Ch. 7
- - You - -
When you awoke you found yourself laying on something soft, a book bag under your head. Slowly you sat up, groaning from the pounding in your skull, and looked around. A few feet away Dark was sleeping, snoring softly while his glasses rested low on his nose. You noticed you were lying on his jacket, and it had been his book bag you had rested your head on.
"He goes out of his way to make me hate his generosity." You muttered sourly while standing up. A small wave of dizziness crashed over you and you stumbled, your hand reaching out and grabbing a tree.
"N- huh? Oh! You're awake! I bandaged your wounds and you need to drink some water, and eat some dried fruit." He said, and you looked down at him, silently cursing him. He stood and walked forward, grabbing his book bag and opening it, grabbing a water bottle and pulling it out, and holding it out to you. You gently took the plastic bottle, leaning your back against the tree and opening the bottle. The second you put the lip of the bottle to your lips you knew he would receive back an empty bottle. He grabbed the dry fruit and looked up at you and watched as you finished off the bottle, chuckling quietly as he watched you.
"Wow. Maybe you need more than a bottle." He said, and you rolled your eyes, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and closing the bottle, trading it with the dried fruit.
"Whatever." You grumbled, opening the fruit pack and starting to munch on the fruits. It felt great, you felt rejuvenated after three bites. After seven you swore you'd never be able to eat anything but dried fruit, and you munched happily. When the bag was empty you held the trash out to Dark, who took it while grumbling about women and pigs.
"At least I'm a pig for food and not men." You clarified, and Dark laughed, he actually laughed, leaving you quiet and shocked.
"What?" He asked, and you blinked slowly.
"I-It's nothing really. I mean, you just laughed-" He chuckled, cutting you off.
"So now the 'bad' guys aren't allowed to laugh. You do know that I'm human too right?" He asked softly, and you blinked, noticing that he had set his bag down and stepped closer to you. You didn't move, heart pounding in your chest.
"Yea. I know right? Me, human? Crazy!" He mocked quietly, now standing directly in front of you, staring down at you. You looked slightly, noticing you were a few inches shorter than him. His right hand came up and rested gently on your cheek, his thumbing running across your cheekbone.
Involuntarily you leaned into his touch, eyes closing as you did so. He faintly smiled, not that you noticed though.
"See. Still human." He said, and you jumped back slightly, realizing what you had done. The smile disappeared.
"Just because I come from Mark, doesn't make me any less a person. Now, I don't act like him much, but I'm the side of him that does things he's either to afraid to do, or he can't bring himself to do, and not out of fear." His breath washed across your reddening cheeks and you picked up the scent of copper and something fruity.
"Y-you're suppose to be the bad guy! You're suppose to be the person that I have to save Mark from, the person w-who I defeat because the world needs a protagonists that keeps her head straight! You're suppose to be my enemy, someone who I will never feel compassion or guilt towards, Dark! You're suppose to be that person I can't kill no matter how hard I try unless I close my eyes when I do it!" You rambled on, hyperventilating while your heart raced in your chest. Dark's hand rested gently on your shoulder and you slightly flinched, noticing that tears were pricking at your eyes while you had waited for his response.
"Don't cry." He said softly, and you gritted your teeth, the hot tears leaving tracks on your face.
"What am I suppose to do! Everything is falling apart! I-I-" You stuttered to a stop, head bowing as you started to cry. Dark gently pulled you into his chest, a hand resting on your back while the other went through your hair. You weakly punched his chest.
"I'm supposed to hate you." You whispered. He stayed silent as he ran a hand through your hair, a look of concentration falling over his face.
"You know how I said I'm the side of Mark, the side that does things Mark would be too afraid to do?" He asked after a moment and you nodded in his chest, face still hidden.
"Look at me." He said, and you looked up at him, blinking several times to clear up your eyes. His hand rested gently on your face and wiped away the tears.
"I mean that. You can't think normally, how you would think with Mark, you would have to think about what he wouldn't do, and apply that I would do that." He said, and you pulled away, taking a deep breath. You turned, doing a quick mental check for all your items before storming away, and you willed the tears away, you didn't like crying, never have, and it annoyed you.
"Hey! What's with you! One minute you're crying and the next you're storming away!" Dark cried out and you cringed, looking around to make sure there were no zombies before continuing back to where Mark was supposed to be. You heard a loud groan of annoyance but kept moving forward. Dark didn't have to protect you, you could do it yourself. You've done it before.
"Wait up." He grumbled behind you, and you nearly jumped five feet into the air, holding in a scream as you took a deep breath through your nose. You turned around and Dark look like he was about to piss himself with laughter.
"I swear to fucking god Dark, do that again and I'll castrate you for free!" You snarled quietly and Dark quietly bubbled with laughter, covering his mouth as he did so. You rolled your eyes and turned around, not hearing the sound of snapping twigs and groans from around you. You rubbed your face and something touched your arm. You jumped away in shock, and turned to face Dark, snarling.
"Da-" It wasn't Dark. It was a zombie. You finally heard the groans and sounds of snapping twigs and let out a deep breath, pulling out your machete and embedding it in its' skull, before pulling the blade back out and watching it's body slump to the ground.
"DARK!" You cried out as you noticed more coming out of the trees. Hurried footsteps and two kills from you later Dark was by your side, his own machete pulled. Your hand reached behind and grabbed the dagger you had placed in the sheath on Dark's belt and your hand flew forward, releasing the dagger into a zombie's skull. The zombie fell and you heard Dark shout something, and to play it safe you ducked right as he turned around, taking out one way too close for comfort. ... Then again with zombies there is no such thing as far enough for comfort.
"Careful!" You shouted, making a clean swipe in your low position to chop a zombie's foot off. The zombie fell forward and you slammed your blade in its skull, pulling it out then standing up, taking the side Dark was fighting on before and Dark taking the side you had been fighting on.
'We work together more than I would like.' You thought while taking out another zombie. Dark was silent, and you felt fear welling up in your chest. You guys weren't going to make it.
"I know!" He said, and you swallowed your tears. You would go down fighting. Hard. You let out a snarl, swinging your machete so hard it cut clean through two zombies and got stuck in the third, killing three zombies in one swing. A hand grabbed your wrist and helped remove the blade from the third zombie and you grunted thanks before turning and killing a zombie in front of Dark. He took care of behind you while you focused on in front of you.
"HEY! GUYS!" You heard a familiar voice shout and your heart picked up speed.
"Sort of busy!" You cried back, tears of relief pricking at your eyes. You took out another in front of you.
"This way!" Dark said, grabbing your upper arm and wrenching you towards him. You turned and followed Dark through the gap he had created, and you spotted Mark with someone else a few feet to the left.
"Later! Let's get to safety first!" Dark said, his voice colder than steel in the artic, and you looked to him, noticing the glint of anger. You paused but nodded determinedly, pulling away from Dark and running. Mark and his friend eventually appeared beside you, running along your side. The only sound you could hear was ragged breaths from the four of you, the pounding of feet against the dirt, and the pounding of your heart in your ears.
"S-stop!" Dark said weakly, and you guys slowed down before coming to a stop. Your legs felt like jelly and you couldn't catch your breath even if you could snap your fingers and catch your breath. You stumbled sideways and Dark caught you before you could actually fall.
"She needs water." Was all he said and he carefully crouched down, setting you on the ground so that you were leaning against him. Mark's friend pulled out a water bottle and walked up to you, crouching down right beside you and gently placing the bottle in your hand. You took it and unscrewed it, nodding your thanks before downing the whole thing in ten seconds flat. Mark was glaring at Dark, which you noticed, and as soon as you got your energy back you stood up and away from Dark, leaning on Mark's friend slightly for support.
"(Y/n)." You said to Mark's friend, holding out a hand for him to shake.
"Jack, or Sean, either one works." He said, grabbing your hand in a firm shake.
"Now how come you're leaning on me?" He asked, and you finally noticed his Irish accent.
"Because you're neutral. Mark, and Dark, aren't." Jack nodded and the said duo looked up at you, confused.
"Yea! I noticed the glares. I'm not blind! Whatever you two need to work out, do it now, here." You said, finally standing on your own. Dark stayed crouched and Mark crossed his arms, glaring at the ground. You rolled your eyes storming forward and grabbing Dark's ear, dragging him up.
"OW! Ow!" He cried out as you stormed up to Mark, Dark leaning down so you wouldn't rip his ear off. Mark's eyes widened as you stopped right in front of him.
"Why am I the only one getting this treatment!" Dark whined and you shot him a glare and a growl, silencing him to whimpers as you looked up at Mark.
"Listen here you two. If you don't get whatever the hell between you out of your system you might get us all killed later on. Mark, he's staying with us, Dark, if you leave I will hunt you down for the rest of your life. Capito?" You hissed, and the duo nodded, and you let go of Dark's ear, letting him stand up and rub his ear while Mark looked at the ground, looking like a chastised little kid.
"Good. Go." You said simply, turning and walking up to Jack, standing beside Jack. Jack shuddered slightly.
"Remind me ta never get on ya nerves, ever." He whispered and you chuckled, while Mark and Dark stared at each other. After a moment you growled and rolled your eyes.
"Mark! Dark tried to kiss me!" You said suddenly, snapping them out of their staring contest. Dark's hands shot up to cover his face.
"Not TRUE!" He cried out, and Mark threw the first blow, allowing you to let out a sigh of relief as you sat down and patted the ground beside you for Jack. Jack sat down, looking confused.
"You wanted them to fight it out?" He asked and you nodded, removing your quiver and setting it in your lap, gently removing all the arrows before reaching into the case and pulling out a small cleaning rag, grabbing your bow and starting to clean it.
"Yep. Best way to let out any emotions they have against each other, and best way to let Mark get out all his other emotions from whatever happened earlier."
"He killed Wade." Jack suddenly said and you stopped, muscles rigid as your eyes steadily widened. Your throat closed and your hands started to tremble, causing you to set down your bow and the rag to clasp your hands in your lap.
"Wade's... dead?" You asked softly, voice trembling just the slightest. Jack nodded slowly and you closed your eyes, surprised at the prick of tears you felt in our eyes.
"Mark, killed him?"
"Yes." Jack said, and you took a deep breath. The only sound was the grunts and shouts of the two boys fighting, along with twigs snapping at someone getting slammed into a tree.
'Why am I sad? I didn't know Wade that well, sure before we worked together, and he was nice then, but now... he's damaged that reputation with me. He ruined it for himself.' You thought to yourself, forcing yourself to open your eyes and grab your rag and bow. You resumed your cleaning, silent. Jack watched you carefully, noting your glassy eyes, but lack of tears.
"You and Wade weren't close, were ya?" You shook your head and Jack fell silent, looking back at the boys to watch the fight.
"We were friends at one point, but right as we became friends was when I took Mark and we ran away, and I completely forgot about Wade till he showed up at my house..." You said softly, grabbing jack's attention. He looked over at you, silent.
"Before that all Wade did was send Mark to interrogate me and punish me if I broke on of their rules... Wade was the leader, Mark was their muscle, and Bob was the brain it all worked out till I showed up. I had a little bit of everything, brains, strength, and the will to lead. I was stubborn and strong headed, hot headed as well, and I'd do anything to get what I needed, sometimes what I wanted." You said, moving onto an arrow. Jack nodded but didn't say anything, hoping you'd keep speaking. You did.
"Then I got Bob killed... it wasn't on purpose. He threw his life away to save me... told me that I could change the world with a hair flip if I willed it to... his last words weren't to his two best friends, but to someone he didn't know very well. When Wade and Mark were trying to save his life while I was in the prison cell he didn't speak a single word. He wanted what he said to me to be his last words." You fell silent, working on your third arrow.
"And I always think about it, and wonder why it just doesn't add up." You said softly, and Jack knew you were done speaking.
"So Wade's death isn't that sad to ya, but Bob's was?" You nodded.
"Wade's death... it just isn't much to me, because all I know about him is an angry leader who kidnaps out of jealousy and would kill anyone to get his one and only best friend back... That's all I know." You said, and you fell silent, looking up at Mark and Dark, who were currently grappling on the ground. Both had small cuts on their face, scrapes on their arms, and probably other wounds on other places.
'He bleeds just like a human too.' You thought, noticing the red mark on Dark. You looked back at your arrows and continued cleaning, leaving the boys to their wrestling. 824Please respect copyright.PENANAxDhVO0WxhW