- - Wade - -843Please respect copyright.PENANAE3oP1qYKPy
843Please respect copyright.PENANAp4v5Tmu9a8
He hid behind the wall, gun held steady in his hands as several other men took turns, firing down the hall and reloading weapons.843Please respect copyright.PENANA57Cx5fvxEt
843Please respect copyright.PENANAaJFqKpzEyn
“Wait.” Wade whispered, holding up a hand in a closed fist. They ceased fire.843Please respect copyright.PENANA3PeRxAYJ40
843Please respect copyright.PENANAdsVHnhA0Ng
“Don’t fire! If you come out my men will put their weapons away!”843Please respect copyright.PENANA14C8uMzS5H
843Please respect copyright.PENANAKvoZ7TIiQs
“Too late for that Laddie! You’re gonna get it worse than Billy ever did!” Jack’s voice ran through the air and Wade frowned, heart skipping a beat. Jack had betrayed him.843Please respect copyright.PENANAiaXecI90Xy
843Please respect copyright.PENANA65Y4NOawE0
“So, you joined the traitor Jack?” Wade’s voice was soft, but it bounced down the hall, echoing in the small chamber they were in, and the question was met with a pause.843Please respect copyright.PENANAbzNwTQGl4w
843Please respect copyright.PENANAShHdAagAmT
“Aye! Mark don’t steal girls! You’ve lost it buddy! The Wade I supported before isn’t ‘ere anymore!” Jack shouted back, and the sound of a gun being cocked reached his ears. His men started firing again, and Wade popped around the corner, firing two shots at where Mark was hiding before hiding behind the wall again.843Please respect copyright.PENANAIltzwxCHEZ
843Please respect copyright.PENANAqBkEn2soWx
- - Mark - -843Please respect copyright.PENANAu0WJIEgDU5
843Please respect copyright.PENANAUBTRyp8fy2
His heart pounded and for a moment he just wanted to launch him in the spray of bullets, he would never again have to worry about anything. He shook his head, taking a deep breath through his mouth. He needed to relax and focus on taking out the assailants.843Please respect copyright.PENANAnjWFyuetzd
843Please respect copyright.PENANASVc4MHudK7
“Stop! I’ll come out if you stop!” He suddenly shouted, a plan forming very clearly in his mind. Jack stared at him, eyes wide.843Please respect copyright.PENANA9eTWqSJVb9
843Please respect copyright.PENANA64mjE9ZbTi
“What ‘re ya doing?” He growled quietly, and he held up a finger, placing it over his lips. The spray of bullets stopped, and Mark shakily stood up.843Please respect copyright.PENANALs5bgoYko7
843Please respect copyright.PENANAAwkWcmYVaC
“Do you have any weapons?” Wade shouted back, and Mark was able to peak around the corner to see that everyone was hiding behind the wall. He reached down to Jack.843Please respect copyright.PENANAU8N3OFZy3U
843Please respect copyright.PENANAqKXddnXvTw
“No!” Jack placed the gun in his hand and Mark switched it with the machete. Mark stood tall and turned the safety on the gun off, hiding his hand behind his back. Wade’s foot stepped out and then Wade himself followed.843Please respect copyright.PENANAcfrZKe491t
843Please respect copyright.PENANAQ351oKrgF9
“Why did you surrender?” Wade asked.843Please respect copyright.PENANAMS0bz4l1Si
843Please respect copyright.PENANAxjAE4ReJcX
”Cause I knew that the only way to win is to take you out.” Mark said, raising the gun.843Please respect copyright.PENANAbPzU3PGupY
843Please respect copyright.PENANAmSst736Ppe
- - You - -843Please respect copyright.PENANAdLSzEVMoX3
843Please respect copyright.PENANABlTlz7ZwNr
You had safely made it out without needing to kill anyone, thankfully. But you were sort of wishing you had come across Wade, cause boy would you of liked to have had a word or two with him.843Please respect copyright.PENANAiH7uptRPri
843Please respect copyright.PENANA0OcIOlJVp7
‘Yea right, like I would’ve used words.’ You thought to yourself, the arrow that was once in your bow in the sheath and the bow held tightly in your hand, your arm swinging side to side as ‘Mark’ pulled you farther and farther away from the place you were trapped in.843Please respect copyright.PENANABUhkwFikFS
843Please respect copyright.PENANAhRVitVJEbC
“Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?” He asked, and you noticed the voice change. His voice was deep, yes Mark’s was as well, but this persons voice was just the slightest bit too deep.843Please respect copyright.PENANAMSJgyyOYF7
843Please respect copyright.PENANAIaUPcWDwAp
“I’m fine Mark. He didn’t do anything, the worse he did was give me rope burns.” You reassured, feeling the slight throb in your wrists and ankles. He nodded and you swallowed thickly, letting your head rest against his chest as he continued walking.843Please respect copyright.PENANAheeqXJkazt
843Please respect copyright.PENANAbX2aw1WDw5
“Are we returning to our place?” I asked, not looking up at him. His heart skipped a beat and you held back a smile, you had frightened him, which only confirmed that he wasn’t Mark.843Please respect copyright.PENANA23zmaim4CO
843Please respect copyright.PENANAFpjZGr2cjo
“Of course.” He said smoothly, and your eyebrows furrowed just the slightest.843Please respect copyright.PENANA7S5O0wbQZG
843Please respect copyright.PENANA1zzoGZ5iIr
‘Damn, if I hadn’t heard the skip of his heartbeat I probably would’ve thought that I was over reacting.’ You thought to yourself, wiggling your toes.843Please respect copyright.PENANArUWPR0cRPO
843Please respect copyright.PENANA4D3GwnKxm1
“I can walk you know.” Your tone made you flinch. You would’ve never spoken to Mark like that, well you did before that was when you first met, but now it was different.843Please respect copyright.PENANAPKTvdDzC8P
843Please respect copyright.PENANARTtN4PBWZ2
“Are you sure you’re alright? You’d never use that tone with Ma- me.” He corrected himself so quickly you doubted for a moment that he had said Mark, but your head snapped up so you could glare up at him. His steps faltered as he came to a stop, and you forced yourself to breathe normally.843Please respect copyright.PENANACx8FU2bvtb
843Please respect copyright.PENANAeVjSoUI4Os
“Who are you?” You asked after a moment of silence, and he let out a sigh, his head sagging and his eyes closing, almost as if he was disappointed.843Please respect copyright.PENANAYKS9UuQiws
843Please respect copyright.PENANA78lmM3XOAP
“Oh (F/n) (f/n) (f/n), if only you had pretended.” He said, and his voice was totally different. It was deep, soft, the only think you could think of when you thought at all was that his voice reminded you of dipping an apple slice in peanut butter. It was crisp, cold, but it was smooth and left you wanting more. ((I have a weakness for fruits dipped in peanut butter…))843Please respect copyright.PENANAI6IEVC7aP8
843Please respect copyright.PENANAZnzUsBzKrt
“W-who are you?” You stuttered out through the fog in your mind. He was a demon, you needed to get away.843Please respect copyright.PENANAjjfLldg3z4
843Please respect copyright.PENANAMB9nOjEMoa
“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I won’t get any benefits out of it. So you are safe with me.” He said, and your other hand, which wasn’t holding your bow, clenched into a fist, knowing you were stuck into going with him, whether you wanted to or not.843Please respect copyright.PENANAti2Aa3gSDy
843Please respect copyright.PENANARvQWHyprLY
“Answer me! Who are you?” You snapped, your voice threatening to rise, which would be bad for both of you. He glared down at you, his black eyes glinting behind his glasses.843Please respect copyright.PENANAUNgzdsSrvQ
843Please respect copyright.PENANAXA5Hgk4Aee
“Shut up and I’ll tell you! Damn! Everyone who knows me calls me Dark.” He said, winking down at you. Despite the situation your cheeks turned pink and you growled in your throat, clenching your teeth.843Please respect copyright.PENANAKxtoPviLeb
843Please respect copyright.PENANAXRdosPB0Hd
“Set me down.” He scoffed.843Please respect copyright.PENANA7yTrXO2RLq
843Please respect copyright.PENANAlYTeYSX5In
“Can you walk yet? Cause if I set you down, and you land on your face…” He trailed off and his chest rumbled and you curled your lip again, your hand holding the bow turning white.843Please respect copyright.PENANAw7jwiCynjd
843Please respect copyright.PENANA4UqWDFRNoV
“Put. Me. Down.” You hissed quietly and he released a sigh, rolling his eyes. You let out a small yelp, your empty hand wrapping around your waist to hold your machete to your stomach. Your feet landed soundly to the ground and the shock ran up your legs and abdomen, leaving you to stumble forward and away from Dark. You caught yourself on a tree, leaning a shoulder against it and moving your machete to your hip, clipping it in place.843Please respect copyright.PENANAhrsNnfbQUc
843Please respect copyright.PENANAaN0J0wk47z
“Thank. You.” You said coldly, taking a deep breath and standing up, the quiver held in his hand. He held it out, and your eyes narrowed as you took a step forward, fingers wrapping around the strap of the quiver and slipping in on your arm, resting it on your shoulder.843Please respect copyright.PENANAnzPUClMb5L
843Please respect copyright.PENANAjo1X38Fd7S
“Again. Thanks.” You muttered and he rolled his eyes.843Please respect copyright.PENANAr6tQyWggp5
843Please respect copyright.PENANAdstGzPuYw9
“If I really wanted you hurt or dead you’d be hurt or dead. Why would I save you from one hell hole when I could’ve killed you there.” He clarified and you huffed, rolling your eyes.843Please respect copyright.PENANAdSPCLRxrBV
843Please respect copyright.PENANAsSIsO83T9x
“If I don’t stop saying thank you I might put an arrow through my eye.” You said and he chuckled, stepping towards you. You took a step back, your hand reaching behind you and brushing against the bark on the tree.843Please respect copyright.PENANA79i8g3JY0m
843Please respect copyright.PENANAWvlDpGVfr4
“Don’t step closer.” You hissed, and he let out a sigh, taking a step back and letting you relax slightly.843Please respect copyright.PENANAmSuvh01ryP
843Please respect copyright.PENANAnEtBW1dS3u
“I’ll head my own way now.” You said, stepping sideways, trying to create space between you and him.843Please respect copyright.PENANASFDkRlZJmD
843Please respect copyright.PENANALcrkll67t4
“Careful, you still are wounded, and the injection they gave you earlier still has traces in your blood.” It was as if his words had casted a spell across you and you gritted your teeth, trying to not look weak.843Please respect copyright.PENANA0G7sfcYtwi
843Please respect copyright.PENANA3B5kzudRGr
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me. Why did you save me anyways?” You asked, fixing your strap so it rested across your shoulders and you slipped the bow into the sheath, listening to it click in.843Please respect copyright.PENANApnxtVPxTEm
843Please respect copyright.PENANAypKu25643v
“Mark probably wouldn’t have reached you in time, and if he had then you probably would’ve gotten shot or something…” Dark said, and you rolled your eyes.843Please respect copyright.PENANA5TZVifh654
843Please respect copyright.PENANAdbDpmKOrHs
“Sure that’s all. Get lost. I’m heading back to see if Mark was there.” You said and Dark cleared his throat.843Please respect copyright.PENANA0sgD1jjDWc
843Please respect copyright.PENANAHC3T6bYUGf
“He is there, but I don’t suggest going back.” He said and you snarled, storming past him, gently, yet roughly, pushing him to the side and heading back the way they came from. A sigh reached your ears and you ignored it, grinding your teeth together, twigs cracking under your feet and branches slapping against you. It stayed like that for a few minutes, dots dancing across your vision then disappearing and you continuing to rampage back to where you were kidnapped.843Please respect copyright.PENANAfUAkjIJdJO
843Please respect copyright.PENANAJEdwOQwGx6
“Careful.” He said and you ducked, realizing you were about to run into a rather thick branch. You growled, flashing a snarl back at him before continuing to trudge forward, not noticing the black dots that danced into your vision, then didn’t leave. You blinked and came to a stop, hands reaching up to rub your eyes furiously as you worked to get your vision back. You stumbled back as your legs gave out underneath you and arms wrapped themselves underneath your armpits, holding up your sagging form.843Please respect copyright.PENANAhAFzBbglUS
843Please respect copyright.PENANAt9xKIkqgig
“Don’t… say…” Your voice faded off into a groan and he let out a sigh, gently laying you down.843Please respect copyright.PENANAXMS6br3n42
843Please respect copyright.PENANAIeD3TGZNbU
“What? I told you so? Nah, I’ll wait till you can actually fight back.” He said and your head rolled and you faintly stared up at him, eyes fluttering shut as you sagged into him and the ground, thoughts flickering before darkening, leaving you to drift off into sleep. 843Please respect copyright.PENANAcpuKtViKC0
843Please respect copyright.PENANAah0RjiUlNw
I wonder what's going on with Mark, Wade, and Jack, eh, we'll find out in the next chapter!!! tell me what you guys think please!! !