENANA Thinking of the future sometimes makes me blue because well, I never know if my dreams for it will be able to become my true reality. I'm in love with not one but two, something most people frown upon, but honestly I wouldn't leave either of them no matter what. No matter the reason no matter anything they are the people I will love forevermore. I know at least one of them will probably see this and read it. They are my saving grace, they show me what they see in me that I can't see in myself. They show me true love when no one else I've been with ever has. My dreams of the future involve them. They involve living with them and going out with them and a bunch of fun things we can do together. But most of all my dreams of the future involve growing old with them and spending my life with them by my side.