722Please respect copyright.PENANAEWD7kpcZOR
Leaves and branches scratched my arms, face and other parts of my body as I ran along the dark wooded forest. I didn’t know where I was going, but I was pretty722Please respect copyright.PENANAnyH36uZ0Wm
sure I was running for my life from whatever was chasing me. The air722Please respect copyright.PENANA7Y0lDoibBa
around me was cold and there was fog everywhere. The full moon had come722Please respect copyright.PENANAelZr0o53tP
up and it was as bright as ever. But its light wasn’t bright enough for722Please respect copyright.PENANAAOSTSdn5hK
it to illuminate around the forest because of the foliage of the tree722Please respect copyright.PENANA4pZ2QkE7ob
leaves above.
722Please respect copyright.PENANAQryNQg1x8r
I ran, trying to dodge every branch and jump over any fallen log blocking my path. I had fallen over a log at some point and must have badly injured my knee, but now722Please respect copyright.PENANAhvaFZFlBVp
was clearly not the time to check myself. I could feel its presence and I722Please respect copyright.PENANAfY2JNRnqtW
knew it was coming closer and closer. I could tell it wanted me. I722Please respect copyright.PENANA8o6cTqG00B
could tell it wanted to find me. I could tell it wanted to kill me.
722Please respect copyright.PENANAEXsOKsH25D
Whenever I felt it coming closer, I would try to push myself and run a little faster. Sweat ran down my face and I was panting so much. No matter what, I couldn’t722Please respect copyright.PENANAoqAP9kTTkY
stop running and I wasn’t planning on doing so any way.
722Please respect copyright.PENANAK801us0o3a
This was just like those American horror or Africa Magic movies about witchcraft I had watched. I never thought I would be going though whatever happens in such movies in my life. Everything's so real and my heart pumped so fast that the722Please respect copyright.PENANAA8irbQCwhL
adrenaline that spread throughout my body had kept me going for what722Please respect copyright.PENANArdXuRbeeRw
seemed liked hours.
722Please respect copyright.PENANAOB7qPwQNG1
All of the sudden, I felt something grab my waist and draw me a few steps back. I found myself pinned to the bark of a tree. For a moment, I thought whatever722Please respect copyright.PENANAeK7HVvQjd4
was after me had finally caught me. Before I could scream, a hand722Please respect copyright.PENANAFi67sfaIhi
quickly covered my mouth and I could tell I was with a person, but it722Please respect copyright.PENANAZur4akvobr
was too dark to even see who it was. I could tell it was a man because I722Please respect copyright.PENANA6R5heG4xxM
could make out the person’s physique even in the darkness. I could feel722Please respect copyright.PENANA5wkjkF7sgJ
his other strong arm pin my whole body with my back against the tree722Please respect copyright.PENANAOvXGh6KgzF
that I couldn’t even move. The hand he used to cover my mouth was722Please respect copyright.PENANAImLF7Smf9b
quickly withdrawn. He put up his index finger and placed it to his lips722Please respect copyright.PENANAcFVdkGApCD
obviously telling me to be quiet. I silently nodded, and for once, my722Please respect copyright.PENANAnUtkpseEFx
breathing slowed down and I felt my body relax a little. I could tell722Please respect copyright.PENANA853T3Q3HZ8
that no matter what, this man in front of me was only trying to protect722Please respect copyright.PENANAD3UHDeeqMx
me, but that didn’t mean I had forgotten about the danger around us.
722Please respect copyright.PENANAWROdmJTk8U
A chilling sensation came over me. The feeling became stronger and I knew it was coming closer. The man still had me pinned to the tree and he just waited in722Please respect copyright.PENANAX2UZWr5lnF
silence. Then a black shadow passed us and it was moving as fast as I722Please respect copyright.PENANAkzoN9FRfzt
could have ever imagined. The shadow was going to catch me, no doubt722Please respect copyright.PENANAbrfagSvpHh
about that. Thank goodness the man came before anything happened.
722Please respect copyright.PENANADlGw6FHb86
A few seconds later, the chilling sensation had subsided and I couldn’t help but feel relived. The man’s hand that held me to the tree loosened and he took me by the722Please respect copyright.PENANAaP326jBYen
hand and dragged me along with him to wherever we were going. He didn’t722Please respect copyright.PENANAZ8QdeyoKno
say a single word to me and it was best to keep quiet in these forests,722Please respect copyright.PENANAZWZMapZHwB
just in case the shadow ever found us. We soon came upon an open area722Please respect copyright.PENANAtfYW3DyoFY
with a few trees around, the moon shone brightly over us and I could see722Please respect copyright.PENANAH8DJaZRjin
the man’s back but not his face. As I continued to look at him, I722Please respect copyright.PENANAwjLakQXE0W
couldn’t help but feel that I know him. I wanted to see his face so722Please respect copyright.PENANA4i1lfRnaiW
badly and curiosity took the better of me: I spoke.
722Please respect copyright.PENANAJBGunjreB9
“Do I know you?” I asked.
722Please respect copyright.PENANAKaJUgbvnM5
The man stopped walking and I bumped into his back. I felt his body go rigid because of my question. I hoped I hadn’t upset him. He was the only key to getting out722Please respect copyright.PENANASxg0knxFOd
of here.
722Please respect copyright.PENANAcXvnQgBc1e
“Now isn’t the right time for this,” he whispered, “and you better stop talking. We aren’t safe here.”
722Please respect copyright.PENANAbWwp1u6wja
“I just wanted to know who are you, that’s all,” I whispered. “I want to thank you for what you did for me back there.”
722Please respect copyright.PENANAmWlSWJLUcx
“Don’t thank me; we aren’t out of the forest yet.”
722Please respect copyright.PENANAnGIcbJ0RP4
I couldn’t help but say, “You sound very familiar, do I know you?”
722Please respect copyright.PENANANAN8ShzTQG
For a moment there was only silence and all I could do was stare at the back of the man who had saved me. He sighed out heavily and he finally spoke:
722Please respect copyright.PENANA8S8DaZ6igk
“Knowing you, you aren’t going to give up so easily, asking the same question just to annoy me. You’re always so persistent and stubborn, Diana.”
722Please respect copyright.PENANATAlHOF8xvI
It was now my turn for my body to go rigid. I stared at him with shock. How did he know my name? How did he know I was persistent and stubborn? I needed answers.722Please respect copyright.PENANA9KZRVEL8qa
And I needed them right away.
722Please respect copyright.PENANA9TCgNmkIdC
I didn’t have to ask the questions that were running around my head as the man immediately turned to face me. My jaw suddenly dropped and I couldn’t help but feel722Please respect copyright.PENANAlQrYJRRAxA
surprised and yet again happy when I saw his face. But some things722Please respect copyright.PENANAO2FFbacDWS
weren’t adding up though. How did he know where to find me in the first722Please respect copyright.PENANAEpH0QbA8l6
722Please respect copyright.PENANAb1dnWxzVJs
And why of all people did it have to be him?
722Please respect copyright.PENANA2K0S5V9LzP